Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 1000: You Can't Get Tiger Sons

Chapter 1000: You Can't Get Tiger Sons
When they came out this time, they brought a lot of things. After all, everyone knows that they will go deep into the cave to fight next time. If they are trapped in the cave for several days without food or drink, even if someone wants to come To save them, they may not live long, so for the sake of safety, everyone brought a lot this time.

All the guys had at least a week's worth of dry food with them.

After breakfast in the morning, they rested on the spot for a while before everyone prepared to go deep into the cave.

"All our guys wear safety helmets." Before entering the hole, Ajid proactively reminded everyone.

All the guys nodded, and then checked each other's eyes. After making sure that everyone's safety work was in place, they walked into the cave one after another.

At this moment, it was past nine o'clock in the morning. Not long after the previous sunlight came over, the temperature of the whole oasis rose a lot. It is not much lower than the desert.

But the moment they walked into the cave, they felt the hot and cold treatment.

The temperature inside the cave is very low, but the temperature outside is not low at all.

"Why is it so cold?" Doc couldn't help shivering, "If we were here at night, we might freeze to death."

"Boy, you are wrong." Ajid corrected Doc's incorrect remarks in due course, "The cave is very warm at night."

"Really?" Doc asked curiously.

Ajid nodded, "Of course, what did I lie to you for?"

"Well, I know you didn't lie to me." Doc said as he looked around here with his eyes.

Also for the sake of safety, when everyone entered the cave, only two or three people turned on their headlights, and the brightness of the headlights was not high, so it could only be described as being able to see the road under their feet.

One foot deep and one foot shallow, headed towards the interior of the cave. After a while, they came to the waterfall that Yang Tianlong saw last night. They saw a waterfall of more than ten meters pouring down, and the huge water flow hit The sound blocked the conversation between them.

Below the waterfall is a huge pool. Ajid illuminated it with a strong flashlight, and the pool is bottomless.And there is no gully or anything like that near the pool. It seems that the waterfall water should flow out from the bottom of the pool.

"It's beautiful." Akinfeev exclaimed amazingly.

"It's really beautiful." Sarah could not help but also nodded.

"Is there a water monster in here?" Doc was so curious that he couldn't help asking.

"Of course." Ajid said with a smile.

"Ah? Are there really water monsters?" Doc was taken aback, and subconsciously kept away from the pool.

"All aquatic creatures that we have never seen before can be called water monsters." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Ajid nodded, all agreeing with Yang Tianlong's words, "Doke, boy, the boss is right, as long as it is an aquatic creature that we have never seen before, we can call it a water monster."

Seeing being fooled by Ajid, Doc couldn't help showing a contemptuous expression.

After staying in the water pool for less than 10 minutes, after admiring the rare spectacle of the waterfall in the cave for a while, everyone continued to walk forward.

The huge stalactites rising from the ground, solid gravel, and other strangely shaped stones make the whole cave look very beautiful.

In the cave, Yang Tianlong and the others moved very slowly, and every step had to be firm, otherwise they might fall into the abyss.

It's not that they didn't pass the so-called ten thousand zhang abyss on the road they just passed. The ten thousand zhang abyss is bottomless. Even with the bright flashlight on, they almost didn't see the bottom.

"If you fall down, you will die so ugly." Lionhead joked, "We did a vote in Lanfei before, and a buddy fell off the cliff. When we find his body, Hair has grown on the corpses, almost none of the human organs are complete, and even the so-called hardest skull has been smashed with several holes."

Everyone is naturally full of awe towards the bottomless abyss, they pass through it carefully, and even use the safety rope when they encounter narrow roads.

Yang Tianlong had been following the flight of the peregrine falcon to gain sight last night, and he knew very little about the situation on the ground of the cave. After walking across the ground this time, he deeply felt that the road was extremely difficult to walk on.

This road is also quite difficult. The rocks are ups and downs and of different sizes, so everyone basically stops and goes.

Yang Tianlong connected his consciousness with Peregrine Falcon's from time to time. Seeing that Peregrine Falcon was still in place, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

As for how far away, he really didn't know.

It can only be said to rest for a while and open up your consciousness for a while.

In this way, until twelve o'clock at noon, they still hadn't reached the place where the peregrine falcon and the eagle spent the night last night. Everyone was a little exhausted, so they found a place in the cave to sit down and rest.

"I'm exhausted." Doc lay down on the rock all of a sudden, and he didn't care about the hardness of the rock.

"Maybe we haven't even reached one-tenth of it." Ajid said seriously.

"No way?" Doc was taken aback.

"Really, I think we really haven't even walked one-tenth of it. Don't you realize how tall and empty this cave is? I pissed and drilled in the caves in the North African desert, big and small. I also climbed dozens of caves. Generally speaking, the caves are from small to large, and then from large to small. You can see that the environment we are in is still gradually growing from small to large, so this cave is not ordinary. big."

"Then there are no exceptions?" Doc was a little unbelievable, he always felt that the cave was obedient, and there was a strange feeling that could not be expressed.

"There are exceptions, as you know, exceptions are extremely rare."

"Well, I hope this cave is an exception, but if there is no one in this cave, wouldn't we go in vain?" Doc's words were always a little discouraged.

This time Ajid hadn't spoken yet, Yang Tianlong spoke, "Man, you must have confidence in your words, there are definitely people in this cave, and it's not far from us, but the road is too difficult to walk, We still have at least a few hours to get there."

"Are you sure?" Doc suddenly regained his energy.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "I'm sure."

(End of this chapter)

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