Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 135 The Mysterious Nurse Who Prepares to Kill

Chapter 135 The Mysterious Nurse Who Prepares to Kill
"I'm looking for you." Yang Tianlong smiled lightly, with a hint of frivolity in his words.

"Looking for me?" The female nurse seemed a little nervous, "Why are you looking for me?"

"Aren't you from the United States?" When communicating with her just now, Yang Tianlong used French completely.

"Yes." The female nurse blushed.

"Then how do you know French?" Yang Tianlong looked at her and asked.

As soon as this question came up, the female nurse seemed a little flustered. Obviously, she was not prepared enough.But soon, she adjusted her status, "Sir, we are international nurses, and it is a matter of course that we can speak multiple languages."

"Really?" Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, this woman looks exactly like Eva, as if carved out of a mold, but Yang Tianlong can confirm that she is not Eva.

The reason is simple, he remembered Eva's necklace, but this female nurse did not.

But the flustered look on the female nurse's face caught his attention.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I made a mistake." Yang Tianlong apologized.

"It's okay." After the female nurse finished speaking, she pushed the medicine cart into the dispensing room alone.Immediately, she slammed the door of the dispensing room shut.

"You know him?" Jing Siying couldn't help asking curiously when the female nurse closed the door heavily.

"I don't know." Yang Tianlong shook his head.

"But this nurse is so strange." Jing Siying said as if talking to herself.

What Jing Siying said made him more determined to find out. Yang Tianlong paused and said: "Miss Jing, the stairs on the right are for Dr. Peter's office. I have a stomachache."

After Jing Siying hummed lightly, she walked towards the third floor alone.

After looking around, Yang Tianlong came to the iron gate decisively, but the iron gate was airtight, and he couldn't peek into the situation inside.

As for the windows, I don't know when they were pulled tightly.

The more suspicious the female nurse's behavior was, the more eager Yang Tianlong wanted to inquire.

In order not to be discovered, he found a room opposite the dispensing room.

In the room, Yang Tianlong stared at the iron door intently.

Ten minutes later, the iron door creaked, and the head of the female nurse poked out first.

From the look in the eyes of the female nurse, Yang Tianlong strengthened his judgment.

After confirming that no one was paying attention to her, the female nurse straightened her clothes and walked out of the room with a medicine tray.

As soon as the female nurse left, Yang Tianlong strung in immediately.

For this kind of thing, you must first check the trash can, and Yang Tianlong is no exception. Sure enough, in the trash can, Yang Tianlong saw several broken tubes of potion.

Picking up the broken bottle, I saw a row of English letters printed on it.

Shit, this thing really tested me.

You must know that although your French is very good, your English is very bad.

In desperation, Yang Tianlong thought of the system.

This guy has been asleep for a long time.

After waking up the system, I saw a look of contempt on the system's face, "Don't you know this? Sleeping pills and tranquilizers."

"What? Sleeping pills, tranquilizers?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback.

He couldn't help asking again, "What about the five vials?"

"Five vials?" the system exclaimed, "enough to make a person sleep for a day."

As soon as the system finished speaking, Yang Tianlong ran towards the ward in a hurry.

"Why another infusion?" Before entering, he heard Liu's voice.

As soon as Liu's voice fell to the ground, a female nurse's voice came, "Sir, this was added temporarily by the doctor, and it will be very effective for your recovery."

"Okay." Seeing that it was the doctor's explanation, Liu had no choice but to accept it bitterly.

Soon, the female nurse picked up the tampon and wiped it on the back of Liu's hand. After wiping, the female nurse picked up the needle and prepared to insert it.

"Wait a minute." At the moment when the needle was about to be inserted, Yang Tianlong couldn't help shouting, which startled the people in the ward.

"What's the doctor's name?" Looking at the female nurse, Yang Tianlong asked coldly.

"Don't you believe it?" The female nurse seemed unhappy.

"What's the doctor's name first?" Yang Tianlong said while walking towards the female nurse.

Just before he took two steps, the female nurse suddenly threw the liquid in her hand at Yang Tianlong.

In desperation, Yang Tianlong stretched out his arm to block it.

A black shadow flashed in front of him.

"I want to run." Yang Tianlong called out to the doctor, and then stretched out his hand towards the female nurse.

Unexpectedly, the female nurse's escape speed was too fast, Yang Tianlong's hand just touched her back, and the female nurse had already rushed to the door.

Yang Tianlong walked briskly and came to the door, only to see that the female nurse had disappeared into the corridor.

The monk couldn't run away from the temple, so Yang Tianlong quickly opened the electronic map and quickly located the Red Cross Hospital.

Unexpectedly, after more than ten minutes of careful inspection, he still did not find any trace of the female nurse.

Could it be that this hospital has two doors?

Sure enough, Yang Tianlong saw a side door on the right wall of the hospital, and there was a low-rise slum beyond the side door.

Fuck, Yang Tianlong cursed angrily.

At this moment, Jing Siying and Dr. Pete also came to the corridor.

Soon, they learned what had just happened.

"I didn't prescribe him any medicine." Dr. Pete said innocently.

"Go, leave the hospital immediately." Yang Tianlong hurriedly asked everyone to help pack things.

Jing Siying, Lao Zhang, and Da Liu seemed to be aware of the seriousness of the problem, and hurriedly cleaned it up together.

Da Liu didn't have many things in the first place, and in less than 5 minutes, everyone finished packing up.

"Will you use guns?" Yang Tianlong asked in a low voice.

Jing Siying shook her head, and Lao Zhang nodded.

"Here." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong took out a pistol from his bag and handed it to Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang took the gun, pulled it quickly, and the bullet was loaded instantly.

Yang Tianlong didn't seem to be in a hurry to go out, he found Dr. Pete who was still in the corridor.

After speaking briefly, Dr. Pete decisively took out his mobile phone and called the local police station.

After waiting in the hospital for more than ten minutes, I saw seven or eight policemen rushing over from the main entrance.

This time is a good opportunity, Yang Tianlong and the others hurried towards the door.

"Stop." The police decisively stopped them.

"Mr. Director, these are my friends, can you escort them back?" Doctor Pete was happy to work for Yang Tianlong after receiving a $[-] favor fee just now.

"Send them?" The police chief looked surprised.

"Thank you." Yang Tianlong said while stuffing one hundred dollars into the director.

"Oh, good..." Soon, the police car drove into the hospital yard.

Pulling away the two dilapidated police cars, Yang Tianlong and the others resolutely got into the car.

After a long circle around Bunia, it was not until it was completely dark that he returned to Wilmots' hotel.

After receiving Yang Tianlong's call, Lafu and the others rushed over immediately.

After talking about the cause and effect of the incident, Yang Tianlong came to a conclusion that this incident was done by the group that Jing Siying and the others photographed in the rainforest.

"Then what are you going to do?" Raff looked at him and couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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