Chapter 19

The summer is carried away by the old-fashioned fans, the feathers of time are flying, and the seasons have changed again.

At the beginning of school, everyone became no longer quiet.Everyone remained calm and walked the road of parting ways without any choice.The lease of the ivory tower has expired. Some people choose to take the postgraduate entrance examination, some choose to find a job, and some choose to take the civil service examination.

And love is also facing a breakup or marriage at this moment.

Many seniors and seniors have returned to being single. It turns out that the so-called love is really a luxury, beautiful and noble, but fragile.At this moment, Zhang Yang did not enter the winning camp - Xia Wei broke up with him.

The reason is very realistic——

"I just want to sit in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and drink tea, and I don't want to wash and brush in front of the stove.

I just want to enjoy sitting in a sweet car and BMW, and I don't want to squander my youth in the wind and sun.

I just want to be comfortable and happy in this life, and I don't want to invest my youth on your road to success.

Someone else loves me, and he is better than you.So, Zhang Yang, let's break up. There is no trace of love on her delicately made-up face. She is carrying a leather bag dotted with two black pieces in both hands, and she is stepping on blood-red high-heeled shoes, as if she just stepped on Zhang Yang's foot and pulled it out. Appearance. Bright cruelty.

He looked at her familiar yet unfamiliar face, and his heart tightened.Do you know gears?When the gears mesh well, it will not cause danger, but if it is stuck in a certain place and still needs to rotate, it will forcefully tear the skin and tendons, and affect the pain of the bones.When you fall in love with someone deeply and let her grow with your heart, she will leave without warning, and leave her relationship with you mercilessly.

I think of a vampire, who tore out a human heart, leaving you in a bloody mess, with your eyes out of focus, and falling into a doom.

He can't say anything, and he can't figure out his feelings, anger?sad?Reluctant?ridicule?I don't know... It's just that the moment she turned around, he finally grabbed her arm, "Don't go, don't leave me. I will soon make myself capable enough to give you happiness, and I love you more than him You. Really! Don't go, okay?"

She stopped, but did not look back.Breaking away his hand that locked her tightly, she said without a trace of emotion in her tone: "The first thing I want is bread, and the second is love."

After walking not far, she got into a car and left in the dust.Leave him in the hot sun like a complete idiot.

After that day, he began to shut himself in at home.Zhang Nuanxue asked for leave to go home to see him, and was frightened by him.Is the person in front of me my dear brother?

The curtains in the room were all closed, and the lights were not turned on. In the dim room, the messy stubble on Zhang Yang's face made him look very decadent, and his hair had been trimmed someday, making him look a bit long.He sat there, staring at the computer screen with his bloodshot eyes, playing a killing game, operating the keyboard as if he was really going to kill someone.The smell in the room was terrible, there were a lot of buckets of instant noodles accumulated on the table, and the smell of cigarettes and alcohol. His room was like an Internet cafe.

"Brother?" Zhang Nuanxue called him tentatively, but got no response.She didn't know how to deal with this situation. She had always had problems, and her brother took care of herself.Although she was only two years older than herself, she took good care of herself, and now it was his turn to need her.

She didn't speak any more, brought garbage bags, cleaned up all the buckets of instant noodles, cigarette butts and beer cans.Then the quilt was folded, the bed was made, and the floor was swept.After finishing everything, she hurriedly opened the curtains, and the scorching sun pierced in like a sharp sword, leaving Zhang Yang in the dark for a long time, his eyes closed involuntarily, and he began to cry.

He stood up furiously and yelled at Zhang Nuanxue: "What are you doing?!"

"I opened the curtains, your room..."

"Draw the curtains! What's wrong with my room! You still know it's my room! When will you learn to respect my privacy!" His voice was so loud that she was so scared that tears rolled in her eyes.She was frightened for a moment and didn't dare to cry. She raised her head and didn't dare to blink. She let out the three words "I'm sorry" from the bottom of her throat and walked out quickly.As soon as he went out, a large tear rolled down instantly, and then the tears couldn't stop flowing.

Zhang Nuanxue rushed into her room and closed the door, and called Gu Yun.

