Chapter 9

Shen Ruiqian drank a lot of wine, coupled with a high fever, his consciousness was blurred, but he was still talking to Xia Yu about the little things between him and Zhang Nuanxue.She felt distressed, helpless, jealous, jealous, and all kinds of emotions grew wildly in her heart, kneading into a wilderness, and a voice in her heart shouted: "Zhang Nuanxue, Zhang Nuanxue, Zhang Nuanxue, you only know her! In this world Is she the only girl? Do you know that I am the one who stays with you at night now! The one who drinks with you is me now! The one who watches over you and takes care of you and worries about you is me! Why do you always look at Don't see me?"

However, I can only sit beside you, drink with you, and cry with you.

Shen Ruiqian, do you know?From the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you.At that time, I had just entered school, and you were holding her by the hand. I later found out that her name was Zhang Nuanxue.

On the first day of the freshman enrollment report, I dragged my luggage as heavy as a hill and wandered around the school for a long time. I couldn't figure out the direction, and I couldn't find my cousin Xia Wei. Everyone was busy and no one paid attention to me.In the summer afternoon, the white sunshine hit the ground hotly through the gaps between the sycamore leaves. I stretched out my hand to explore, but I dared not and didn’t want to run around anymore. I sat on the suitcase panting heavily, my mouth was dry, His throat was on fire.The sweat on my forehead made my forehead hurt and itchy, but I forgot to bring a tissue, and the clothes on my body were also wet, sticking to my body, which messed up my emotions.

Then I saw you and her, you took her by the hand, took her away from the cars and luggage of many freshmen and parents, and cared for her you know?You who are wearing white couple outfits are very conspicuous among the many freshmen. I seem to see the appearance of green love in college.And you, with short hair and refreshing, thin and tall, but with a very serious expression.You only smile nicely and gently when you look at her.Do you know that when you looked at her smiling, the corners of her mouth were full of love, I was fascinated by watching you, and I forgot about the scorching summer.

I don't know if she found out that I was looking at you, but she teased you and said something to you.You turned your face to see me, and walked towards me. You had no expression on your face. I thought I had caused trouble, but you handed me a pack of wet wipes and asked me, "Are you new?"

"Yeah." I was dumbfounded, immature.

"What major, what college and which dormitory do you live in?" You didn't even ask me if I was lost, you just asked these directly. I was still a little ignorant at the time, and suddenly I thought you were very smart.

"Polymer major, School of Chemical Science, living in Building 18."

"Yo, it's a direct junior." You turned your head and said to her, she just smiled at you with a very smug expression, I couldn't figure out why she had that expression, but I didn't dare to ask any more questions.

You turned around and told me that you would take me there, and then helped me drag my luggage.The encounter between you and me is so unreal, like an old-fashioned plot, but maybe it is because it is too unreal, I began to feel that I am a princess in trouble, and you are my knight, it is a pity that you have your princess , I am very jealous of her.College life has suddenly changed from indifference to mystery and unknown, and I am looking forward to meeting the same kind of love myself.

After arriving downstairs in the dormitory, I finally saw my cousin Xia Wei, I hurriedly asked you for a phone number and went to pack my things.

I don’t know if it’s preconceived that makes me think you are the best, or compared with your love for her, other people’s love seems so impetuous and not durable. I have been unable to find someone who makes me fall in love for a long time. Solo, so I know I'm done, I like you.

I get up in the morning and text you: "Senior, Eunuch Sun has woken up, don't forget to get up."

I texted you during lunch: "Senior, it's lunch time, don't forget to eat."

I will send you a text message before going to bed at night: "Senior, it's finally night and you can have a good rest. Good night."

When I am bored in class, I send you a text message: "Senior, the class is so difficult, I can't understand."

I sent you a text message when I saw you playing: "Senior, your playing posture is so beautiful."

I sent text messages one after another, but your reply was always just a simple "oh", without even a punctuation mark.My unilateral initiative seemed to sink into the sea, and it couldn't arouse any response from you.

One day you finally replied a text message with more than one word: "Student Xia Yu, don't send me a text message from now on if you have nothing to do, I'm very busy."

busy?I finally remembered that I like you, but you already have someone you like.In love, the rule of first come, first served is also followed.You live with her in your heart and lock the door.I knocked on the door desperately, but you just pushed me away, lest I disturb her in your heart.I was like a disgusted clown, suspected of being a "little three", so I had to reply "I'm sorry" in embarrassment.

Until you broke up with her, I knew I shouldn't, but I was ecstatic.Although you are very attached to her, I love your attachment and hope that the object of your attachment will be replaced by me.Fortunately, you and I do not have the distance of [-] kilometers. I started to send text messages to you who are broken in love according to the three meals, bring you meals every day, borrow notes for you, copy notes for you, and even use people who admire me Sign in for you, I am actively staying by your side, looking forward to your turning around, and seeing that there is someone I am working very hard to love you.

It's a pity that love doesn't sprout by hard work.How many people can turn around and find the love behind them when they have a person in their hearts?If it was easy, then the love that Gu Yun had been waiting for for six or seven years would not still be in the dark.

Gu Yun also asked silently in his heart more than once: "Zhang Nuanxue, when will you see me?"

We are all pure love chasers, we can only see the one we love in our hearts, and everyone else is just a background.Why didn't Gu Yun say to others again and again: "I'm sorry, I have someone I love." When did Xia Yu's dormitory downstairs have less ignorant suitors?
It’s just that our hearts are full, and we hang the sign of “no entry for idlers” on our hearts, for fear that those who live in our hearts will be surprised.Once you love deeply, you will always become blind and never turn back.

Xia Yu woke up from the memory, put down the wine bottle, looked at Shen Ruiqian who was lying on the ground tired from crying, and fell asleep, took out the clothes from the bag to cover him, and sat aside to protect him from the wind.The next day, both of them fell seriously ill and stayed together in the school hospital for three days.

The air outside the window gradually warmed up, Shen Ruiqian didn't smile or speak, Xia Yu felt that the days became like plain water, bland and tasteless.It wasn't until the end of the holiday that he gradually regained his anger.

The summer vacation is approaching quietly, and it seems that everything has quietly entered into a fiery active state, and it seems that something is about to happen...

(End of this chapter)

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