Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 130 Terrorist Activities in the Rainforest

Chapter 130 Terrorist Activities in the Rainforest

Yang Tianlong never expected that the guy who appeared on the electronic screen of the camera turned out to be Lance.

This guy is Professor Black's disciple.

"What are they doing?" After being astonished, Yang Tianlong became a little calmer.

"When we found them, they were digging a hole to bury their bodies." Jing Siying said with lingering fear after taking a sip of water.

"Bury the corpse?" Yang Tianlong was very surprised, and Chen Liyan couldn't help but frowned.

Seeing that Yang Tianlong and these soldiers didn't seem to believe it, Lao Zhang hurriedly said: "What Miss Jing said is absolutely true. At that time, we didn't expect that there would be corpses. Later, we saw that there were quite a lot of corpses."

"Originally I wanted to take two photos secretly, but I only took one and I was discovered." Jing Siying said regretfully, "If I had known this, I would not have taken the photos. At least Liu would not be injured."

"After being discovered by them, they have followed us since the afternoon until now. Just as we were about to jump into the Congo River, Ms. Jing said that she saw a light not far away, so we ran over from the river again."

"Don't worry, we have chased them away now." Chen Liyan also interjected at this time.

"Chief, I suggest you don't stay too long. They have a lot of people. I'm afraid we will be surrounded later." Jing Siying said seriously.

Lao Zhang echoed again: "That's right, we probably counted, and there are at least five, no.

Suddenly, Yang Tian suddenly asked, "Is there a girl?"

"Ah?" Jing Siying was stunned for a moment, she never thought that Yang Tianlong would ask such a question, after recovering, she quickly shook her head, "No."

"Oh..." Seeing that Eva was not inside, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"In that case, let's get in the car quickly." Chen Liyan said decisively.

"Okay." After speaking, Yang Tianlong took Jing Siying and the others into the car.

Due to the limited space of the vehicle, the three of Jing Siying and the others were separated.

Jing Siying sat in the warrior car, and then Da Liu and Lao Zhang sat in the transport car behind.

"Attention everyone, we may encounter some difficulties, please follow my instructions now, let's maintain a speed of at least 60 miles in the rainforest." For them, the sooner they get out of the rainforest, the better, after all The enemy is in the dark.

"No problem." The old drivers in these troops were as excited as if they had been pumped when they learned that they were going to speed up.

"Boom..." Mengshi was the first to rush out.

The vehicles behind followed closely and couldn't help but increase their speed...

The whole convoy was racing all the way until after four o'clock in the morning, and then it slowly slowed down.

But everyone still did not lower their vigilance. When the speed of the car was maintained at 40 mph, none of the people in the car fell asleep.

At eight o'clock in the morning, after a long night of driving, the convoy finally stopped.

After opening the soft oil bag, the officers and soldiers began to replenish fuel for all vehicles.

Basically all cars have bottomed out fuel tanks.

At this moment, there is still 400 kilometers away from Bunia, and the convoy still needs to advance in the rainforest.

"No, Liu has a high fever." Jing Siying said loudly suddenly.

Hearing that Liu had developed a high fever, Yang Tianlong and Chen Liyan who were not far away hurried over.

"Team doctor..."

Soon, the team doctor ran over with a medical kit.

After a quick diagnosis, Liu had a fever due to a wound infection. If he could not be treated in time, his life would be in danger at any time.

"What should I do?" Everyone lost their minds for a moment.

"If it doesn't work, I'll contact my friends in Bunia and ask them to come by helicopter."

Seeing that Yang Tianlong was able to find the helicopter in Bunia, Jing Siying couldn't help being grateful.

Soon, he was in touch with Raff through the team's satellite phone.

Hearing that the old man had a need, Raff rushed to Bok Village without saying a word.

"We have to set off immediately." Yang Tianlong looked at Da Liu who was breathing weakly and said.

Chen Liyan nodded, telling everyone to eat something and get on the road quickly.

Finally, an hour and a half later, the roar of a helicopter came from the sky.

"It's my friend." Yang Tianlong couldn't help saying excitedly after seeing that it was Raf driving the Bell helicopter.

He immediately jumped out of the car and waved to Raff in the sky. Raff also spotted him and gave him a thumbs up.

Soon, a rope was lowered from the helicopter.

Several soldiers tied Liu to the rope.

Through the automatic elevator on the helicopter, Da Liu was pulled up steadily.

Yang Tianlong, Jing Siying, and Lao Zhang also boarded the plane together.

"Brother Chen, I'll wait for you in front."

Chen Liyan on the ground nodded, and made an "OK" gesture to Yang Tianlong and the others on the plane.

An hour and a half later, the helicopter landed steadily on the hospital run by the Americans in Bunia.

"Pay the money first." Although it is also called the Red Cross Hospital, these guys also recognize the money first.

Jing Siying was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and quickly put her hand into her pocket. After a while, she looked at Lao Zhang with embarrassment, "Uncle Zhang, do you have any money? I lost my wallet." .”

Hearing this, Lao Zhang hurriedly felt all over his body, and finally scraped together $100.

"This is not enough."

"Can we save people first, let's call the country right away." Jing Siying said anxiously, she didn't want Liu's illness to get worse because of the temporary lack of money, if that was the case, she felt that she would feel guilty for the rest of her life.

"Sorry, we are a private hospital. If you think the charges are expensive, you can go to another hospital in the town."

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Jing Siying and the others were still at the front desk, Yang Tianlong hurried up to meet them.

"No money." Jing Siying said embarrassingly.

"It's okay." After speaking, Yang Tianlong took out a bundle of white dollars from his bag.

This move really shocked Jing Siying and Lao Zhang.

"Is five thousand enough?"

"Sir, that's enough..." The medical staff nodded quickly, and their attitude has changed a lot from before.

American doctors are highly skilled and took out the warhead for Liu in less than an hour.

"Don't worry, he's fine. Get some sleep tonight and he'll be fine tomorrow." Outside the operating room, Dr. Mi Guo said seriously.

After receiving the doctor's assurance, Jing Siying and Lao Zhang breathed a sigh of relief.

It could be seen from their faces that they were tired and needed a good rest.

Seeing this, Yang Tianlong took them to Wilmots' hotel.

Seeing that Yang Tianlong attracted two guests, Wilmots quickly settled down.

After settling down, Wilmotzla suddenly stopped him.

"Hey old man, there's a guy you know looking for you."

(End of this chapter)

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