On the phone, her crying was very depressing, and her tears flowed like a river.During the whole hour of the phone call, she kept crying. Gu Yun asked why at first, and then stopped talking. In the silent space, she was sobbing.And when he heard her cry, his heart ached badly.

A writer once said: Love is unreasonable distress and unconditional tolerance.

Brother, I love you dearly, I feel sorry for you for being sad for an unworthy woman, and I don't care about you losing your temper at me. ——Zhang Nuanxue.

Zhang Nuanxue, I love you, I feel sorry for you and shed tears, I don't care about your willfulness at any time. ——Gu Yun.

"Gu Yun, if one day I leave you, will you be so sad?" She suddenly said this for no reason.

"..." Hearing these words suddenly, Gu Yun was stunned, and then panicked, "You..."

"I hate Xia Wei, I hate her." Zhang Nuanxue stood up from the corner of the room, dragged herself onto the bed, and stared out of the window in a daze.On the phone, neither of them spoke, and Cicada outside the window was calling desperately among the trees, which was annoying.

After Zhang Yang watched Zhang Nuanxue run out, he directly unplugged the computer, and the entire computer screen went black instantly.He smashed the mouse and threw himself onto the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, tired of staring, and finally fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but I woke up hungry and smelled porridge from downstairs.

He put on his shoes and went downstairs softly, and saw his younger sister Xiaoxue in the kitchen carefully stirring the preserved egg and lean pork porridge in the pot.On the stove were messy cutting boards, kitchen knives, pork shreds, and eggshells. She also messed up the seasonings next to the pot. On the dining table was her mobile phone, and the screen was always on.He walked over to pick up his mobile phone and looked at it. It was a gourmet software, and the recipe for preserved egg and lean meat porridge was displayed on the screen.She did it very seriously, but she didn't realize that Zhang Yang was behind her.

The younger sister Xiaoxue is a considerate girl, but she is also very willful at the same time, never willing to cook.

"What is this boiled, can it be eaten?" Zhang Yang walked behind her and looked into the pot over her shoulder.

Zhang Nuanxue, who was trying to drink the porridge with a spoon, was taken aback. The hot porridge in the spoon dripped onto the palm of her left hand. She shook off the porridge in pain and blew on the palm of her hand.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang immediately dragged her hand to the faucet and rinsed it with cold water.

"Why are you so clumsy." As he said, he blamed her helplessly.He turned to look at her curiously when he couldn't hear any answer, Xiaoxue bit her lower lip tightly and said nothing, her eyes were red like a little rabbit.

"Okay, don't be unhappy, brother is wrong." As he spoke, he let her go and turned off the gas stove.He held her shoulders from behind, pushed her to a chair and asked her to sit down, and then found a potion to apply to her.

"Are you angry with brother?" He squatted down and applied the potion to her, while raising his head and asking her.

She shook her head seriously, but still didn't speak.

"Then why are you still crying?"

"My porridge seems to have failed... I want to make some porridge for you, but it's so complicated, I can't make it..."

Hearing what he said, he suddenly thanked his parents for giving him such a younger sister.He rubbed her hair and smiled dotingly, "Okay, it's okay, we won't eat at home, I will accompany brother to get a haircut later, and then we will buy cooked food and come back to eat. Have a few drinks with brother, that's fine." no?"

"Okay." Hearing what her brother said, she finally smiled, showing a row of small white teeth.

Zhang Nuanxue made all her clothes dirty by cooking, like a little cat playing with clay, so she went upstairs to change clothes and freshen up.Zhang Yang looked at her, turned around and took the family photo on the table, thinking a lot in his mind.

Love, if it can grow into love, it would be great over there.If not, you can only blame the lack of fate. If you meet the wrong person, you will find the right person one day.Even if not, with such a warm family, with such a family who loves and cares about oneself, what is there to be dissatisfied with?

Two hours later, Zhang Yang finished his haircut, regained his vigor, and came back with several bags of cooked food, beer and snacks.His mood improved a lot.

When approaching the door, a figure was vaguely seen.When the figure saw them, it was as if they were walking over. Due to the backlight of the other party, it was difficult to see their faces clearly, so Zhang Yang habitually protected his sister behind him, and walked forward to see what happened.

