Chapter 347
Well, Ye Feimo's dissection of Ye Hailan's virtue has been going on for decades!

But keeping this wish for decades, Ye Feimo still perseveres, but he has no chance to dissect Ye Hailan, if there is such a day, Ye Feimo will be Ye Feimo if Ye Hailan does not dissect lucky.

At the same time, I silently mourned for Ye Hailan for having such a crazy younger brother for 3 minutes.

For Ye Kelan, this day was like a roller coaster ride. Fortunately, her heart is strong enough to hold on.

Then it’s flying in the sky. It’s so cool when there is no gravity. If there is a chance, I will let my aunt or An Ning take me to fly a few more times. But starting tomorrow, I will work in An Ning International and officially enter the workplace. in women's lives.

God, how I wish Gu Yumo could propose to me quickly, so that I can take my wedding leave.

But when I think of how vigorously Gu Yumo was chasing him, now that he has chased him, he suddenly slows down. We have been together for four years, but now the elder brother and sister-in-law are only one marriage certificate away. An Xia and Nangong Yi Yi got her marriage certificate, but the couple she and Gu Yunmo have been dating for the longest time are fine, they have nothing to do except meeting a parent.

Ye Kelan really felt a little uncomfortable, and no matter who experienced it, he would feel uncomfortable.

Ye Kelan went to bed at ten o'clock tonight because she had to go to Anning International the next day. She is a leader after all, so she should go to work in the best state no matter what!
Although she went to bed early, Ye Kelan still woke up at five o'clock. Running for two hours every morning has been her habit for many years, and today is no exception.

It's just that although Ye Ningyuan still knows how to exercise after retirement, he rarely gets up so early to exercise. Today is an exception, so he and Ye Kelan went out at almost the same time.
When Ye Kelan saw Ye Ningyuan coming out wearing the same beige sportswear as her, she immediately rushed over with a smile on her face, with a cute smile, "Daddy, did you go out for a run with my baby on purpose because you got up so early? "

Ye Ningyuan smiled and nodded, raised his hand to touch the top of Ye Kelan's head, and said softly: "Yes, baby is going to work in Anning International, although he is a vice president, but Daddy knows that your second uncle must After you took office, you took your wife and son to travel around the world. Daddy loves my baby and won't have time to run with him in the future, so I got up early today to go for a run with my baby. "

Ye Kelan raised the corners of Yang's mouth proudly, patted her chest, and said proudly: "It's okay, if the second uncle is not here, I won't be here. I am Daddy's daughter, and I have learned everything from Daddy. I know the number one terrorist organization." It can be easily controlled, a peaceful world, how can it be rare for me, Daddy's precious daughter?"

Ye Ningyuan nodded heavily, agreeing with what Ye Kelan said, "Well, baby is right." He put his arm around Ye Kelan's shoulder, and jokingly said, "Let's go, let's run [-] laps first!"

Ye Kelan responded with a grin, "Let's go!"

When Jinyi opened her eyes, she took out her mobile phone and checked the time. It was already 10:30, and she woke up so late at someone else's house on the first day. Will they have any objections to her then?

What made her even more melancholy was that Ye Tianyu was smiling seductively beside her, and his eyes were so clear. From this look, he knew that he must have woken up long ago, but why didn't he wake her up?
Jin Yi burst into tears without a word, accusing Ye Tianyu with a bitter face: "It's all your fault, you don't know how to wake me up when you wake up, what if your parents have something against me?"

Ye Tianyu nodded in agreement, "That's right. But since my daddy and mommy knew that you slept with me last night, they must know what we were going to do last night. It's normal if you can't get up today. Yes. Don't worry, they won't have a problem with you."

Jinyi smiled wryly, thinking about it, she didn't go back to school last night, because Ye Tianyu drank a little wine last night, Ye Kelan has to get up early to go to work tomorrow, Ye Ningyuan and Ye Chen can't be bothered, what There is a reason for the elders to send the younger ones!
In this way, she can only stay overnight at Ye's house.It's just that she never thought that the room arranged for her by the Ye family would be Ye Tianyu's room. She was a little speechless at the time and proposed to change the room, but a word promised by Ye Tianyu's mother made her face swell. Instantly became popular.

What is it called: "There are so many strawberries on your neck, don't tell me that you and Tianyu have nothing to do with each other."

That's obviously because she accidentally drank the wrong thing, that's why such a thing happened.

What else is it called: "Since you two have that relationship now, let's sleep together, I'm still waiting to hold my grandson!"

Although she is a little older than Ye Kelan, she is not yet 21 years old, and she is still in college. Although she is already a junior, she still has more than a year of student life.

And her parents didn't know that she already had a boyfriend. Although her parents told her that if she had someone she liked, she could date him, but they did so with the ultimate goal of getting married.

Although Ye Tianyu is indeed excellent and his family background is extremely good, but this is too excellent!

And judging by the attitude of his father, mother and family members towards her, they would not dislike her family background.

It's just that she's really afraid that her parents won't be able to accept it for a while!

Also, what is it called: "Our house has no spare room, only Tianyu, so you must sleep here tonight!"

Jinyi didn't expect that Mama Ye, who looked so serious, would be so surprising when she said bad jokes. Who said Mama Ye didn't like to talk, she was obviously very talkative!
Is this just because how much Ye's mother talks depends on who the matter is about?
If this is the case, Jinyi has to admit that Mother Ye is a good mother.

But what's the matter with Ye Kelan's attitude?

When Jinyi was here alone, Ye Tianyu came in and dragged Jinyi to his cloakroom, which was even bigger than Jinyi's room at home.

When Ye Tianyu opened the cloakroom, Jinyi saw that besides Ye Tianyu's clothes, half of it was women's clothing. When Jinyi was wondering what was going on, she heard Ye Tianyu say with satisfaction : "Well, the colors of these clothes are quite suitable for you, but the efficiency of Lan's work is really very good."

(End of this chapter)

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