Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 306 Killing the Hostage

Chapter 306 Killing the Hostage

After covering Liu Wei into the residential building, Siman looked at Yang Tianlong who was only wearing a jacket and said, "Old man, you really don't need protective equipment?"

"No, I took a look just now, and there is no sniper on the other side." Yang Tianlong was full of confidence.

"What do you think?" Siman looked surprised.

"Vision, didn't I say it, my eyesight is very good, old man." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"Then what do we do now?" Siman couldn't help asking.

"Right now, the enemy has only arranged two checkpoints. In fact, the three guys at three or four o'clock ran late and couldn't get out, so they can only be their forward firepower checkpoints. The rest of the people They are all hiding in that five-story residential building." After speaking, Yang Tianlong pointed to the five-story red residential building.

From a distance, under the reflection of the sunlight, the residential building looked extremely quiet, as if it had nothing to do with the world.

"How many people are there?" Siman couldn't help but widen his eyes, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything inside except the building.

"There are 10 of them right now. I don't know if any of them are hiding inside." Yang Tianlong said with a serious face, "They all wear the same clothes as the common people here."

The electronic map in Yang Tianlong's mind has been closely looking at the building, and suddenly, he frowned again.

"No, there are hostages." Yang Tianlong called out.

"A hostage?" Siman's eyes widened. "Where is it?"

"Together with the rebels, 1, 2, ... 9." Yang Tianlong counted seriously, and he found a total of nine hostages.


"Bang, bang..."

Suddenly, at this moment, several muffled gunshots were heard above their heads. There was no doubt that it was the gunshots of Liu Wei and Albuquerque.

"Successfully killed the four o'clock rebels." Liu Wei reported.

"Hey, the two at three o'clock were also killed." Albuquer also looked proud.

"Ask them if they can see the red five-story building." Yang Tianlong said to Siman.

Sman nodded, and quickly passed on the words.

Liu Wei's answer was that there was a blind spot, and he could only see a corner; while Albuquer's answer was that he could see a few people standing by the window.

"Let him stay well first and don't move." Yang Tianlong said again.

Sman passed the word on again.

"Go, go to Joseph's place." After Yang Tianlong finished speaking, he quickly moved towards Joseph's command position along the corner of the building.

"Da da..." The rebels were hiding behind them, and there were gunshots from time to time.

"Sir, they took a total of 9 hostages." Yang Tianlong said to Joseph.

Joseph was taken aback, "What? The rebels also took hostages?"

"Yes." Yang Tianlong nodded.

"Nine?" Joseph couldn't help frowning, he didn't want these hostages to become a stumbling block on their way forward.

"I have to report to the commander." Joseph said as he walked to the command vehicle and used the car radio to contact the Ministry of Defense.

"Commander, we have found the places where the rebels are hiding. We don't know their number, but according to Hua Xialong just now, the rebels also took nine of our hostages." Joseph briefly reported.

"At this time, it is not a matter of hostage or not. 9 people are not too many, and they are all ordinary people, and they are hostages. If they die, they will die. At that time, we will push public opinion to the side of the rebels. I order you to rush in now and wipe out that group of rebels at all costs."

"Yes, Commander." Joseph nodded and agreed.

"What did the commander say?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"Huaxia Dragon, there is no way to rescue them right now." Joseph asked involuntarily.

"There is a way, but I don't know the consequences." Yang Tianlong was eager to know the commander's answer.

"The commander said that this place is very dangerous, so please evacuate as soon as possible. We will find a solution as soon as possible. Please rest assured that we will do everything possible to ensure the safety of the hostages." Joseph did not want the crooked nuts in front of him to know their true intentions.

Siman couldn't help snorting, "Sir, how sure are you that you can rescue the hostages safely?"

"At least [-]%." Joseph showed a confident face.

"Sir, please evacuate quickly, it is really dangerous here." Joseph said again.

Now the sky is gradually getting dark, thinking that they still have to look for monkeys, Yang Tianlong looked at Liu Wei, only to see Liu Wei nodded slightly to him, "Okay, then you all pay attention to safety."

Joseph nodded, "Don't worry, gentlemen, you too."

Soon, Albuquer also came down from the sniper point, and the four of them left the blocked area on a motorcycle and continued to drive towards the monkey's location.

After more than ten minutes, he was finally found in Monkey's supermarket.

This guy took his brother-in-law with a gun, looking around with vigilance.

When they saw Liu Wei, they couldn't help crying.

"Monkey, the plane has been repaired, hurry up and follow me." Liu Wei said loudly.

"Ah? The plane has been repaired." The expression on the monkey's face was very strange.

"Yes, it's fixed." Liu Wei couldn't help but nodded.

"Brother, what about my goods?" Monkey couldn't help but glanced at the locked door behind him, which contained all his belongings, and if he abandoned these goods, he would have no capital to make a comeback.

"Have you found the truck?" Liu Wei couldn't help asking.

The monkey shook his head, "I can't find it."

"Then there is no way to find it. It's nothing if the rebels can't fight. Once they fight, this place will be looted." Liu Wei enlightened the monkey, "The goods are gone, and you can make more money. The grief is only temporary. thing."

"No, brother, you don't know all my belongings, no, it should include all of my brother-in-law's belongings in this supermarket. If we have nothing, we can only jump off the building." Monkey's expression became bewildered.

His brother-in-law was also a little dazed, but not numb, "Brother Liu, all my brother-in-law and I's belongings are in it. My brother-in-law is right, we can't leave."

"Yes, we can't go." The monkey's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to be a little more energetic.

"Monkey, why are you so stupid?" Liu Wei couldn't help but angrily said.

"Brother, you know the feeling when a person is desperate." The monkey held an old-fashioned rifle tightly in his hand, as if afraid of being snatched away.

Yang Tianlong knew the monkey's despair, after thinking about it, he couldn't help giving the monkey an electric baton.

The current was adjusted just right, and the monkey was instantly stunned.

Just as his brother-in-law was about to speak, he suddenly passed out.

"Brother Liu, you take them away first, and I'll come to the rear." Yang Tianlong said to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei nodded, then took Siman and Albuquer on a motorcycle and drove towards the airport.

Facing the iron chain locks in the supermarket, Yang Tianlong "slapped" a few shots. In an instant, the iron chain locks were smashed into pieces. When he walked into the supermarket, he saw that the goods had already been packed.

This saved him trouble, Yang Tianlong threw all these goods into the plane warehouse.


Less than 10 minutes after Yang Tianlong and the others left, two tanks were slowly approaching, aiming their muzzles at the position of the rebels.



The tanks fired one after another, blowing up the hiding places of the rebels until nothing remained...

(End of this chapter)

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