Aha, it turned out to be Gu Yun.

"Hey, why are you at my door at this time?" Zhang Yang was quite happy when he saw Gu Yun.Although I have thought through a lot in my heart, I haven't let go completely after all, so I want to find someone to accompany me to get drunk.Little sister Xiaoxue's drinking capacity is amazing, but it's always bad to let a girl drink too much, and Gu Yun's appearance just solved his problem.

"I'll come to see you." Gu Yun was stopped, and he just said something perfunctory, and was dragged into the house.

After Zhang Nuanxue followed in, instead of sitting down to chat, she went to the kitchen to put all the dishes in bowls, and brought them to the rattan table in the yard, where Zhang Yang was dragging Gu Yun to drink together.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school right now?"

"I'm asking for leave." Gu Yun said while poking into the room.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yang felt something was wrong, and asked him seriously in a low voice.

"Come back to see you." Gu Yun deliberately played sloppy.

"Don't do Tai Chi for me, just say what you have to say, don't be like a little girl."

"It's Xiaoxue. She suddenly asked me today if I would be sad if she left me. I didn't dare to ask her anything, and she didn't continue talking, but I was very disturbed."

"Call and ask."

"She didn't answer, so I came."

"Forget it, let's drink with me first," Zhang Yang couldn't spare the time to care about his sister and Gu Yun's affairs, so he simply ignored everything and started pouring beer with his head raised.

Gu Yun, who was upset and irritable, also drank together. The two big boys took one can after another, but Zhang Nuanxue never came out.Standing in her room without turning on the light, she looked out from the window facing the yard, and saw the two of them like abandoned children, numb her feelings with alcohol.I can vaguely hear their laughter, but it is more sad than the sound of crying.

The moon hangs high in the middle of the night, and the insects behind the house are still singing.In the distance, someone's dog was fighting, barking a few times, and the empty voice echoed in the person's chest.The tree is completely colorless in the dark night, and it is black and straight to the sky.The sky is dotted with stars, blinking to see the sleeping world, and the sleepless melancholy.

"Xiaoxue! Come down and help me!" Zhang Nuanxue, who was in a daze, was attracted by the shouts in the yard. Zhang Yang's arm was hanging on Gu Yun's arm, and Gu Yun, who was almost drunk, supported Zhang. Yang walked into the house, both of them were staggering, as if they would roll into a ball and vomit on the ground in a second.

She ran all the way to them and helped Gu Yun send her brother into the room.Fortunately, he didn't drink enough to vomit, so Zhang Nuanxue poured a glass of water and put it beside his bed, covered him with a blanket and went out.

As soon as she went out, Gu Yun grabbed her wrist and strangled her into her arms.

"Why did you leave me?" His words were full of alcohol, which made her uncomfortable, and she wanted to break free.But the more she struggled, the tighter he locked her.

"Let go of me first, you hurt me!" She tried her best to lower her voice to get angry at him, not wanting to wake up her brother who had finally gone to sleep.

After breaking free, she took Gu Yun back to the yard, closed the door leading to the back room, and then spoke to him in a normal voice, "Aren't you supposed to be at school today? Why did you come to my house?"

"Isn't it because of you?! Why did you say you were leaving me?" His face looked aggrieved and sad under the moonlight.

"I said it casually." She avoided his questioning eyes and turned away from him.

"Tell me casually?!" Gu Yun was irritated by her attitude, and the fear of losing seized his reason.He forcefully turned Zhang Nuanxue's body around, looked at her, and said seriously: "Then why don't you dare look into my eyes? What are you hiding from?"

"I didn't hide anything. You drank too much." She tried to break free from his hands that clamped hers, while avoiding looking into his eyes.

He shook her angrily, forcing her to look into his eyes, and he saw hers at the same time.What kind of look is that?disgust?anger?Or, all the negative emotions are present, except love.

He suddenly didn't dare to hold her anymore, and slowly let go of his hands, and his hands slid down her arms.

"You drink too much, I won't tell you. You go to the guest room later, I'll go to bed first." After speaking, she fled from him and fled to the back room.

He reached out to grab something, but accidentally pulled the belt of her pajamas...

(End of this chapter)

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