When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 350 My Sister Is Used to Do Coolies

Chapter 350 My Sister Is Used to Do Coolies
Who will believe this?So Jin Yi wouldn't believe it, and it was only when Ye Hailan was telling her a story. I have to say that Ye Hailan's imagination is even more nonsensical than hers. It would be a waste of her life not to write a novel. points!
But their family has money, and they look down on the money.

Ye Hailan's hand holding the fork paused, she told the truth, why didn't she believe it?In order to make this fact a little more believable, she didn't even mention her own identity, for fear that Jin Yi would listen to it as a fantasy story.

He gave Ye Tianyu a soothing look, stood up and walked, and said, "Tianyu, I have already blew up our family, and Jinyi doesn't believe me, there is nothing I can do, I hope she won't see you killing people, otherwise I will kill you." It is estimated that her heart will not be able to accept it. Let's take it step by step, you know?"

Jinyi really wants to say, I can’t accept your unconstrained thinking anymore, it’s simply too exciting, what she said is more exciting than the novels she wrote, it seems that if you don’t have any inspiration in the future, talk to your aunt more You chat, maybe it is a lot of inspiration!
Thinking about it, she nodded in agreement to confirm her own thoughts, and let Ye Hailan hear her silently looking up at the sky, shaking her head silently, and went to lie down on the swing in the backyard to play.

"Tianyu, Auntie has such a rich imagination!" Jinyi couldn't help but sigh.

Ye Tianyu looked up at Jinyi, and really wanted to tell Jinyi seriously that what his aunt said just now was true, but seeing Jinyi's expression of disbelief, he felt it was better not to tell Jinyi the truth, just treat it as My aunt said all these things to tease Jinyi, at worst, he would protect Jinyi well and keep her from touching those dirty things for the rest of her life.

Ye Tianyu smiled, and said as if teasing: "My aunt is just teasing you, but you still have to take what my aunt said to your heart. If one day you really see it like you heard it, you will be happy." Mentally prepare."

Jinyi still looked at Ye Tianyu in a daze, but nodded obediently, but kept looking into Ye Tianyu's eyes with doubts, until Ye Tianyu smiled slightly and turned Jinyi's head to let her see Looking at the food in front of her, he even fed her a mouthful, and told her with actions, don't be dazed, it's time for her to have a good breakfast.

After breakfast, Ye Tianyu consciously took the dishes and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash, and then came to the living room to watch TV with Jinyi. Naturally, he still watched the programs of his own TV station, but after watching for a while, Ye Tianyu's phone rang. It's his job number.

Ye Tianyu was sitting next to Jinyi to connect, and after listening for a while, he said, "Hasn't Xia Xia gone back yet?"


"You can't handle such a little thing, what use do I need you?"


"Okay, I got it, I'll be back in three days. You guys just stay there for me and don't run around, or you won't want the year-end bonus at that time. Also, Xia Xia won't give up Busy urging her, I guess she has a lot of things recently."


"I see." After saying this, Ye Tianyu hung up the phone and continued to watch TV with Jinyi in his arms. What plans will there be? After the speeches one by one, it is the reporter of this station who is making the concluding remarks. Of course, a compliment to Ye Kelan is also indispensable.

"Tianyu, was the person from your company who called you just now? They were urging you to go back to work, so you're leaving in three days, right?" Jinyi turned her head and looked at Ye Tianyu with some reluctance asked.

Ye Tianyu rubbed Jinyi's hair with one hand, and kissed Jinyi's face with the other hand. It was a French kiss that almost suffocated Jinyi to death.

"There is a small problem, I need to go back and solve it, but don't worry, I will try my best to come out to accompany you." Ye Tianyu said and kissed Jin Yi's forehead, "I probably have to stay there now In the first half of the month, if you were on vacation, you would stay at home for one night, the food in the school cafeteria was not tasty and nutritious, and you were so skinny, Daddy can just make up for you when you come home."

Jin Yi pursed her lips, and said in disapproval: "It's not good for me as a junior to let the elders cook for me. Besides, you are not at home, what should I think about it when I come over?"

"Fool." Ye Tianyu smiled, "You are my woman, so naturally you are also the Ye family, what's wrong with you coming to have a meal at home? Daddy is very good at cooking, he can cook everything, and he is also very fast. You If you want to eat something big, you can talk to dad, and dad will definitely make it for you. Besides, mommy and grandma love the dishes you like, so it's just a matter of having an extra pair of chopsticks, you Don't shirk it."

Jin Yi also said something to Ye Tianyu, but Ye Tianyu waved his hand to stop her, "Okay, it's settled, I will tell Ke Lan that I will pick you up after class, but she will pick you up when the time comes If you don't, she will go home every day. But even if I don't tell her, she will take the initiative to pick you up."

Jin Yi pursed her lips and nodded reluctantly.

"I'm going to go abroad for work in three days, and I won't be back for at least half a month. Fifteen days, 360 hours, 21600 minutes, 1296000 seconds, so long, are you really willing to give up on me? Anyway I am very reluctant to part with you, I will call you every day. Then you will not go to school for these three days, just stay with me, even if you want me to make up for you, as long as you are by my side All right, okay?"

People are going to make up lessons for you, and I really can't bear him, can it be okay?

Jinyi nodded, pouted her mouth and wrinkled her face, her eyes were red, she just looked at Ye Tianyu like that, and said to him pitifully: "Tianyu, I can't bear you."

Ye Tianyu hugged Jinyi into his arms, and comforted him softly: "I don't want to part with you either, but don't worry, I will try my best to arrange my work in China and avoid going abroad. When Nianhen grows up, I will retire and travel around the world with you, okay?"

Jin Yi responded with a crying sound, and her hands holding Ye Tianyu tightened a little.

"If we get married, we can let Kelan replace me for a while. We can spend our honeymoon wherever we want, okay?" Ye Tianyu pulled Ye Kelan out very unkindly, as if she It's just a spare tire to fill in the vacancy. She seems to go wherever she is needed. What a pity for Ye Kelan, a big girl who is as beautiful as a flower and eager to marry off!
(End of this chapter)

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