Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 150 Huazhuang Might Be in Trouble

Chapter 150 Huazhuang Might Be in Trouble
Faced with Mr. Franlo's warm invitation, Yang Tianlong naturally agreed with a happy face.

What he said on the rooftop just now made him feel the huge economic benefits of the flower market.

After all, this is a romantic era. Valentine's Day, White Valentine's Day, Qixi Festival...Flowers have become one of the best ways for Chinese people to express their feelings.

Back to Huazhuang this time, Elena didn't drive, but got into the car of her father Franlo.

Franlo's car is a black Land Rover. The large body and good driving experience are the first choice of many users who like outdoor travel.

Franlo said enthusiastically, "Huaxialong, you take the co-pilot, and I will give you a good introduction to the city of Addis Ababa."

"Okay." Yang Tianlong happily opened the car door for Elena first. Mr. Franlo took a serious look at this detail. Unknowingly, he couldn't help but increase his affection for Yang Tianlong. .

Addis Ababa, like Kinshasa, is one of Africa's rising megacities, with a large slum in the center and modern new urban areas on the fringes.

However, due to the high altitude, there are not many natural attractions in this city. Churches and museums are the few cultural attractions in the city.

Compared with the traffic in Kinshasa, the traffic in Addis Ababa is much better. There are few vehicles on the city's wide roads, but Mr. Franlo's speed along the way is not fast. After taking Yang Tianlong around half of the capital Only then did Franlo unhurriedly drive the car into Huazhuang.

All the local female workers in the flower farm were picking fresh roses in an orderly manner when they arrived.Although their complexion is very dark, they are different from women in other parts of Africa. They have delicate skin, duck-egg faces like Orientals, and big eyes. When you look closely, they are quite attractive.

In the flower farm, Franlo enthusiastically introduced all kinds of flowers in the flower farm to Yang Tianlong. From planting to care, from harvesting to sales, it can be seen that Franlo is very familiar with this set .

"This season is the season when the local flower production in Europe and the United States is seriously declining. In a few days, the flowers here will be continuously transported to Europe and the United States by special planes." Franlo introduced with a bright smile on his face.

In a few days, it will be Christmas. This is a festival similar to the Chinese New Year in western countries. The large consumption of Christmas will make the flowers here extremely tight.

"The next step is to expand the planting scale and extract the essence from flowers. I want to create a brand-name perfume belonging to our Franlo family." When he said this, Mr. Franlo looked confident. After all, with His contacts in the art world, as long as the quality of the product is not too bad, a world-renowned brand-name perfume is nothing to him.

After walking around the flower farm, Franlo led them into a European-style flower house, which was mainly a resting place.

The soft music, the endless sea of ​​flowers, and a cup of rose tea, this feeling is really great.

"This rose tea is made by my wife. How is it? It tastes pretty good." Franlo said with a smile.

Yang Tianlong picked up the cup and took a sip gently. The taste of this rose tea seems to be really good, with both the scent of flowers and the umami taste of flowers.

"Very good." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded in praise.

"That's right." Franco smiled knowingly.

"I have always liked the rose tea made by my mother when I was a child." Elena couldn't help taking a sip of the tea after she finished speaking.

Seeing Elena drinking tea like a lady, Yang Tianlong couldn't help smiling at her.

Suddenly at this moment, I saw a black man dressed like a manager hurried into the flower house, and soon, the black employee whispered in Mr. Franlo's ear.

Mr. Franlo didn't speak, but the expression on his face "betrayed" him. It can be seen that this is not good news.

Mr. Franlo nodded while listening, until the black employee finished speaking, he said calmly: "Okay, I understand."

The black employee nodded and walked out quickly.

At this time, Mr. Franlo said with a smile on his face: "Eileen, Dad has to go out first, so you can accompany Hua Xialong around the flower farm."

"Don't worry, Dad." Elena said with a smile on her face.

"Huaxialong, you must have fun here, and I will take you for a drive in the evening." Mr. Franlo patted Yang Tianlong's shoulder before leaving.

Seeing that Mr. Franlo was about to leave, Yang Tianlong got up quickly, "Thank you uncle."

"It's fun." After saying that, Franlo walked out of the flower house with big strides.

Seeing her father walk out of the flower house, and only she and Yang Tianlong were left in the flower house, Elena couldn't help smiling and said, "Honey, I feel that my parents like you very much."

"That's not because my dear said a lot of good things for me." Yang Tianlong thanked with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, someone said something nice for you." Elena couldn't help but "snorted."

"Honey, to be honest, I feel that your father has some difficult things to deal with just now." Yang Tianlong suddenly got to the point.

"Really?" Hearing what Hua Xialong said, Eileen couldn't help but frown, recalling the previous scene.

"I didn't feel anything?" Elena looked blank, still not aware of anything.

"That may be because I feel wrong." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, then got up and looked at the stream in Huazhuang, "Honey, let's go for a walk by the stream."

"Okay." After saying that, Elena took his arm with a sweet face.

As soon as I arrived at the stream, I saw the female workers in the flower garden inside came out with puzzled faces.

At this time, it was three or four o'clock in the afternoon, which was the best time to pick flowers. After seeing the group of female workers resting, Yang Tianlong felt that his previous feelings had come true.

"Why don't you work anymore?" Yang Tianlong asked loudly.

"The boss won't let me do it anymore." The female workers looked frustrated, obviously they still hoped to work harder and get more rewards.

"What? My father won't let you do it?" Elena was confused, "How is that possible? These flowers will be shipped to Europe soon."

At this time, another female worker spoke, "I heard that the quality inspection failed, and there were pollutants inside."

Elena widened her beautiful eyes, "How is this possible?"

"Are you sure you failed the quality inspection?" Yang Tianlong also sensed the importance of the matter, so he couldn't help but confirm it again.

"Yes, the customs does not allow export." The female workers vowed on their faces.

Hearing this, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but thumped in his heart, it seemed that he was in trouble now.

(I really want to express my gratitude to everyone, so I used a small account to send a 400 starting point currency red envelope, but I was robbed by someone as soon as I sent it out. I have no choice but to dare not send it again. Book friends who read my younger brother’s novels, please trouble me. I will continue to send out red envelopes recently, which can be regarded as rebates for everyone. To be honest, it’s not my character to be thick-skinned...)
 Thank you for the "Mind Space 686" January ticket, cauldron, go to a big sword at night
(End of this chapter)

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