screen age

Chapter 78

Chapter 78
Chen Xi planned to shoot "Front and Cloud" before "On the Journey".

"Border Situation", directed by the little-known director Cheng Er in 2012, shocked everyone after it was released.

A not-so-novel police and gangster story, but it is cut into dazzling and blurred by four small fragments connected by flesh and blood. In the dense percussion music, it is difficult to breathe, until finally, the four stories are connected in one line, connecting the main line and the Strong emotions come out.

Then, everyone suddenly realized.

The style of this film is somewhat similar to that of Quentin and the Coen Brothers, and also somewhat similar to Nolan's "The Prestige", but it is by no means a pure imitation.

It has its own unique side.

Taking such a film, which can at least be applauded, as his opening speech on the stage of directing, Chen Xi thought that the effect on himself would always be greater.

This new film is his next work.

After Sun Honglei received the book, he was a little tempted. In the film, the man who is both good and evil seems extremely cruel. In fact, the tender black boss is also very suitable for him.

And now, the fame of "Latent" also gave him the decision to add the last piece of the puzzle.


Zhu Ling was shocked when he heard Chen Xi's words.

A feeling of absurdity came over me.

Today, the TV station approached Chen Xi to discuss copyright matters.

Regarding the second round of broadcasting rights of this TV series, as well as future copyright issues.

However, Chen Xi was lukewarm, and his words were vague, but it seemed that he wanted to hand over the rights to other TV stations!
"How is this possible? Our customized drama, why do you let other TV stations broadcast it?" Zhu Ling's eyebrows twitched, his hands danced wildly, and his saliva spattered.

"Don't forget, the TV station asked you to make this film."

Under such bombardment, Chen Xi's calm face was on the opposite side. He even took a sip of tea while Zhu Ling was roaring.

When Zhu Ling finished cursing, Chen Xi filled his teacup with water and pushed it over with a smile.

Zhu Ling was dumbfounded, all his words were cut off in his throat, his anger was melted a lot in the mist of tea, he raised the cup in his hand angrily, and took a sip like a puff.

This gesture means, if you have something to say, just say it.

Chen Xi waited for him to put down the teacup, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "I have something to correct you, the first round of broadcast rights of "Latent" is no longer limited to Suhuai Satellite TV."

In a word, it became lightning, tearing away the layers of morality and rule defenses built in his heart. Zhu Ling was stunned, and after a while, he felt like falling from the clouds.


Chen Xi was seriously dissatisfied with "Latent" because it was broadcast on the terrestrial channel. After many negotiations, the first round broadcast rights of "Latent" are now in Chen Xi's hands.

To put it another way, Chen Xi could even decide not to broadcast "Latent" on Suhuai Satellite TV!Suhuai Satellite TV can only recover the cost of the film and the interest converted into the loan, and the rest will not fall into their pockets.


Losing the advantage in negotiations, Zhu Ling's confidence quickly dissipated, and morality was placed before the rules: "Chen Xi, don't forget that TV dramas are paid by the TV station for you to shoot, you don't really want to take the copyright of TV dramas." turn away."

If Chen Xi broadcasts "Latent", which has just become famous, on other satellite TV... Suhuai TV station will be making wedding dresses for others.

"Well, what we're talking about is a contract. It's written in black and white. I have the right to choose a better one." Chen Xi spread his hands, looking generous.

Perhaps, he was secretly venting his anger.

"But we can't talk about contracts in everything. Besides, the TV station didn't ask you to modify the contract." Zhu Ling continued to put pressure on morality.

"Then why did the TV station agree to let me revise the contract?" Chen Xi was not angry, but every word in this sentence was stern, interspersed with all the past events, and for a while, Zhu Ling didn't know where to start to refute.


The cause of all this is that Suhuai TV station tampered with the contract and put "Latent" on the terrestrial channel. Now, "Latent" has stiff wings and wants to fly.

Chen Xi paused, and then said: "So, let's discuss the facts. The contract is a contract. We can talk about the premiere rights, but I don't want to maintain the previous..."

...After Chen Xi walked out of the office, a disgraced Zhu Ling was left inside.

In his heart, he scolded Wang Lifeng like a dog, from head to toe, if scolding could kill someone, then Wang Lifeng had already been circumcised by Ling Chi.

In my heart, it is impossible to have no hatred for Chen Xi, but there is nothing to blame.

Things start from them.

"That's what that kid did!" Wang Lifeng's sinking mood suddenly became clear when he heard about "Latent".

"Since he committed suicide, it would be better." Based on this idea, he found the director and said this sentence.

"White-eyed wolf!" Seeing the director's seemingly uncertain face, Wang Lifeng temporarily swallowed a lot of vicious words of swearing, but he was not reconciled, so he ended with these last three words.

The director said nothing.

Between the two, there was an awkward silence.

From the director's point of view, there are too many things to be satisfied with, even if he used to be a swordsman who killed one person in ten steps, in the dense network of relationships, his weapons will always rust and his sword skills will be rusty.

They have a natural bossy attitude towards "Latent", standing on the commanding heights of the masters, and making many decisions.

Such as naming rights, such as broadcast time...

Unexpectedly, Chen Xi came to take a blow from the bottom of the pot. This time, it can be called revenge. The attack is at the core, and morality and rules can't be restrained.

Now he can only solve problems, not create them.

Before, the embarrassment and anxiety brought to Chen Xi by the TV station, now that Chen Xi returned it intact, they still had to swallow ashes and dust in their stomachs.

So, hearing Wang Lifeng's words, the director's heart was ignited.

"What are you shouting about? If you have the ability, you can change Chen Xi's mind! What we have to do now is try our best to fight for "Latent" not to breach the contract. It's useless to fan the flames, you know?" At that moment, the wrinkles on his face deepened like a knife carving, which made it clear that he was trying to suppress his anger in his heart.

"At the very beginning, if there hadn't been a moth coming out from below, and "Latent" had to be broadcast on the terrestrial channel, today's incident would never have happened." The head of the station spoke slowly, but every word made Wang Lifeng cold sweat : "What factors are behind this matter, we will investigate, to the end! Those who interfere with the normal operation of the TV series, we will also catch them!"

Jiangning in winter was originally a bit cold, but Wang Lifeng was covered in sweat, as if he was in a sauna.

PS: Thanks to my old friend for the 1888 reward for the private format.

Thanks to clovely for the big 588 reward.

Thanks to 彡人 for his coup, riding丨Xiaoqi//I love to grow strawberries, and TXZG for their big rewards.

Ask for some recommendation tickets, dear ones.

(End of this chapter)

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