Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 312 Encountering Rebel Cavalry

Chapter 312 Encountering Rebel Cavalry
Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Yang Tianlong completely tamed this majestic lion like a kitten.

"My God, Huaxialong, you are so powerful." Siman and the others couldn't help giving Yang Tianlong a thumbs up.

Liu Zhengyang also saw this miraculous scene, he really couldn't figure out how a wild lion could be tamed so obediently by Yang Tianlong.

"Give it a name." Yang Tianlong brought this majestic lion to the side of the mercenaries, and Alexander the Bear could not help but squat down and stroke the golden lion's fur.

"Or call it Simba." After Siman finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

Simba is the name of the Lion King in a cartoon that has been screened in many countries around the world.

Upon hearing the name, everyone couldn't help laughing, and soon, the lion was named Simba.

"Simba, go to the woods to see if there are any other animals, and help me drive those animals away." Yang Tianlong patted Simba on the head and said.

Simba nodded, and ran towards the woods at a high speed. He looked here and there in the woods, and drove all the gophers, pheasants and other animals out of the woods.

"This guy is too spiritual." Sman couldn't help but sigh.

Walking into the woods, all the people quickly unfolded the sleeping gear they carried, and soon, there was another sound of snoring here again.

Perhaps because they were too tired last night, they slept until two o'clock in the afternoon. After a simple lunch in the woods, everyone rode their motorcycles and continued on their way.

Simba followed behind them, never leaving.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, a clear stream appeared seven or eight kilometers away from the jungle. Everyone stopped there and prepared to rest for more than ten minutes.

Drinking the sweet stream and admiring the beauty of the grassland, in Yang Tianlong's view, if it were not for the war, all of this would be a very wonderful thing.

He even took out his mobile phone and took pictures of the grassland.

Simba also started hunting on the grassland. Due to the high altitude here, there are not many large animals, so Simba had to chase those fat hares on the endless grassland.

"Bang..." There was a sudden gunshot from the mountain not far away, which startled Yang Tianlong and the others who were still resting.

Looking for the sound, I saw three big horses suddenly appearing on the top of the mountain, and each horse had a black man with a gun. These guys were wearing the uniforms of the rebels.

"Who are they?" Albuquerque frowned involuntarily.

At this moment, the black men on the hill also spotted them, and their faces were filled with shock.

"No, there are mercenaries." The leader couldn't help but yelled, and then he quickly changed the direction of his mount.

Obviously, they're going back to report.

"Kill them." Yang Tianlong said loudly.

"Papa..." The mercenaries quickly picked up the weapons in their hands and shot at those guys, but the distance was a bit far, and they were in a hurry, so after all the shooting, they all fired empty guns.

The sniper Albuquer was no exception. He hadn't aimed at those three people before they disappeared from his sight.

"Chasing." In any case, Yang Tianlong would not let those three people escape. Once these three guys tipped off the news, the consequences would be disastrous.

But the opponent is on the top of the mountain, and there is no way to go from their feet to the opponent. It is very difficult to chase them.

In desperation, Yang Tianlong thought of three fierce eagles.

Soon, he assigned the task to the three fierce eagles.

After getting the order, the eagles quickly searched the vast grassland. The eagle eyes were really good. After a while, three small black spots appeared in the eyes of the three eagles.

After the work was done, the three fierce eagles chased after them, estimating the appropriate position, and saw that the three fierce eagles shot at the skulls of the three black men again like shells fired from the chamber.

The blacks galloping all the way didn't pay attention to the sky at all. They looked behind from time to time, but they didn't see the mercenaries coming to chase them.

They didn't dare to neglect, and kept waving the whips in their hands, galloping all the way to the rebel headquarters.

The golden eagle's speed was getting faster and faster. When they were still about five meters away from the target, they stretched out their sharp claws that were previously hidden in their abdomen.

"Chirp..." There was a loud roar from the sky.

The fierce eagle's sharp claws have pierced the skull cover of the human body, and these three unlucky ghosts are no exception. At the moment they were attacked by the sharp claws, they only felt an unforgettable pain on the top of their heads, and the severe pain made them lose their minds. perception.

The three blacks were carried to the ground in unison, and the horses under them also felt the injury of their master, and their instincts drove them to stop after running for tens of meters.

Meng Diao didn't give up, under Yang Tianlong's order, he pecked the wrists of these three guys so that they couldn't move.

More than ten minutes later, Yang Tianlong and the others finally arrived here, the Meng Diao had already gone away, the three guys lay motionless on the grass, and not far away were the three horses with leisurely faces.

There are no native domesticated horses in Africa. The reason is very simple. People here are not civilized, and it is undoubtedly impossible to domesticate wild horses.

Opening the African Encyclopedia, Yang Tianlong soon found information about these horses. It turned out that these were Namib wild horses, which were brought from Europe by European colonists more than 100 years ago.

Siman wiped the nostrils of the three guys, then shook his head helplessly, "Guys, these three guys are dead."

It's no wonder, after the skull was pierced by the fierce carving, and the arteries in the wrist were also injured, it's no wonder these guys survived.

"Find a hole and bury them." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

Soon, a dozen mercenaries waved their engineering shovels and dug a big hole in the grass.

"Akinfeev, can you bring these horses here?" Looking at these horses, Yang Tianlong couldn't help thinking.

"Of course." This guy is a Cossack who grew up on horseback since he was a child.

I saw Akinfeev walking towards the three steeds with a full face of confidence. As he walked, he made a strange cry, which was difficult for people to imitate.

Just like Yang Tianlong tamed the lion, the three horses soon became Akinfeev's mistresses.

"Boss, why don't you come and have a try?" Akinfeev came over leading two horses.

"Are you sure they are docile?" Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Sure, they are more obedient than your big lion." Soon after answering Yang Tianlong, Akinfeev showed him how to ride a horse.

After learning, Yang Tianlong nodded, took the rein, and jumped up at once.

This steed is very docile and obedient, it just exhales lightly, it seems that it has completely refused to recognize its life.

"I'll try it too." At this moment, I saw Liu Zhengyang also leapt onto the horse's back with a brisk walk. Judging from this guy's posture, he was quite professional.

"Uncle Long, there used to be horses in our prison." Liu Zhengyang said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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