Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 149 The Temptation of Huahua

Chapter 149 The Temptation of Huahua

Following Elena's footsteps to the rooftop, the rooftop is surrounded by various flowers, and a sun umbrella is placed in the middle, and several chairs with local characteristics are placed under the sun umbrella.

From these details, it is enough to see the owner's love for life.

At this time, a breeze happened to blow, and the air was mixed with the fragrance of countless different types of flowers floating over from a distance.

The two were immersed in the world of flowers for a long time, and Elena suddenly pointed to a small hillside in the distance and said, "Honey, have you seen that sea of ​​flowers?"

Looking in the direction of Elena's finger, Yang Tianlong saw the large sea of ​​colorful flowers on the hillside. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him, he couldn't help sighing, "Well, I saw it, it's so beautiful."

Elena couldn't help but smiled, "It was planted by my father and his friends."

"Will it be sold?" Yang Tianlong's business mind is very flexible now, seeing the flowers that are at least several thousand acres, he couldn't help asking.

Elena nodded, "Yes, our flowers will be directly transported to Europe, and even the Netherlands, a big flower country, has our share."

Originally, I thought that Elena's parents were both engaged in art, but who would have thought that there is such a big industry right now.

"Honey, your parents are very powerful." Yang Tianlong praised with admiration.

"Actually, this is just a chance." Elena giggled and told Yang Tianlong the story of the sea of ​​flowers.

It turned out that it was the place where her father lived when he first came to Ethiopia. Originally, there were not many flowers planted there, and it was only for viewing by his family. Later, who knew that the land there was particularly suitable for planting flowers. Linna's father contracted thousands of acres of mountain land to plant flowers, and then it became out of control.

Seeing that this was the case, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smile slightly.

The two sat in the chairs and chatted for a while, and when they saw that there was still half an hour before lunch, they got up and walked downstairs.

When going downstairs, Elena introduced again, the third floor is the bedroom, the second floor is the study room and the guest room...

When I came to the first floor, suddenly the door creaked, and with the sound of pushing the door, I saw a tall middle-aged man with a strong body came in.

"Father." Seeing this middle-aged man, Elena hurried up to greet him, and hugged him warmly.

"Where are the guests?" Elena's father, Franlo, couldn't help asking.

"It's right behind me!" Elena couldn't help but smiled.

"Oh..." Franlo discovered Yang Tianlong at this time.

"Hi, Huaxialong." Franlo was as cheerful as Elena, and he greeted Yang Tianlong with a relaxed face, "Welcome to my house as a guest."

"Thank you uncle." Yang Tianlong nodded politely in response.

"A polite boy," said Franco, beckoning him to sit down.

There are always endless topics between men, and it is the same with Wilmots, and it is the same with Mr. Franlo. From geography to history, from military to politics, these topics are discussed back and forth between Yang Tianlong and Mr. Franlo. They talked a lot, until Elena came to tell them that they could eat, and they stopped their pleasant communication.

"Hua Xialong, you are a good guy, I like you very much." In front of his daughter, Franlo expressed his affection for Yang Tianlong in a friendly manner.

Faced with Franlo's favor, Yang Tianlong also responded generously, "Uncle is a person I especially admire. From you, I have learned a lot of excellent things."

"Haha, you bastard." Franlo said as he stood up, "Let's go, let's have dinner first, and we'll have a pleasant exchange after lunch."

The main meal of Europeans is dinner, so lunch is relatively simple, salad, pasta, juice.

During the meal, Franlo was also very talkative, expressing his views from time to time.

After lunch, Yang Tianlong rushed to clean up the kitchen. At first Elena's mother, Sophia, was reluctant, but he couldn't hold back his insistence, so he left all the work in the kitchen to him.

Cleaning the kitchen and cleaning Yang Tianlong has done a lot in the past, but this time at his girlfriend's house, he worked harder, with high standards and fast speed, so Sophia couldn't help asking her daughter Elena, is it all Chinese men? They are all so hardworking.

Elena nodded resolutely, and said proudly, "That's not true."

Before Sophia spoke, Franlo expressed his opinion again, "China has been a symbol of courage and hard work since ancient times, which is why their country is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world. I have a friend who is Huaxia Man, that guy is tall and big, but he is very considerate to his wife."

"Then you can learn more from them." Sophia joked.

"No way, I can't learn what they have in their bones." Franlo shrugged helplessly and spread his hands.

"Sir, Hua Xialong even gave us a gift." At this moment, Sophia brought up another topic.

"Gift?" Franlo couldn't help but frowned, "What gift?"

"It's something from Huaxia." Elena didn't know exactly what was packed in the box.

"Where is it, show it to me." Franlo seemed impatient to find out.

"You are just in a hurry." Sophia scolded her husband, and then walked into the study.

Soon, she put the gift from Yang Tianlong on the tea table.

"I guess it should be a wooden handicraft." Art people always have a strange judgment on art gifts, and Mr. Franlo is no exception. When he opened the box, Franlo couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"My God, this guy is so funny."

Seeing the laughter on his face, Sophia and Elena quickly moved their heads towards him. After seeing the gift, they couldn't help but also burst out laughing.

It turned out that the gift from Yang Tianlong was two giant pandas made of wood printed by a printer. These two pandas have different expressions, but they all look cute.

"Mom and Dad, it's you two that Huaxialong printed." Elena covered her mouth and coughed and smiled.

Franlo couldn't help but looked carefully again, then he nodded and grinned, "Isn't it!"

Pandas are a national treasure of China and a specialty of Yang Tianlong's hometown. Yang Tianlong thinks the best way to give a pair of cute giant pandas to his future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

While Mr. Franlo's family was looking at these two exquisitely crafted woodwork, Yang Tianlong also came out of the kitchen.

However, his appearance did not attract the attention of Ke Franlo and the others.

It wasn't until quite a while before Elena discovered him.

"My parents like this gift very much." Elena said happily, "Thank you, dear."

Franlo and Sophia also noticed his arrival, and they couldn't help but nodded, and then praised the two pieces of woodwork one after another.

"Let's go, I'll take you to my flower farm." Franlo invited Yang Tianlong with enthusiasm.

At this time, Elena's voice came over, "Hua Xialong, you are the first person my father invited to Hua Zhuang at the first meeting."

 (Thank you for the 2 monthly tickets for "Drunk and Happy" and "Sheep Chasing Wolves" respectively. The younger brother is very grateful and will not say anything. From today onwards, we will not play anything fake. Brothers like to watch. The younger brother will do more, and will not be linked to those rewards, monthly tickets, and recommendations. People, sometimes you still have to be more genuine)
(End of this chapter)

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