Chapter 349
"Auntie's words are rare. Shall we get married right away? If you don't want to go because you don't like the trouble of queuing, you can do it at home. I can move your spouse with a few fingers." I have my name." Ye Tianyu sat down and put his arm around Jinyi's shoulders to discuss with her.

Jinyi shook her head, bit her fork and said, "Tianyu, my parents don't even know that I have a boyfriend. Besides, I'm only in my third year of college, and I haven't graduated yet, and I don't want to get married yet. Besides, you It is illegal to pour into the country's network, and you will be arrested and imprisoned, and I will not visit you at that time." Inserting a piece of bread into his mouth.

"Don't worry, they won't be able to catch me. If I were to go to jail, I would probably have been caught more than ten years ago." Ye Tianyu said half-truthfully, raised his head and smiled at Ye Hailan, "Really? ,aunt?"

Ye Hailan's mouth was full of fruit, she nodded in satisfaction, and said solemnly: "Little Jinyi, let me tell you, Tianyu is a kid who commits crimes all day long, but those gangsters have never caught him, even the I haven’t even seen what his face looks like. Let me tell you quietly, he is an internationally wanted criminal, and anyone who helps the idiots to catch him will be offered a reward of one billion dollars!”

Jinyi looked up at Ye Hailan in surprise, and said in disbelief: "Auntie, can you stop teasing me? How could someone like Tianyu be an internationally wanted criminal? Even if he is a wanted criminal in our country, I wouldn't believe it." .”

Ye Hailan paused, the corners of her mouth curled up, and said to Ye Tianyu: "Tianyu, let's be honest, why doesn't Xiao Jinyi believe us? It seems that when you let her know your identity, you can't let her be so I followed you for no apparent reason, do you understand?"

Ye Tianyu looked at Ye Hailan in a daze, but soon he understood what Ye Hailan meant. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Jinyi, and there should be no secrets between husband and wife. Now that they have decided to be together, then he Jin Yi has the right to know about it.

Besides, Ye Hailan is still here now, as long as she is here, he doesn't have to worry about Jinyi's safety, because Ye Hailan is absolutely invincible, no matter where she goes, she will not leave traces.

Although she is not a member of the No. [-] terrorist organization, she is closely related to the previous leaders of the No. [-] terrorist organization. He believes that if one day she is needed to contribute, she will definitely not be ambiguous.

And protecting the safety of her family is what she must do, Ye Tianyu knew this, so he looked at Ye Hailan and responded seriously.

"I see, Auntie."

Jin Yi is a little confused, what is the situation?No one would be stupid enough to admit that he is an internationally wanted criminal!

"Auntie, Tianyu, stop making trouble, this joke is not funny at all, and I will never believe it. Tianyu is so good, how could he be an internationally wanted criminal?" The last sentence was Jin Yi's low voice. It was muttered, but Ye Hailan still heard it.

Ye Hailan nodded in satisfaction, but she still had to ask some questions: "Jinyi, let me ask you, if one day you find out that Tianyu is really an internationally wanted criminal, will you still treat him like this? Will you leave him because of his identity?"

Jin Yi was about to answer, but Ye Hailan made a gesture not to let her speak, leaned over to look at Jin Yi seriously, smiled and said: "You don't have to answer me first, think about it before you go back and tell me. If there is One day, you find out that the person you love is actually an international wanted criminal who kills without blinking an eye. But he loves you, he will not hurt you and your family, and he will always be the one you love in front of you. You Will you still love him, will you be with him? I want you to think about it carefully, and then tell me the most authentic answer from the bottom of your heart."

Ye Tianyu didn't speak, but just looked into Jinyi's eyes, hoping to see her heart from her eyes, but obviously, Ye Tianyu only saw ignorance and playfulness in Jinyi's eyes.

Also, suddenly told her that the man you love is actually an international wanted criminal, how could she accept it, don't you think you are joking?
If it were on him, he would probably think that you are sick, otherwise he wouldn't have said these things.

Jin Yi nodded in bewilderment, responded, and said with some hesitation: "I know aunt, I will definitely think about it carefully, and then tell you my answer."

Ye Hailan nodded, and then told her: "Since you all know that Tianyu is an internationally wanted criminal, then I will tell you the identity of our family members in secret! Don't think that I am telling you a story, you Remember, everything I say is true!"

Jinyi was a little confused by Ye Hailan's nervousness, and she also had a feeling that Ye Hailan had something wrong with her brain, which is why she said such terrifying words?
But when Ye Tianyu was eating his food with a serious expression, Jinyi thought why this scene was so weird?Is this just her illusion?
Before she finished her doubts, Ye Hailan began to talk endlessly.

"My daddy is you, the grandfather of the two of you. Now Mingli is the chairman of Anning International, and secretly the secret master of Longmen, but now Longmen's identity has retired..."


Jinyi listened patiently, even forgot to eat breakfast, Ye Tianyu took the trouble to feed it to Jinyi mouthful, Jinyi just chewed it dullly, and then swallowed it.

This is really getting more and more mysterious. Before she came, she also checked the Ye family on Baidu. She knew that she promised to be the top anti-terrorism inspector of FBL. This is an obvious identity.

It's just that she never expected that Ye Ningyuan, who seemed very stable, would be the second-generation leader of the No. 15 terrorist organization. He had managed the No. [-] terrorist organization since he was [-] years old. organization, and married a FBL anti-terrorist top inspector as his wife, is this a game of officials and gangsters?
And Ye Kelan, who is also a core member of the senior leader of the No. [-] terrorist organization, is this a joke!Ye Kelan looks so cute, how could she be a terrorist?

Moreover, Ye Kelan's boyfriend is also an anti-terrorist inspector, and it is not necessary for the family of officials and bandits to play games.

Then there is Ye Tianyu, he is actually the current leader of the No. [-] terrorist organization, but no matter how she looks at it, Ye Tianyu is just a high IQ academic bully!
(End of this chapter)

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