Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 999 The Enemy Deep in the Cave

Chapter 999 The Enemy Deep in the Cave

Ajid was right. Sure enough, a cave was found under the huge Populus euphratica tree.

All the people felt a burst of extra surprises, and their fatigue was also swept away.

However, they didn't go deep into the cave right away, but began to look for useful clues around the cave.

Not long after, Ajid found a footprint near here, and the place where the footprint appeared was a place where they had not touched.

"There must be someone in the cave." Ajid said confidently.

"Then what should we do?" Everyone couldn't help asking.

"Boss, I have a suggestion, that is, we'd better not go deep into the cave now, everyone is probably a little tired, this Populus euphratica tree is very tall, I think we should stay on it at night One night, after dawn, we will take a good look at the surrounding situation, and we will go down after we get the situation right, what do you think?" Ajid suggested.

Yang Tianlong thought about it, and felt that what Ajid said was quite reasonable. If they entered the cave rashly, they must be in the open, while those who don't know must be in the dark. At that time, it must be more unfavorable for them, and it is almost close to the early morning, and everyone's body is also close to the most exhausted time of the day.

"Okay, I think Ajid's suggestion is good, guys, what do you think?" Yang Tianlong said while looking around for a while.

Everyone nodded without hesitation.

The Populus euphratica tree next to them was really big enough, and it was quite luxuriant. After climbing up, everyone quickly used ropes to build hammocks, and then lay down in the beds one by one.

Soon, Yang Tianlong's ears heard the snoring of the guys, but he didn't fall asleep immediately, but summoned the fierce eagle and the domesticated peregrine falcon into the cave with his own thoughts.

Yang Tianlong's own thoughts shifted to Peregrine Falcon's body. In the dark night, Peregrine Falcon's eyes shone green like the eyes of wild wolves on the prairie.

Carefully drilled in through the hole, the peregrine falcon's flight speed is not very fast, because although it also has vision at night, its vision is more or less affected by the winding holes in the cave.

The entrance of the cave is not very big, but the space inside is like a magnificent underground palace, with tall stalagmites, strange rocks, colorful stalactites, and even a ten-meter-high waterfall at the entrance. , obviously this waterfall was formed after the stream merged into the small cave just now.

Although there is no clue on the surface of the road inside, when you look closely, the road is still more or less traces of people stepping on it.

Peregrine falcons and fierce eagles flew inside the cave, startling the bats in the cave into the air.

The bat was directly driven by the two big birds and flew towards the depths of the cave. Looking at it from the perspective of the peregrine falcon, it was spectacular.

This is what Yang Tianlong wanted. He hoped to use the bat to find the people inside.

The eagles and the peregrine falcons were not polite to the bats at all. They kept harassing the bats in the place where the bats lived, and more and more bats were driven to the depths of the cave by these two raptors.

Seeing so many bats being driven into the depths of the cave by them, the fierce vulture and the peregrine falcon couldn't help becoming excited. They followed closely behind and flew towards the depths of the cave.

With the bats leading the way, the vultures and the peregrine falcons seemed to be quite comfortable in this strange cave, and they were not in a hurry, they just flew with the bats.

I don't know how long it took to fly. When Yang Tianlong felt that he was quite tired and was about to give up, suddenly, he saw a flashlight shooting at the bats.

Seeing the flashlight, Yang Tianlong's tiredness disappeared immediately, replaced by excitement.

Under the light of the flashlight, Yang Tianlong really found a few guys wearing local robes at the bottom. These guys all had big beards on their faces and looked extremely sturdy.

"Damn it, it's a bat." The people below couldn't help muttering.

"Forget it, the bat is flying towards the stretch, just fly over." A guy couldn't help but said.

Soon, with a snap, the flashlight shuts off.

Yang Tianlong also decisively let Meng Diao and Peregrine Falcon hide in a nearby position.

After settling down the raptor, Yang Tianlong couldn't help withdrawing his consciousness all of a sudden, with an extremely relaxed expression on his face.

But after he withdrew his consciousness, he realized that two hours had passed.

Did he follow the peregrine falcon for two hours in this underground cave?
He couldn't believe that the time on his mobile phone had passed two hours.

It was already two o'clock in the morning, and there were one after another snoring sounds from Yang Tianlong's side. It could be seen that his guys were all too sleepy.

Although Yang Tianlong was completely sleepy at the moment, he seemed a little alert. He looked around the poplar tree for a while, and after seeing that there was really no danger, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then quickly He closed his eyes.

Soon, he fell asleep with a heavy face, until the chirping birds here woke him up from his sweet dreams in the morning.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help rubbing his sleepy eyes, and seeing his fellows still sound asleep, he closed his eyelids again and fell into a deep sleep again.

It wasn't until eight o'clock in the morning that he was woken up by the voice of Ajid and the others, and then he rolled over and got down to the ground.

"Boss, we found some garbage nearby. It seems that there are indeed people here." Ajid said, pointing to the cigarette butts and food bags collected by them.

"Have you looked around here?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Ajid nodded, "Look, this is actually a small forest. There are not many animals in it. Except for mice, birds and poisonous snakes, we haven't found any other animals."

"There is nothing suspicious, right?" This is what Yang Tianlong is most concerned about.

Ajid shook his head, "No, everything looks normal."

"Okay, then let's hurry up and have breakfast. After breakfast, we should also enter the cave. As you said, there must be people in the cave. They are also in the dark, and we are in the light. We Be careful."

"I'll take the lead." Ajid said suddenly, patting his chest.

 Thank you "Xinghui Shengguang" brother monthly ticket support, thank you brother

(End of this chapter)

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