Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 129 Attacked

Chapter 129 Attacked
The more he walked, the more worried he was about the road conditions here. Chen Liyan told the team to stop and then quickly informed the team, "You guys stay where you are, and we will go ahead to explore the road first."

"Although the rain is falling non-stop, the road here is relatively compact, and there is no problem at all." After checking the electronic map along the way, Yang Tianlong told Chen Liyan the road conditions ahead.

"No way." Chen Liyan was taken aback.

"If you don't believe me, you can go down and have a look." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Seeing the promise on this guy's face, Chen Liyan asked his comrades around him to hand him a Type 95 assault rifle after thinking about it.

After installing the military thorns, he opened the car door, and Chen Liyan jumped down.

Ignoring the rain in the sky, I saw Chen Liyan holding the handle of the gun and stabbing it all at once.

Sure enough, the roads here are solid.

Chen Liyan, who returned to the driver's seat, smiled and nodded at Yang Tianlong, and then called through the car intercom, "The convoy continues to move forward, pay attention to maintaining a good speed and distance."

"Received on the 1st..."

"Received on the 2st..."


Due to the bumpy road, the speed of the car was basically controlled at 40 miles per hour when the rainforest was advancing.

"Brother Chen, we are still 900 kilometers away from Bunia. If there is no accident, we should be able to advance 400 kilometers at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

While gripping the steering wheel tightly, Chen Liyan began to count in his mind the time it would take for them to walk out of the rainforest.

Stop at eight o'clock tomorrow morning for a rest, continue to set off at five o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive at Bunia Town in the afternoon of the day after tomorrow.

"Cheer up, brothers, we won't rest until tomorrow morning." Chen Liyan said as he kicked the accelerator and drove through the puddle.

The flying wheels splashed the muddy water in the puddle all at once.

Perhaps because of being in the rainforest and the rainy season, the dark time here is faster than before. Basically, around 06:30, the sky has become extremely dark.

All the vehicles turned on their headlights and followed the lead vehicle steadily forward.

Dinner is ham sausage, bread, etc...

He quietly took out some mustard from the bag and distributed the mustard to everyone. Seeing the mustard from the motherland, everyone's exhaustion disappeared immediately.

"Is there any more?" Chen Liyan asked half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"There is still a bottle of old godfather, do you want to eat?"

"I'm rough, and I still have this thing." Chen Liyan said as he turned his head to look at the extremely precious bottle of old godfather, "Get rid of it tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Yang Tianlong replied cleanly.

The bumpy mountain road always makes everyone doze off, even Yang Tianlong is no exception, there is still no signal here, but he has saved some worries, and he gradually became sleepy in the ups and downs in the car.

"Beep..." Just as he closed his eyes, a sudden sound of a trumpet brought him back from his dreamland.

"What's wrong?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"There are wild elephants ahead." Chen Liyan said while telling the motorcade to wait in place, and at the same time all vehicles turned off their lights.

Soon, it was pitch black ahead of them.

"Captain, did you say that we caught two wild elephants and sent them back?" A young soldier joked.

Chen Liyan smiled and said: "Not only you think so, but also the wild elephants think so. Those guys are extremely ferocious. If we provoke them, we will turn into minced meat."

As soon as he heard that he was about to turn into a meat paste, the little soldier stopped talking immediately, and he looked warily at the herd of elephants 200 meters ahead.

There were not many wild elephants in this group, but 10 minutes after they all entered the rainforest, Chen Liyan ordered the convoy to turn on the lights and move on.

"Will there be lions here?" The little soldier said again.

"Lion?" Another senior sergeant could not help but smile, "Captain, you have to educate Xiao Xu well, this guy doesn't even know where the lion is?"

Xiao Xu was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in surprise, "Isn't it in Africa?"

"Haha..." The sergeant smiled heartily, "Brother, read more books. Lions live in grasslands. This is a rainforest. The impenetrable trees make it easy for a lion to catch a turtle in a urn."

Hearing what the sergeant said, Xiao Xu suddenly realized. He smiled and patted his head embarrassingly.

The convoy continued to move forward, and all the drivers were concentrating on holding the steering wheel tightly and looking ahead with torching eyes.

Before you know it, it's late at night.

"Change all the drivers." According to the previous arrangement, the drivers will be replaced at two o'clock in the morning.

Before leaving, Zhang Weidong told them that these fighters are all-round fighters, driving, guarding, repairing, Sanda, medical care...all of them are omnipotent
Suddenly at this moment, a figure was seen rushing out of the dense rainforest.

As soon as the man saw the convoy, he couldn't help but screamed.

Then, two more people rushed out of the rainforest.

Yang Tianlong took a closer look with a look of astonishment.

Fuck, it was Jing Siying and the others.

Seeing this, he quickly opened the car door and jumped down.

"Papa..." Just after he jumped out of the car, several muffled sounds suddenly came from the rainforest.

By feeling, Chen Liyan and the others knew it was gunshots.

"Quick, get ready for battle." Chen Liyan jumped out of the car while drawing his gun.

It can't be explained that he took a few shots at the position where the gunshots were fired.

The sergeant and Xiao Xu also jumped down immediately.

"Papa..." The two raised their assault rifles and fired bursts into the rainforest.

"Quick, lean down." Yang Tianlong rushed to Jing Siying and the others with a vigorous step.

I saw Da Liu holding his arm in pain.

Jing Siying and Lao Zhang looked panicked, but it seemed that nothing happened.

"Papa..." The people in the rainforest also fought back at the right time.

However, their shooting skills didn't seem to be very good. After a few shots, they all hit the ground.

The special forces members behind also came to reinforce them one after another. With good military training and obvious firepower advantages, they completely suppressed the guys in the rainforest.

The guys who beat them had no power to fight back.

"Oops, we met the troops." At this moment, someone in the rainforest yelled, and then there was only a sound of messy footsteps. It was obvious that the group was about to flee.

The special forces members put on night vision goggles and began to enter the edge of the rainforest...

Half an hour later, after confirming that there was no danger, Chen Liyan took most of the people back, leaving only a few older non-commissioned officers on guard.

The gunshot wound on Da Liu's arm was treated by a military doctor and he was fine, but he still had to undergo surgery.

"Yang Tianlong, thank you..." Jing Siying expressed gratitude after being rescued.

"How could you be hunted down?" Yang Tianlong was very surprised.

Jing Siying didn't answer him directly, but handed him the camera.

With a puzzled look on his face, Yang Tianlong turned on the camera.

"Wipe..." Yang Tianlong was stunned when he saw the camera screen.

(End of this chapter)

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