Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 307 The Chinese must go first

Chapter 307 The Chinese must go first
When I got back to the airport, there was a lot of noise inside. It turned out that a group of yellow-skinned guys were trying to rush across the terminal building to the apron.

"We also want to do handjobs, and we demand equality." A fat middle-aged man wearing glasses said angrily.

"The plane doesn't belong to the Huaxia people, so why only let the Huaxia people take it?"

"We are all here to help Tutan, and it's not just the Chinese who are helping."

"Huaxia people are so annoying, you can see them like flies everywhere."


These new faces that popped up all of a sudden looked cynical and at the same time proud.

what happened? "Yang Tianlong walked over quickly.

Liu Wei also came over at this time, and said with a distressed face, "These are people from Baodao and the island country. They also do business and invest in Esawaka. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force brought them here just now, hoping to let them Follow us out of here."

"Didn't you agree to only care about the Chinese people?" Yang Tianlong became a little angry, and he quickly walked towards the fat air force chief of staff.

"Sir, no matter what the situation is, I must let our people go first." Yang Tianlong looked at the chubby Air Force Chief of Staff in front of him and negotiated righteously.

"Fake, why should you Chinese people be given priority?" The crowd began to be dissatisfied.

"Huaxia people get out." A wretched-looking guy roared angrily.


"Brother, these were arranged by our commander, and it's not easy for me to do it." The chief of staff knew that His Excellency the President had ordered to ensure the safety of the Chinese people. As for the other people, the President hadn't given any orders.

"Then they have to come in order of size and first, and the order can't be messed up because of their arrival." Yang Tianlong said with a straight face.

"Yes, yes, I'm going to persuade them, these guys are really enough." The chief of staff kept nodding, like a schoolboy being scolded.

Immediately, he persuaded these treasure islanders and islanders.

Originally, I thought it would be nothing to ask them to wait in line, but as soon as his words came out, those self-righteous Baodao people and island people exploded again.

"These are just migrant workers. We are all investors worth tens of millions of dollars. Why should we be ranked behind them?"

"We paid a lot of money to buy the tickets, so why let them repair the airport first? What a joke, don't they just serve us?"


What these guys said to each other made the huge and empty terminal building like chickens screaming and dogs jumping.

"It's all quiet." Yang Tianlong's voice suddenly seemed to explode.

In an instant, the entire terminal building was silent.

"Just now I said that Huaxia people should go back. I think I am superior to others. Please come out." Yang Tianlong's voice was not loud now, but it sounded sonorous and powerful, and his words came from his heart.

These guys were a little scared all of a sudden, they knew that they could only put pressure on the Air Force, and they didn't dare to put pressure on these Chinese people.

"Is there no one?" Yang Tianlong looked around again, sizing up everyone's faces.

No one dared to speak out, they seemed to be dumb, and it seemed as if time had stood still.

"If no one has any objections, then wait here honestly. If you have a life to live, you will get on the plane. If you have a life to live, you will stay and wait to die." Yang Tianlong said coldly.

Now this group of people is more honest, they all shut their mouths tightly, lest they make a little noise to anger the guy in front of them.

"Hoohoo..." At this moment, the helicopter driven by Vasily landed on the airport, and he opened the hatch without turning off the engine.

"Brothers, take your luggage and go quickly." Liu Wei said loudly.

Upon hearing this, the Huaxia migrant workers who were quietly waiting for the flight quickly put on some dirty tendon bags on their backs, and ran towards the helicopter with an overjoyed expression on their faces.

"Hey, stop." Seeing the fat man with glasses who yelled the loudest, Liu Wei couldn't help but stop him.

"Sir, no, bro, I'm also with these migrant workers." The guy said with a half-smile.

"A group?" Liu Wei couldn't help but smiled slightly, "Then what do you do? What's your name?"

"I am their manager, surnamed Lin." This guy tried his best to restrain his pure treasure island accent.

"Is your name Lin Dayou?" Liu Wei smiled slightly.

"Yes, yes, yes, brother knows me?" Da Lin said on the right and looked towards the helicopter on the tarmac, feeling a little anxious in his heart, "Brother, I won't talk to you today, let's go back Let’s go to the beautiful motherland.” After speaking, the fat man was about to run away.

"Stop." Liu Wei pulled him back, and then said with a smile on his face, "Boss Lin, do you know who I am?"

"You are?" Lin Dayou looked terrified, he began to recall his enemies here, but after thinking about it, it seems that he didn't offend anyone on the surface.

"I'm Liu Wei who called you this morning." Liu Wei smiled slightly, "Boss Lin looks like he's not only a businessman, but also an actor."

When Lin Dayou heard it, his heart suddenly turned cold. He originally wanted to get away with it, but now it seems that he can't.

"We are all Chinese. I have never said anything bad about Chinese people. My ancestral home is from the mainland." Lin Dayou hurriedly clarified, "Brother, you called me this morning. I was upset at that time. Chaos, I admit, my attitude is not good, but for the sake of my mother and compatriots, can you let me go first? My old mother is still waiting for me at home." Lin Dayou was so anxious that he was about to cry up.

"Boss Lin, I'm sorry, there are only so many people on the plane, wait for the next flight." After speaking, Liu Wei waved at the closed cabin door.

Soon, Vasily flew away in the helicopter again...

After the chief of staff of the air force slipped away at some point, these previously cynical guys became even more honest. They took out their cigarettes, snacks, and drinks, and tried their best to please Liu Wei and Yang Tianlong.

"Hey, there's a signal." Just after Vasily's plane hadn't left for less than 10 minutes, Liu Zhengyang yelled loudly.

As soon as there was a signal, everyone quickly took out their mobile phones, and Yang Tianlong was no exception.

At this moment, an unfamiliar mobile phone number called, and that number showed that the place of attribution was in Ethiopia.

It must be Elena.

Without hesitation, Yang Tianlong pressed the answer button, "Honey, I'm fine, I'm in a small town in the Congo rainforest, and the signal here is very poor."

"No, Tianlong, you misunderstood, I'm not your girlfriend." A woman's voice came from the opposite side.

 Thanks to the two old brothers "I Love Bookworm" and "Dingdingli's Sugar" for their rewards, thank you guys, the temperature has cooled down recently, and my brother pays attention to his body
(End of this chapter)

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