screen age

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

"Do I have flowers growing on my face?"

The moment Chen Xi stepped into the office, it was as if a magnet had sucked away an iron nail, and many eyes were firmly fixed on his face.

He touched his face, and then said: "Don't tell me, you are so handsome? It's not my fault."


A series of voices of dislike came one after another, and even a few people who were looking around quickly retreated to the stools without taking a look.

Only a few people close to Chen Xi said with awkward affection: "Director Chen, it's not easy, I just went back to the provincial station from the film and television channel."

Chen Xi's face was calm, and she just smiled when she heard this sentence: "You all know."

"Of course, the news spreads a lot!"

Yeah, how fast word travels.

"Director Wang, we need to change the broadcasting order of our TV series. What you talked about earlier will be postponed by one schedule, three weeks!" But the feet are glowing with fire, and the fire is coming.

"What's the matter? Haven't we all settled?" Wang Lifeng suppressed his anger, but the veins on his forehead were twitching, and his words seemed to be smoking.

The staff member who came to report felt that something was wrong, and unconsciously lowered his head by three points, and turned down the volume by the way: "...Our TV series has been changed by "Latent", and "Latent" will be broadcast next."

"Latent? Are you kidding me!" Wang Lifeng roared, playing back the data of "Latent" in his head: He has other things these days, and he hasn't paid attention to this TV series for a long time, and he feels that there is nothing wrong with it.

What Wang Lifeng was waiting for was a suitable opportunity that could bring serious damage to Chen Xi.

However, today, the news was a straight line, which made his heart pump out, and his eyes were covered in black.

"This TV show's ratings are so bad, it can still be broadcast on satellite TV? What do other people think?" Wang Lifeng was aggrieved, and his voice became louder and louder.

Wang Lifeng has a very bad temper. He knew his staff well, so he wished he could back away, but he could only bite the bullet, and continued to lower his voice: "The ratings are not bad..."

"The ratings are okay? 0.65%? With this ratings, how many TVs don't you have? Why don't you see them on Satellite TV? There must be a dark story behind it!" Wang Lifeng was a little excited, waving his hands.


"Speak directly!" Wang Lifeng saw that the staff member wanted to say something but dared not say it, although his anger was even hotter, but he was patient: "Don't be silly."

"Okay... the ratings of this TV series are very good. The ratings of the latest day are 2.09%. This is a number that broke the record of a film and television channel."

"how is this possible!"

A thunderbolt on a sunny day made it almost impossible for Wang Lifeng to find his way.

The blackness in front of my eyes is getting heavier and heavier.

Uncomfortable, unhappy and unbelievable all fell down together, hitting his head with bumps, and the pain was terrific.

The figure of 2% made him feel extremely strong pressure.

All his thoughts were turned upside down, and all his thoughts were wiped out.


He repeated it again, but had to admit the fact.

For commercial organizations like TV stations, whoever has a milk is a mother. If the ratings of "Latent" hadn't soared, these people would never have given "Latent" a chance to be broadcast on the stars.

During this time, thoughts about Chen Xi floated out of his head again.

This guy is hard to deal with.

The filming of the new drama is about to begin, and Sun Honglei is about to join the group.

A day ago, he received a plan from Chen Xi, it was a movie!
From TV dramas to movies, Mr. Chen Xi is so unconstrained, which surprises people.

Three months ago, Sun Honglei would have refused without hesitation, and would label Chen Xi in his heart: so ambitious, whimsical, and unrealistic!
but now……

"Latent" is a work witnessed by everyone. Sun Honglei witnessed every detail and shining point with his own eyes.

After this TV series, he no longer dared to underestimate Chen Xi.

Moreover, the movie script given to him by Chen Xi asked him to play the male lead, and the male lead was kind and positive, and he liked it very much.

And the story is divided into clues, and the final and strong main line...

Any story is forked, properly handled, the scenes are balanced, and the connection in the middle is seamless.

A good script is easy to be shot poorly, but after "Latent", Sun Honglei has a kind of confidence in Chen Xi that goes beyond friendship.

Sun Honglei decided to take a look at the ratings and performance of "Latent".

He also worked hard on this TV series, and he also likes the TV series itself very much.

However, "Latent" was broadcast on a terrestrial channel. Apart from his expectation and liking for this TV series, Sun Honglei felt depressed.

He has been waiting to see the follow-up performance of "Latent".

"What's the situation today?" Sun Honglei has been busy preparing information for the past few days, but he hasn't been able to pay attention to "Latent" so diligently.

When I asked this sentence, I couldn't help being disappointed in my heart, forget it, it doesn't matter if there is any, so what can I do.

It is estimated that Chen Xi offended someone, so this Suhuai TV station's "custom drama" was reduced to a local channel, unable to turn over.

"There's good news today!" Sun Honglei's assistant said with a bit of reluctance in his tone. He didn't have a particularly good impression of Chen Xi. He didn't take the initiative to bring up the news of "Latent" in the past two days. Today Sun Honglei asked, There is no way to hide, but to meet them.

"Huh?" Some expectations rose from his heart.

"This TV show's ratings have broken two, and Suhuai TV has pinched its tail and wants to rebroadcast the TV show on satellite TV!" the assistant said.


The corner of Sun Honglei's mouth twitched into a grin, and the sincerity was not hidden in the joy on his face.

"I knew that such a good TV series would not be buried."

The disappointment disappeared in front of the good news. Sun Honglei twitched his eyebrows slightly, and his tone was a little fiery: "Give me the script from before, and I will read it again."

"...but...that person is too whimsical! Now I want to go directly to filming...don't fool around with him!" the assistant couldn't help but regret it, because the tone was not what he should have used Yes, this kind of thing is not what he should say.

"Hehe, then what you're looking at is only his present."

Sun Honglei rubbed his chin with his right hand, with some thought in his eyes, he said slowly: "If he can make "Latent" well, he can also make this movie well, don't worry."

"...Okay." The assistant gave me a step to go down by myself. It would be useless to talk more, but it would affect the relationship. So, he went to get the movie script with a low eyebrow, and there were four large characters written on the first page of the book: Border situation.

(End of this chapter)

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