Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 311 The Lion and the Eagle

Chapter 311 The Lion and the Eagle

When they came back to their senses, they immediately raised their guns.

The majestic lion was also stunned. He thought he was alone, but unexpectedly there was a group of people behind him.

"Don't shoot." Yang Tianlong quickly stopped the behavior of the people around him.

"Then what are you doing?" Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they were very puzzled by the meaning of the boss's words.

"You deal with it first, hold it steady, don't shoot, wait for me." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong tiptoed back, and he was also afraid that his actions would alarm the lion.

There was still a lot of domestication fluid left, so Yang Tianlong decided to domesticate the male lion.

Find two roast chickens from the space, and after smearing the taming liquid on them, Yang Tianlong signaled everyone to retreat.

Although they were puzzled, they had to obey the boss's orders. After seeing the boss telling them to retreat, all of them tiptoed back.

"Big bear, stand there and move around as much as you can. Lions like to eat carrion. If you pretend to be a dead body, it might jump on you." Through the headset, Yang Tianlong taught Alexander how to deal with lions.

"Got it, Boss." Alexander the Big Bear was sweating all over his body, and he wanted to move, but unexpectedly found that his feet were a little numb.

Damn, I used to not be afraid to meet a man-bear in Chechnya, but now I was scared to pee when I met a lion face-to-face for the first time. Alexander couldn't help but despise himself in his heart.

Yang Tianlong gently threw the two roast chickens over, the lion was taken aback for a moment, and then sized up the group of uninvited guests in front of him with its fearless eyes.

It is indeed a little hungry, but the smell of the roast chicken makes it a little bit more.

The male lion is also self-aware at any rate, I saw it staring at the person and the roast chicken for at least 10 minutes.

"Hey, it finally moved." Akinfeev next to him couldn't help but whispered.

Sure enough, the male lion still did not resist the temptation of the roasted chicken, and it slowly moved towards the roasted chicken.

"Chirp..." Just as the roast chicken was within reach, a vulture flew out from nowhere and picked up a roast chicken on the ground with a hateful expression on its face.

Yang Tianlong and the others couldn't help being stunned, the vulture came so quietly that none of them noticed it.

The vulture quickly flitted across the grass, then took a vigorous flight, and flew towards the distant sky.

The hateful vulture, Yang Tianlong couldn't help being a little annoyed.

"Meng Diao, kill that vulture." Yang Tianlong decisively gave the three Meng Diao instructions in his heart.

"Pfft..." In an instant, three fierce eagles rushed out from different directions around them, and they flew towards the direction of the vultures.

When the vulture saw the fierce eagle, it was so frightened that it flapped its wings desperately, but there was still a roast chicken on its paw.

The vulture was not stupid either. Seeing that the three vultures that were far stronger than him in terms of size and movement were about to catch up, it quickly let go of its claws.

Yang Tianlong has always opened the electronic map to view it from the perspective of God. When he saw the vulture loosening the roast chicken, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But in an instant, he was dumbfounded again. It turned out that there was a clear lake below.

Once the roasted chicken coated with the taming liquid falls into the lake, it will be diluted infinitely, and it will definitely have no effect at that time.

"Hurry up and take back the roast chicken." Yang Tianlong ordered in his mind.

Facing the nearest Meng Diao, he quickly swooped down and flew towards the roast chicken with all his might.

The diving speed of Meng Diao can reach 200 kilometers per hour, but the roast chicken is doing infinite free fall in the air. Even if the speed of Meng Diao is fast, it cannot keep up with the free fall motion.

"Pa..." The roast chicken decisively fell into the lake.

Meng Diao still didn't give up, and less than three seconds after the roast chicken fell into the lake, it rushed into the water at once.

The surface of the water fluttered by the huge wings was slightly wrinkled, causing a burst of ripples.

"Chirp..." Meng Diao's perseverance was really tenacious. Even though the roast chicken had fallen into the water, it still stretched its sharp claws into the water and caught the roast chicken back.

With this roast chicken, Meng Diao threw the roast chicken down when it flew over Yang Tianlong's head.

The roast chicken fell into the grass with a snap, startling the lion who was still chewing the roast chicken.

Yang Tianlong ran over quickly, picked up the roasted chicken, and while the people around were not paying attention, he once again covered the whole roasted chicken with the taming liquid.

The male lion didn't leave. After it enjoyed the roast chicken with relish, it squatted down and combed its hair with its sharp front paws.

"Hehe, this lion is really big." Siman could not help but smile.

"Hey, buddy, I'll give you another roast chicken." After speaking, Yang Tianlong threw the roast chicken in his hand high.

Seeing this, the male lion jumped up and firmly held the roast chicken in its mouth in the air.

"Doo... The lion is domesticated." At the moment when the roast chicken entered the mouth of the lion, a system notification came from Yang Tianlong's ear.

The sound of the system did not disappear, but a look of surprise, "Host, the access point is nearby."

"Where?" Yang Tianlong was startled again, and he asked quickly.

"Let me locate it precisely." Soon, the picture in Yang Tianlong's mind showed the picture of system positioning.

"The host has been found, and it's at the top of Mount Kalbu." In an instant, the picture showed the whole picture of Mount Kalbu, the highest peak in the eastern plateau.

The mountain is at an altitude of 4500 meters and is only fifty kilometers away from Jill's hiding place.

"Okay, I understand." In his heart, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded.

After finishing the conversation with the system, I saw that the male lion had finished eating the roast chicken, and it was squatting on the ground with a face of contentment. Its eyes were no longer so scary, but became as docile as a little tabby cat.

"Hey, stand up." Yang Tianlong said to the lion.

The male lion nodded obediently, and changed from a sitting position to a standing position in a blink of an eye.

"Stretch out your forefoot." Under the astonished gazes of everyone, Yang Tianlong walked slowly towards the lion.

Siman was taken aback, and couldn't help murmuring, "My God, Huaxia Dragon, are you crazy?"

Yang Tianlong turned around slightly, and shook his head gently at Siman, "Old man, let you see how I tamed it."

"My God, why are you so stupid?" Siman shook his head helplessly, and then he raised the gun in his hand.

"Hey, old man, don't be like this, it's my pet." Yang Tianlong signaled Siman to put down the gun.

Siman looked at Yang Tianlong, his eyes were full of perseverance and self-confidence.

He slowly lowered the gun in his hand, but his finger was still on the trigger.

As long as the male lion dares to touch his brother, Siman is confident that he can kill it within three shots.

 Thanks to the brother "I love reading books" for the reward, and the monthly ticket for the brother "I am the wilderness". I am very grateful that I have supported the younger brother since the beginning of writing the book.

(End of this chapter)

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