Chapter 478

Huishui and others arrived at Yangcheng International Airport at nine o'clock the next morning.

When they saw Yang Tianlong, they were excited.

"Brother Long." Hui Shui, Hui Huo, and Hui Tu couldn't help shouting when they were tens of meters away from him.

"Welcome to Yangcheng." Yang Tianlong smiled and hugged everyone warmly.

"Where are Huijin and Huimu?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"The eldest brother is now working as a security guard in a factory at home, and has a daughter-in-law in his hometown. The second brother was scolded by his father after returning home. Now he is learning to cook with his brother-in-law. The three of us are more relaxed. People don't have too high demands on us, thinking that it's hard to find a job at home, so I want to follow you." Hui Shui said with a look of embarrassment.

After Huishui finished speaking, Huihuo and Huitu couldn't help but nodded, and they looked at Yang Tianlong expectantly.

"No problem, to be honest, I bought a motorcycle factory now, and now I need talents." Yang Tianlong laughed, and started the car immediately.

Hearing this, Huishui and the others couldn't help but look at each other. Brother Long bought the motorcycle factory, and it seems that they don't know these technologies either.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Yang Tianlong felt the strange expressions of the three of them.

"Brother Long, we don't know anything, what?" After a while, Hui Shui said with a look of embarrassment.

Yang Tianlong looked relaxed, "What are you doing so much? You just need to help manage the safety of the factory."

After hearing that it was this errand, the three of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, at least they still had some trouble with Yang Tianlong.

"Each person has a monthly salary of [-], including room and board, and a bonus at the end of the year." For talents, Yang Tianlong always spares no effort to obtain them.

Fifteen thousand?This time the three of them were dumbfounded again. They knew that the salary of the security guard in their hometown was only [-] a month, but now they can get [-] a month. This is a good thing they can't even imagine.

It seems that not only pies are dropped in the sky, but gold bars are also dropped.

"Brother Long, this?" The excitement turned into excitement, and the three of them felt that they didn't deserve the treatment, "Is this a bit high?"

Yang Tianlong shook his head and said with a serious face, "No, this is not high. Don't think that the factory is easy to manage. Things inside are complicated. When we get to the hotel later, let's find a place to tell you slowly."

Speaking of which, Yang Tianlong has already driven the car onto the highway. Although Dongsheng Town is just a small town in a county under Yangcheng, Guangdong Province, the economy of this town is better than that of many counties in other places, and there are high-speed rail and highways. It goes directly to Yangcheng, and it can be reached in less than half an hour at the fastest.

The only regret is that this small town has no place in the future planning of Yangcheng because of its rapid development. Of course, this does not hinder the future development of Dongsheng Town.

The speed of the car was very fast. After more than 20 minutes, Yang Tianlong turned off the expressway and drove towards the best four-star hotel in Dongsheng Town.

After checking in, Yang Tianlong asked the three of them to have a drink in the hotel's coffee shop.

"Is this a town?" The car passed by tall buildings just now, Huishui and the three of them would never connect this place with a small town anyway.

"Of course it's a town." Yang Tianlong smiled lightly.

"My dear, this is better than our county." All three were surprised.

"This is the pioneer of reform and opening up, and the economy is of course developing very fast."

"It's not bad here." Huitu praised.

"So the wages for you are not high. As long as you have the skills here, you can easily spend tens of thousands a month." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Huihuo smiled and said, "Brother Huijin is also a security guard in his hometown now, and it's only [-] a month. I'll call him later and ask him to come here too."

As soon as Huihuo finished speaking, Huishui denied it. He shook his head and said, "Brother Huijin's family probably disagrees, especially his girlfriend doesn't want him to come here."

"The treatment here is so good, what can you do at home?" Huihuo was puzzled.

Hui Shui couldn't help but smiled wryly, "This is the matter between them."

Seeing the two brothers arguing, Yang Tianlong intervened, "It's best to let things happen. Now that Huijin has a girlfriend, it's normal for lovers to be intimate. If you call him to Yangcheng in a hurry at this time, maybe you can consolidate the situation beforehand." His love will soon collapse, and I welcome him whenever he wants to come."

The three monks are all lay disciples, they don't know much about men and women, and they are still young, so they can't understand the relationship between Hui Jin and his girlfriend.

After chatting about their respective family affairs for a while, Yang Tianlong also led the conversation to the motorcycle factory.

He briefly talked about what happened in Lubai Village, and when he learned that there were so-called village tyrants in this society, the three of them suddenly became chivalrous.

"It's unreasonable, there are such scumbags." Huihuo slapped the coffee table, startling all the surrounding guests.

Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, "This phenomenon actually occurs in many places, but you have never experienced it."

What Yang Tianlong said is correct. Although the economy of China is developing rapidly and the laws are constantly improving, things like village tyrants that have lasted for thousands of years still exist. There are developed areas and underdeveloped areas. Even in Yang Tianlong's village.

He remembers clearly that when he was in college, the land expropriated in the village cost tens of thousands of yuan per mu in neighboring villages. Their village was only worth more than 1 yuan per mu. As for the difference...

"Brother Long, don't worry about this. As long as our three brothers are here, if those village tyrants come, we will kill one. If they come, we will kill a pair." Hui Shui immediately patted his chest and swore.

Unexpectedly, Yang Tianlong shook his head, "Forgive them now and they don't dare to make trouble. The three of you are all very good at kung fu, and you can have a certain space to flex your fists there, but remember that you must not offend the public. You should use the law." The solution must be solved by law, otherwise, we will be the ones who will suffer in the future."

Yang Tianlong's words were very meaningful, and the three of them understood for a while, before Huishui said cautiously, "Brother Long, you mean we must have a reason, right?"

Yang Tianlong nodded and said with a serious face, "Yes, that's what I mean. When you encounter those kind of little thieves and gangsters who cause trouble, you must not be soft when it is time to clean up, but when you encounter that kind of shrew, don't be tough at this time." Now, I’m afraid I won’t even know if it’s going to be bloody bad luck.”

After hearing Yang Tianlong's words, the three of them couldn't help but nodded, expressing that they would definitely deal with this and not cause him any trouble.

After having a meal with the monks at noon, Yang Tianlong drove them directly to the factory, where he met Chen Yongming.

After a brief introduction, Chen Yongming said excitedly, "Boss, tomorrow is a good day, and the engineering team can enter the site for construction."

(End of this chapter)

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