Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 134 The Journey of the Peacekeepers and Soldiers

Chapter 134 The Journey of the Peacekeepers and Soldiers

This dish is hot pot.

Going home this time, Yang Tianlong brought a lot of hot pot seasonings, all bought from hot pot restaurants.

Seabass, beef, chicken, pork, vermicelli, ham, potatoes, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes... large and small dishes filled a whole table.

Regarding the steaming hot pot in Bunia, to be honest, none of the officers and soldiers thought that when they saw the steaming hot pot, they couldn't help but exclaimed again and again.

"Sir, why don't you drink some wine." Wilmots smiled and pointed to the bottles of red wine on the table.

Originally thought that the soldier would agree boldly, but Chen Liyan shook his head solemnly. He asked Yang Tianlong to convey to Wilmots that Huaxia troops are not allowed to drink alcohol, but drinks and juices are not a problem.

Seeing that these soldiers did not drink, Wilmots and Raff were very surprised. You must know that soldiers all over the world like to drink very much.

Surprise is nothing but surprise, they still respect these soldiers from the big eastern country from the bottom of their hearts.

After lunch, the officers and soldiers had no time to take a nap because they were in a hurry, so they immediately started cleaning the vehicles. After cleaning the vehicles, they hurriedly cleaned the backyard of Wilmots' house.

Wilmots wanted to step forward to help, but Chen Liyan pulled him back, "Mr. Wilmots, you have made your backyard dirty, this is what we should do."

"This..." Wilmots became incoherent with excitement, and he had no choice but to express his feelings with his own respect.

Bunia is only 200 kilometers away from the border of South Sudan. In order to hurry, the peacekeeping force decided to leave on time at [-]:[-] pm. If there is no accident, they can reach the border before dinner.

"Tianlong, thank you for your help." Before leaving, Chen Liyan said while holding Yang Tianlong's hand gratefully.

"Brother Chen, I still have to thank you. If it wasn't for your help, my equipment would still be on the way." To be honest, Yang Tianlong really wanted to thank these peacekeepers, but he couldn't think of a suitable reason or opportunity.

"You're welcome, just like you said, we Huaxia people are a family outside." Chen Liyan said with a smile, "Then let's not bother, and try to get to the border before dinner."

"Okay, Brother Chen, I wish you all the best of luck." Yang Tianlong said sincerely.

Chen Liyan nodded, and then strode towards the warrior car.

Soon, the convoy filed out and headed for the boundary line.

After seeing this neat and uniform convoy driving out of the gate, Wilmots couldn't help but nodded, "Hua Xialong, to be honest, I envy you all."

"Envy us?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help being taken aback, "Old man, what do you envy us for?"

"I envy you for having such a powerful army, envy your people being guarded by a solid line of defense, and envy your peace and prosperity." Wilmots said seriously.

"Then come and settle in Huaxia." Yang Tianlong said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"Okay, I will definitely go if I have the chance." Wilmots also responded happily.

After the joke, it was time to deal with the equipment in the yard.

Transport vehicles are very easy for Yang Tianlong, but he doesn't know anything about excavators and loaders, but luckily Wilmots can teach him.

After briefly checking the performance of the excavator, Wilmots caught fire.

I saw him beckoning to Yang Tianlong below, and Yang Tianlong climbed up.

"Come on, squeeze together." After saying that, Wilmots moved his body inside.

"It's too small." Looking at the narrow space in the excavator's operating room, Yang Tianlong couldn't help shaking his head, "I'd better drive a pickup truck."

"Okay, then let's go to the field at the airport." After that, Wilmots drove the excavator with a proud face and wobbled towards the airport.

When Wilmots arrived at the destination, Yang Tianlong had been waiting for a long time.

"Hey, come up, I'll teach you." Wilmots waved at him.

"Okay." Yang Tianlong jumped to the driver's cab with a brisk step.

Although Wilmots is very familiar with excavators and loaders, but he is currently operating a Chinese-made one, and he still can't understand some places.

Thanks to the translator Yang Tianlong, Wilmots slowly found his way.

After he became familiar with the operation of this equipment, Wilmots began to teach Yang Tianlong hand in hand.

I have to say that Hua Xialong is really talented in learning things. After working hard all afternoon, he dug up a layer of soil on the land Wilmots bought.

"There is a four-story building here."

"This is the garden..."

"There's a swimming pool..."

Standing on this devastated land "destroyed" by Yang Tianlong, Wilmots introduced his ideal plan with anticipation.

After the introduction, he suddenly changed the topic, "Hua Xialong, where is your land?"

"It's all used to grow crops." Yang Tianlong answered him very heartily.

"What about sales?" Wilmots asked quickly.

"Sales? Hehe..." Yang Tianlong shrugged and spread his hands, "Old man, to be honest, I don't know either."

"You bastard." After saying that, Wilmots jumped onto the loader and drove the loader unsteadily towards the hotel.

But Yang Tianlong didn't go back immediately, standing on the barren land next to the airport, suddenly, he felt that planting crops here was not very scientific.

After all, this place is not as remote as Bok Village.

Since it is impossible to grow crops, the only option is to transform this place into a pasture.


Just after returning to the hotel from the airport, I saw Jing Siying and Lao Zhang walking out with the thermos.

"Go, get in the car."

When he came to the hospital, Liu was lazily playing Doudizhu on his mobile phone. Seeing everyone coming, Liu quickly recovered his spirits.

"Aren't you too busy?" Old Zhang joked.

Da Liu nodded, "It's too idle, I've never been so idle in my life."

Jing Siying hurriedly interjected, "Da Liu, I'll download some movies for you tonight and bring them to you tomorrow."

"Where is the Internet?" Da Liu suddenly regained his energy.

"The hotel."

"The doctor said, I can move around tomorrow, can I stay in the hotel when I don't have the infusion?" Da Liu said "begging".

"Well, I can't make the decision." Taking advantage of Jing Siying's inattention, Lao Zhang pouted at Big Liu.

"Miss Jing, is it okay?" Da Liu looked pitiful.

"This..." After Jing Siying hesitated for a while, she told Liu that she still had to seek the doctor's opinion.

"Then Dr. Pete is on the third floor."

"Okay." After speaking, Jing Siying was ready to get up.

"Let me take you there. This building is connected by two buildings. If you are not careful, it is easy to go wrong." Yang Tianlong remembered that when he brought Cam to see a doctor before, they missed it.

Jing Siying nodded lightly, followed Yang Tianlong's buttocks and walked towards the stairwell.

Suddenly, in the corridor, Yang Tianlong's eyes fell on a woman.

Although she was wearing a mask, she looked exactly like Eva, and the two seemed to be carved out of their bones.

But the woman didn't look surprised when she looked at him.

"Eva." Yang Tianlong called softly.

The nurse didn't seem to hear it, and the small medical trolley walked towards the ward unhurriedly.

"Eva..." Seeing this, Yang Tianlong couldn't help saying loudly again.

Suddenly, the nurse turned around and asked in confusion, "Who are you looking for?"

(End of this chapter)

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