Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 479 The Opponent's Temptation

Chapter 479 The Opponent's Temptation

Right now all the work is a race against time, seeing Chen Yongming's excited face telling himself that tomorrow will be a good day, Yang Tianlong agreed without hesitation.

Seeing that the boss agreed, Chen Yongming hurriedly called the manager of the construction team he was looking for, and told the manager of the decision to start work tomorrow.

Walking around in the huge factory area, Chen Yongming reported the progress to Yang Tianlong while walking.

After almost a day of busy work, fifty or sixty workers have been recruited. Since there is still some time before the start of production, coupled with the lobbying of Chen Yongming, an expert in the motorcycle industry, the workers also agreed to two Come back in a month. During these two months, you can enjoy a salary of about [-] per month. Once it is put into production, it will optimize the distribution of salary and bonus according to performance.

It's not bad to be able to recruit fifty or sixty workers right now. After all, the production period will start in two months. If these people can come, it means that Chen Yongming has given enough face.

After wandering around the factory, Yang Tianlong told Chen Yongming that firstly, the accommodation problem of the employees should be solved, so that everyone can move in quickly. Huishui and the others don't need to stay in a hotel at that time, and they can just move to the factory.

Chen Yongming nodded as he listened, and he told Yang Tianlong that according to the engineering team's capabilities, it would take about half a month for all the staff dormitories to be renovated, including the new toilets.

Unknowingly, I came to the gate guard. The doors and windows here have been in a state of damage since they were smashed by the villagers of Lubai Village. Fortunately, the two guards are also hardworking and never leave.

"Boss, how did I hear that there are ghosts and ghosts here?" Chen Yongming said suddenly.

"What?" Yang Tianlong was also taken aback, he looked at Chen Yongming with a puzzled expression.

"I also heard from the doorman that there are some big pythons and dog monsters here." Chen Yongming said seriously.

Hearing this, Yang Tianlong couldn't help laughing, and Chen Yongming dared to say this.

But he tried his best to hold back his smile, and even raised his face, "Isn't this nonsense? How could there be such things in this place."

Chen Yongming nodded, "I'm just saying, you have to believe in science. If there really were those snake monsters and dog monsters, they would have been photographed by humans long ago."

"That's right, but it's funny to say this." Yang Tianlong's expression was not as serious as before, but he smiled a little relaxedly.

However, Huishui and the other monks still had a serious look on their faces.

"Brother Long, why don't we move in tomorrow." On the way back, Huishui said proactively.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then asked why.

"Isn't the engineering team coming in too? There must be construction workers living there at night, and the three of us living here can be regarded as fulfilling our duties and maintaining the order of the site." Hui Shui said seriously.

"But the guard room is in the best condition in the factory now, and it was smashed to pieces." Yang Tianlong smiled wryly.

"It doesn't matter. The weather here is not as cold as our hometown. The three of us can live there. No matter how bad the environment there is, it is much better than the abandoned mine in Jisangani." Thinking of the abandoned mine in Jisangani After living an inhuman life in the field, Huishui's mood flew to that time.

Thinking about it, I was really wronged, and I was tricked into going to Africa, and I was fooled.

"Okay, then add a few more beds tomorrow." Yang Tianlong agreed with a straight face when he heard that they didn't dislike the environment there.

After hearing these words, the monks couldn't help feeling a lot more relieved. They had always owed Yang Tianlong all kinds of favors. Now that they could do something for him, a backlog of stones fell to the ground.


The next day was indeed a good day, the sun was shining brightly, and early in the morning, several police cars from the County Public Security Bureau began to patrol around Lubai Village.

Those guys in Lubai village who had unclean hands, feet and buttocks saw the police car outside and didn't even dare to go out. The news that Zeng Sibao and Zeng Jiaqiang were forced into the house by the police has already spread throughout the village. It is very united to bully the unarmed people, but this time they are misfired collectively, especially after the village party secretary Zeng Shouyi said hello, the villagers are even more cautious, lest they will be arrested and sent to the police station.

Zeng Shouyi couldn't sit still any longer, so he called a familiar leader in the county, and it took him a while to realize that it was just a routine patrol.

Now Zeng Shouyi couldn't sit still again, how many police cars were there in the routine patrol?What about fooling a fool?

After thinking about it, he quickly ordered his son to hide those guns.

Even so, Zeng Shouyi was still a little worried, so he decided to go to the scene to see.

Without the trouble of the village tyrant in Lubai Village, the groundbreaking ceremony was perfect. Dozens of employees of the construction team quickly unfolded the site, scaffolding was quickly erected, and various building materials were continuously brought in.

After chatting with the manager of the construction party at the scene and telling them to pay attention to safety, Yang Tianlong was about to leave.

As soon as he reached the door, he saw Zeng Shouyi walking in with the village chief Zeng Yunlin and others.

"Boss Yang." Zeng Shouyi smiled, hands in a bow, "Congratulations."

In fact, it was fine if Zeng Shou didn't smile. With this smile, the scar on his face became more obvious, and his whole expression became more ferocious.

Yang Tianlong did not expect Zeng Shouyi's arrival at all.

However, he quickly realized that everyone was just sympathetic to each other.

"Thank you, Secretary Zeng." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Why don't you tell us about such a festive event?" Zeng Shouyi said with a smile.

"How dare you trouble you with this kind of thing." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"Hey, what I'm saying is that your factory is in our village, and we are half neighbors. The neighbors must take care of each other. If you need anything in the future, just tell us, if we can help in Lubai Village, we will definitely help. .” Zeng Shouyi’s expression was determined, as if he and Yang Tianlong were siblings.

"It's not good." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Zeng Shouyi shook his head, "This distant relative is not as good as a close neighbor. If you have anything to say, just speak up. Boss Yang, I think you have a big posture. The police cars are here today."

As soon as he heard the word police car, Yang Tianlong finally knew that Zeng Shouyi had mentioned the important point.

I saw Yang Tianlong's surprised face, then shook his head and said, "How can I have such a big face to dare to invite the police car? I still wonder why this police car is running around the village. Nothing will happen in the village. Is something wrong?"

Zeng Shouyi was almost pissed off when he heard the words "Isn't something going to happen in the village?"

(End of this chapter)

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