Chapter 8

Her smile is still so clear and beautiful, but the black hair like splashed ink has been replaced by seaweed-like curly chestnut breaking waves, the black-rimmed glasses are gone, and the original T-shirt and trousers have also been replaced by one with a water blue pattern. Pure cotton dress.For a long time, the red schoolbag that she never left whenever she went out has also become a white bag with exquisite workmanship.But I haven't seen her for a month, and her figure has become much more shapely than before.In the past, he just thought that Zhang Nuanxue looked very comfortable, and he once called her "the beauty with the most potential", just to tease her at that time.But now she is like a beautiful jade that has been carefully crafted, and she has truly shown her potential, which surprised him a lot.

If she was a quiet black cat in his eyes some time ago, now she has become a mermaid, exuding the dignity and generosity of a princess.

She stretched out her hand and shook it in front of his eyes: "What are you thinking? Get out, you are blocking the way of people outside." Gu Yun finally realized, and hurried out.After he came out, he looked at Zhang Nuanxue and said, "Xiaoxue, what have you been doing these days, how did you make yourself like this?"

"Isn't it pretty?" She raised her face and smiled like a child.Just like before she hid his information, raised her head, smiled and said to him, a bar of chocolate for your information.

"It looks good. Really. But..." He frowned, not knowing how to describe that feeling. "Strange, a little strange feeling."

"Well, but I'm still me." She still smiled, and then handed him the bag, reached into his pockets with both hands free, took out the wallet, looked through it, and then smiled wickedly: "Master Gu, The little girl has no money today, please treat me to dinner." Then he closed the wallet and held it in the palm of his hand, with an attitude of "Either treat me to dinner, or never get the wallet back".Such a she immediately wiped away the "strangeness" that Gu Yun felt just now, and he was elated, and his beloved Zhang Nuanxue came back.

"Take your wallet, do what you want, call Mu Xi and Ji Zhiyan, they are very worried about you."

"Okay, I'll call, you pick a place to eat." Handing back the wallet to him, she took out her mobile phone and started calling.He looked at her quietly, it was great that she came back, although she seemed to have become alienated from others, but she seemed to be a good friend in the past better than before.However, does this mean that her sense of self-protection will become stronger and stronger.

Zhang Nuanxue, you have to live a happy life.

When Mu Xi and Ji Zhiyan saw Zhang Nuanxue, their reactions were the same as Gu Yun's, their eyes straightened in surprise.The difference is that Ji Zhiyan ran over and scolded Zhang Nuanxue: "Damn it, you said you were busy for a whole month. This is the result of your busyness. You turned yourself into a beautiful woman and threw all your sisters in The country of Java is gone!! Ahhh, I am so mad!"

"Oh, Comrade Cai Cai, I was wrong, I repent, I repent. However, to show my sincerity, I decided to give Comrade Ji Zhiyan a set of One Piece dolls." She hugged Ji Zhiyan's arm while poking her bulging fat mouth, while teasing her.

"A set of dolls is like sending me away, hmph." Ji Zhiyan deliberately refused to agree, and brushed Zhang Nuanxue's index finger that poked her mouth with disgust.

"Well, you can order whatever you want today, and eat until you are happy, okay?" Zhang Nuanxue said while secretly smiling at Gu Yun, who gave her a hard look.

"That's pretty much the same. Next time I hang my sister out for another month, I'll eat you until you're bankrupt." Ji Zhiyan smiled when she heard Chi: "Mu Xi, are you right? Mu Xi? What are you doing? I'm talking to you." Did you hear that?"

Mu Xi is not that interested in food, she is just interested in Zhang Nuanxue's new hairstyle, and she is studying it seriously: "Xue, your hairstyle is not bad, I want to change it too."

"Just then..."

Several people began to chat gradually.

It took Zhang Nuanxue a month to turn around gorgeously, but Shen Ruiqian fell into the abyss completely and was smashed to pieces.Since that day when he waited at the station until a disappointment, a darkness, a heartbreak, he began to fall.

"Brother, where are you?" Xia Yu's tone on the phone was very worried, Shen Ruiqian said to the phone: "I find you really annoying, I'm drinking in the playground, are you coming?" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, He opened another bottle of beer and took a few gulps.

"Zhang Nuanxue, how could you really leave me so heartlessly. I love you, I love you so much, how could you be willing to leave heartless woman. Don't you even care about me? Still don't care about me, don't give me a single call..." Shen Ruiqian talked to himself while drinking.When the dormitory was about to turn off the lights, he was still sitting alone on the playground, drinking beer, feeling the loneliness and loss of the emptiness.

In the same place, she used to sit facing him, with her legs on top of his.She likes to eat French fries with her left hand and candied haws with her right hand. She insists on eating the same candied haws at the same time as him. She takes the opportunity to kiss him and then takes advantage of it: "Haha, Qian, I'm eating your tofu again." While busy eating the hawthorn in his mouth, talking, and laughing at him, sitting there excitedly, he always locked her restless body with his hands immediately, and leaned close to her. She said in her ear: "If we sit in this posture and you still move around like this, others will misunderstand that we are...understand?" , That was their little tacit understanding, she was his, everything about her.

But now, only the dark wind, the empty grass, and a pile of empty beer bottles are left in this place. It seems that he is the only one left in the whole campus. Miss, a person's heart-wrenching regret.

"Aren't you going back to the dormitory?" Xia Yu had come to him at some point.

"No, are you annoying? If you want to drink, sit down and drink with me, and if you don't drink, go back to your dormitory." There was impatience in his tone.

"You will be recorded." She was very worried about him.She called him "brother", but that was only because he was in love with that girl named Zhang Nuanxue at that time, she liked him, liked him very much, liked him very much.But now, on this cold night, he drank with a high fever, didn't return home at night, and was so decadent that he looked like a homeless man with nothing. All of this was because of that Zhang Nuanxue.She had cursed her thousands of times in her heart.

"Xia Yu, do you know, I love her, I really love her, but why doesn't she belong to me anymore, why..." He lay on the ground choking on Xia Yu, his face full of wanton overflowing tears.

It was the first time she saw Shen Ruiqian who was so proud, so domineering, and so stubborn, crying like a child who lost his way and couldn't find his home, crying so aggrieved, completely disregarding his image.

It turns out that no matter how powerful we are, if we lose love, we are all alone children.

Shen Ruiqian, you said that you came to drink to let go of her and forget her, but are you really like that?The more Xia Yu thought about it, the sadder he became, he picked up a bottle of wine and took a few sips. Seeing him lying on the ground drunk, his heart ached.

Zhang Nuanxue's gorgeous appearance, Shen Ruiqian's late-night drunkenness, which one of you let go of whom?Who can escape the deep love for the other party?

(End of this chapter)

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