Chapter 346
Ah Bao curled his lips indifferently, is that kid Ye Tiancheng more fun? After returning home, he must play with him for [-] rounds.

After Ye Feimo and Wen Nuan left, Ye Hailan came back with Ye Kelan and Jun Wuyou, looked at the man on the ground and shook his head sadly, it was a human life after all, why must he not cherish it so much?
"A Bao, let's go!" Ye Hailan said softly.

Ah Bao pointed to the man on the ground and asked, "What about this scumbag? Don't you care?"

Ye Hailan looked forward and sneered, "That's it, he has learned a lesson just now, and he has lost both fame and fortune now, and he will never get better in the future. Besides, Tian Bo was not injured because of him, or even stayed. What kind of psychological shadow is cast, get over it, let's get over it!"

After speaking, Ye Hailan held Ye Kelan's hand, looked at her with a slight smile and said, "Let's go back, this time, I will take you flying!" Then she took Ye Kelan's hand and walked towards Ye's house. It was not too slow to fly back.

It is natural to look at the scenery on the way, and the 360-degree all-round view is naturally to be lived up to by taking a good look.

Ever since Ye Hailan married Jun Wuhen, she never killed anyone at will, but let them go after teaching them a lesson to a certain extent, but if the crime was heinous, she would still not be merciful.

For this time, Wen Tianbo has nothing to do, the director has also learned a lesson now, and the future will definitely not be easy. It is better to let him die than to let him live. Anyway, he is better than dead.

Seeing that Ye Hailan and Ye Kelan had both flown away, Jun Wuyou pouted at Abao and asked cutely, "Uncle Abao, do you want to go back with me?"

A Bao looked at the director and sighed, then shook his head and walked towards Jun Wuyou, and when he walked in front of Jun Wuyou, he said with a smile: "Go, brother Abao will take you flying!"

After Ye Feimo and Wen Nuan got into the car with Wen Tianbo, they started the car directly. Wen Nuan asked suspiciously: "Sister, they haven't come down yet, shouldn't we wait for them to go back together?"

Ye Feimo replied: "No need, they know how to go back, maybe even faster than us."

Nuan Nuan nodded in confusion, but since Ye Feimo said so, and the scene she saw just now was simply too unreal, so when they went back, they should be flying, probably faster than the speed of the car There are many.

After this incident, Nuan Nuan's attitude towards Ye Hailan has obviously changed. The fear and admiration from the bottom of my heart are scenes that only exist in fairy tales. Today, she can actually witness this miracle with her own eyes. A person with great power, if she doesn't worship, it is estimated that she is not normal.

No wonder Ye Feimo always asked her to improve the relationship with Ye Hailan in the past. Is it because of this reason?
Whether it's because of this or not, she has to establish a good relationship with Ye Hailan now.

On the way back, Nuan Nuan was puzzled all the time, and when he was about to get home, he asked, "Fei Mo, who is your sister? Why is she like that..." Nuan Nuan paused, trying to find someone in her mind. Words to describe Ye Hailan's words, but I don't know if her brain short-circuited all of a sudden, she didn't think of how to describe it for a long time.

"...Is it amazing?" Ye Feimo asked.

Wen Nuan nodded, her voice was still a little surprised, obviously she hadn't recovered from what happened just now, "By the way, why is your sister so magical? Or is it true that there are ghosts and gods in this world?"

Ye Feimo shook his head, "I don't know the reason, I just know that my sister was born a weirdo. She only stayed in my mommy's womb for seven months, and at that time my mommy was poisoned. I was pregnant with my sister under the circumstances, and I couldn't keep it. But who knew that I managed to keep it, and I still live to this day."

Ye Feimo will be amazed when he mentions Ye Hailan's deeds now, "I still remember my mother told me that my sister was very young when she was born, but she could talk on the seventh day. And I am three years younger than my sister She is a year old, but she is a head taller than my sister. I thought she could only grow to 1.5 meters at most. We also accepted that there is a hobbit like her in the family, but fortunately, she has a fiancé, and she is not worried about getting married. No going out. It’s just that after more than 20 years, she’s actually taller than my sister-in-law at 1.7m[-], I can’t believe it!”

Nuan Nuan silently spoke for Ye Hailan, and asked cautiously: "So, do you despise your sister? Whether it was before or now?"

Ye Feimo shook his head and denied, "She is my real sister, my only real sister, how could I dislike her? It's too late to love her. One day with her, I don't have to worry about you being kidnapped and hurt , but it doesn’t matter if you get injured, as long as my sister is there, you can be alive and kicking again in a few seconds.”

"It sounds like you still admire your sister." Nuan Nuan concluded.

Ye Feimo shook his head and sighed, "If my sister would let me dissect her, I think I would admire her even more." He said with a cruel smile on his face.

Warm and speechless, once again silent for Ye Hailan, with such a brother who wants to dissect herself anytime and anywhere, how big is the shadow area in her heart?Probably about the same area as the oceans on Earth!

And seeing Ye Feimo like this, if one day he had a whim, would he dissect her while she fell asleep one night?She said that even if she was awake, she couldn't resist Ye Feimo!

Ye Feimo saw Nuan Nuan's disgusting eyes from the rearview mirror, touched his mouth and cleared his throat uncomfortably, and explained: "Nuan Nuan, don't worry, I'll grab you a big one on the street. A woman is not interested in dissection, so far the only people who have given me the idea of ​​dissection are my brother and sister."

Warm and speechless, who made such a sin to give birth to such a heartless child, his parents probably regretted giving birth to him in the first place!
Seeing that Nuan Nuan seemed to have nothing to say to him, Ye Feimo sweated silently, thinking about how he could restore his tall, mighty, caring and normal image in front of Nuan Nuan.

But it seems that I can't save it. Ye Ningyuan doesn't need to be dissected. After all, he can also be like Ye Ningyuan, but Ye Hailan must be dissected. After all, people like Ye Hailan in this world There are really a few people, if you don't dissect her, I don't know how long it will be until the next one, what if he accidentally dies by then?
(End of this chapter)

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