Chapter 128

(Thanks to "Tractor is also a car" for another reward. My brother wakes up every morning, so you must pay attention to your body.)
The convoy was very slow when it left the camp, but as soon as it got out of the camp and onto the asphalt road outside, the entire convoy basically moved forward at a speed of more than 60 mph.

These peacekeeping officers and soldiers are also old drivers, and their driving skills are undeniable. The speed and distance of the entire convoy are maintained very well, as if they were integrated into one.

Yang Tianlong and Chen Liyan sat on the warrior car, Chen Liyan also served as the driver in addition to the team leader, the other two were members of the special forces team, one sat in the co-pilot position, and the other young soldier sat in the back row with Yang Tianlong .

The rear compartment of the warrior car is very large and wide. In addition to the ammunition, there is also a lot of food in it.

According to the concept, today's driving distance is 800 kilometers, and according to the distance of 60 kilometers per hour, it takes about 13 hours.

All the way was smooth, but as the road gradually deepened towards the hinterland of Congo, the road became difficult to walk. At ten o'clock in the evening, when the convoy stopped, it had only traveled 600 kilometers.

However, Chen Liyan made Yang Tianlong admire him very much. This guy actually drove from morning to night by himself. After arriving at the temporary camp, he jumped down from the driver's cab with an energetic face and directed everyone.

The mobile phone signal here is very poor, and the headquarters can only be contacted by satellite phone.Seeing that there was no mobile phone signal at all, Yang Tianlong couldn't help becoming a little anxious. He knew that in Ethiopia, thousands of miles away, Elena was waiting for him to report her safety.

After wandering around the temporary camp for a while, but still couldn't find a signal, Yang Tianlong had no choice but to put his phone away.

In order to minimize the length of the convoy, Chen Liyan gathered all eleven vehicles together to form a huge circle.

In the middle of the circle are several military tents. Not only are there people living in the military tents, but there are also people living in some cabs.

There are two soldiers in each shift and two hours in each shift. Chen Liyan makes arrangements in an orderly manner.

Due to limited conditions, everyone's dinner is instant hot rice.

With the addition of water, the self-heating bag inside will quickly generate a lot of heat, and in a short time, a delicious dinner for one night is ready.

At the right time, Yang Tianlong took out a bottle of Laoganma amid everyone's astonishment...

The discipline of the peacekeeping force is quite strict. During the meal, everyone didn't say a word, just focused on eating. After the meal, all the drivers did not take a rest immediately, but started to maintain the transport vehicle...

This maintenance work lasted until almost twelve o'clock in the evening, and everyone fell asleep.

The next day was cloudy and rainy again. The rainy season in Congo is like this.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the convoy set off on time, and it was not until twelve o'clock at noon, when the troops were preparing to refuel at a gas station, that the mobile phone had a weak signal.

Seeing the signal coming from the mobile phone, Yang Tianlong quickly took out his mobile phone, and Elena sent him a lot of text messages and WeChat messages. From the content sent by Elena, it can be seen that she was very worried about Yang Tianlong's safety.

Seeing this, Yang Tianlong quickly called.

Unfortunately, Elena's cell phone is turned off.

The phone couldn't get through, so Yang Tianlong had to write and send a long text message.

Just after compiling and sending the text message, a large group of African children suddenly came running out of nowhere, chattering at the peacekeepers.

It turned out that these little kids came here to eat.

This is not the first time such a thing has happened. The officers and soldiers had already prepared for it. They took out a lot of candies and biscuits from the car and quickly distributed them to the children.

The children who got the snacks quickly dispersed.

In a dangerous place like a gas station, safety precautions are naturally the focus. The officers and soldiers did not dare to be sloppy at all, and watched the surrounding pedestrians vigilantly.

Chen Liyan looked very leisurely. This guy was sitting on the front of the warrior, wearing cool sunglasses and looking up at the market town not far away.

Seeing Yang Tianlong coming, he smiled and threw him a bottle of mineral water.

Chen Liyan smiled and said, "Is it hard to not have a signal?"

Yang Tianlong nodded, "That's right, I just sent a long text message to my girlfriend."

"Haha..." Chen Liyan couldn't help laughing, "Another good man."

"Where." Yang Tianlong smiled a little embarrassedly, "Brother Chen, should your child go to kindergarten?"

Chen Liyan shook his head, "I'm not married yet, no, to be precise, I'm still single."

"Ah?" Yang Tianlong looked surprised. To be honest, he never thought that Chen Liyan was still single. You must know that this guy looks like a very nice man.

"Didn't expect that." Chen Liyan couldn't help but smiled slightly, "I broke up with my girlfriend when I arrived in Congo, and she is also a soldier."

"Isn't that good? Why did you break up?" Yang Tianlong couldn't think of a reason for the two to break up.

"It's my dream to go to Congo for peacekeeping, but her family strongly opposes it and thinks we should get married. My idea is to get married after the three-year peacekeeping is over." Chen Liyan smiled awkwardly, "Ideals and reality sometimes don't match. There is no conflict, but there is a time difference."

"It's a pity." Yang Tianlong couldn't help feeling sorry for Chen Liyan.

"It's nothing to be sorry about. If she still belongs to me, we will be together in three years." After speaking, Chen Liyan jumped off the front of the warrior's car.

"Soldier, since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be both." After finishing speaking, he saw this guy's smart gesture of pulling the door, he waved at Yang Tianlong outside the car, and said loudly, "Get in the car."

The convoy moved forward again soon. If there is no accident, it will start to enter the Congo rainforest at three o'clock in the afternoon.

"The Congo Rainforest is one of the largest rainforests in the world. The flora and fauna here are so frankly rich. Countless flora and fauna are bred here..." Chen Liyan held the steering wheel again and again, introducing to Yang Tianlong the area of ​​more than one million square meters. kilometers of rainforest.

"If one day I retire, I will be a photographer, and I will come to this rainforest at the first stop." When passing by the edge of the rainforest, Chen Liyan stopped the car deliberately, and he told Yang Tianlong with a cool face looking forward to their bright future.

Looking at the vast forest surrounded by clouds and mist, various voices came from the rainforest from time to time. Although he did not go into the rainforest, Yang Tianlong could definitely feel the various beauties in the rainforest, such as waterfalls, long rivers, secluded trees, etc. , long vines...these all appeared on the electronic map one by one.

After watching for a while, everyone continued to set off. According to the practice of entering the rainforest in the past, we should stay up all night tonight.

The rainforest itself is a small natural circle, and this season is in the rainy season, so the road becomes extremely muddy as we go forward.

Chen Liyan looked at the road ahead, and suddenly he made a move to stop the convoy.

(End of this chapter)

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