Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 480 Prince Hussein's Plan

Chapter 480 Prince Hussein's Plan
Zeng Shouyi was choked, and it took him a while to react.

"What's going on in the village?" The guy smiled awkwardly on the surface, but he wanted to kill Yang Tianlong in his heart.

"That's true. Under the leadership of Secretary Zeng, Lubai Village is at the forefront of Dongsheng Town in all aspects of work. It is also a blessing for us to be neighbors with you."

"Hehe..." Zeng Shouyi felt that his expression was embarrassing, and his heart was more complicated.

After leaving the motorcycle factory, the village chief Zeng Yunlin couldn't help but whispered, "Brother Yi, is this so cheap, boy?"

Zeng Shouyi snorted coldly, "This matter has nothing to do with him, Yang Tianlong, but right now the police are focusing on us, so let's not move for now, and wait for this rumor to pass so that he can taste our power."

Hearing the words of Secretary Zeng, the boss of Lu Bai Village, several members of the village committee couldn't help but nodded.


After several days of busy work, Yang Tianlong finally ended his trip to Yangcheng. He left Yangcheng the next day after the engineering team entered the field.

The reason for going back is very simple. Three days later, Hussein's special plane will land at Chengdu International Airport on time.

When the staff of Bashu Province received the news that the Airbus A380 of Prince Hussein of the Kingdom of Karta will land at Rongcheng International Airport, they couldn’t help being surprised. In the past, the special planes of foreign heads of state basically flew directly to the imperial capital or magic Capital, and then they will transfer to Rongcheng. Right now, they choose Rongcheng as the first stop of their trip to China. It is really a good opportunity for the leaders of Bashu Province, who have been in the upsurge of attracting investment.

At first glance at this fax, the leaders of the city were very excited. Finally, a funder came. We had to give him a good introduction to the situation in Bashu Province, and try to get Prince Hussein to invest in Bashu.

But after taking a second look, they were stunned. The oil tycoons who have always been rich and ostentatious were extremely low-key this time. There was no request for government officials to accompany them in the fax, and they only appointed a person named Yang Tianlong. , and attached his mobile phone number to it.

After the main leaders of the province read the fax that made them laugh and cry, several leaders and department leaders briefly met.

Although Prince Hussein did not appoint the government to accompany him, which seemed extremely low-key, the government still decided that it must pay attention to it.

"Now we have found out the information about Prince Hussein's designated host, Yang Tianlong. He was born in an ordinary family and lives in XX County. His personal political background is clean. This young man went to Africa in the second half of last year, and he probably met Prince Hussein in Africa. of..." First came the report from the head of the Public Security Bureau.

After the report by the director of the Public Security Bureau, several bigwigs in the province pondered for a while, and at this moment, No. 1 person said, "In this way, Comrade Zhang Guangsheng, the executive senior official, is in charge of this matter. Comrade Xu Huaiying, Director of the Tourism Bureau, and Comrade Wu Guowei, Director of the Public Security Bureau Comrade Yuan Li, director of the Department of Commerce, cooperated well and submitted the fax to the standing committee members for review. Therefore, the work must be carried out in secret, and all major five-star hotels should be greeted. Once Yang Tianlong needs to book a room or go to a scenic spot, all The hotels and scenic spots must fully cooperate unconditionally, and comrade Guangsheng must find an opportunity to have a good talk with Yang Tianlong, and strive to let Prince Hussein invest in our province..."

The leaders present here are all veterans who have been in the officialdom for many years, so they naturally understand the meaning of No. 1. After the task is assigned, they quickly get busy on their own.

As soon as he returned to Rongcheng, Yang Tianlong did not go home immediately, but first called his family and reported that he was safe, and then drove to Bashu Hotel, one of the best five-star hotels in Rongcheng, for Hussein. The prince talked about the problem of accommodation.

This time, Prince Hussein did not bring his wives with him, and Duraf and Jabbar were among them. The butler Bazar arrived at Chengdu International Airport tomorrow afternoon with 6 servants, together with other entourages. 20 people.

All the people are from prominent backgrounds, so Yang Tianlong was thinking about how to allocate the rooms along the way.

When he arrived at the Bashu Hotel, all kinds of luxury cars were already parked at the entrance of the luxurious Bashu Hotel. The worst ones were Mercedes-Benz and BMW. A car like Yang Tianlong's more than [-] yuan was completely inconspicuous among these luxury cars.

Although the doorman and the security guard were polite on the surface, these guys who were used to power and wealth did not look him in the eye.

Even when they said welcome, their voices were a little soft.

Yang Tianlong didn't care about it, he hurried into the hotel.

"Mister, hello, may I help you?" The front desk clerk of Bashu Hotel said politely.

"Excuse me, how many luxury suites do you have here?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

The waiter was taken aback for a moment, and she opened her mouth in astonishment, never expecting the customer to ask such a question.

"We..." Suddenly, the waiter became a little dumb.

The lobby manager who was making arrangements in the lobby also heard this, she quickly put down the work in hand, and walked over quickly on high heels.

"Sir, our hotel has 6 presidential suites, 12 deluxe suites and 24 ordinary suites..." The lobby manager knew the hotel's configuration like the back of his hand.

"How's the situation of moving in now?" After hearing this, Yang Tianlong probably had an idea in his heart.

"There are currently two presidential suites that have not been occupied, and the remaining four suites have already had guests. The occupancy rate of the 4 luxury suites is half, and the occupancy rate of the 12 ordinary suites is almost half."

"When will the presidential suite be free?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking again.

"This?" The lobby manager choked for a moment. These are the privacy of the guests, and it is not convenient for her to inquire.

"Let me tell you this, I want 4 presidential suites, 8 luxury suites, and 12 ordinary suites, preferably on one floor. If there are extra rooms on the corresponding floor, I will take them all in." If he pretended to be aggressive, Yang Tianlong said calmly, and the lobby manager and the front desk attendants were all stunned.

"Sorry, sir, I have to ask our leader for instructions." Obviously, the lobby manager can't make the decision either.

"Then trouble as soon as possible." Yang Tianlong smiled.

The lobby manager nodded, then walked towards the office.

In the office of the general manager of the hotel, the hotel owner just finished listening to the report from the head of the hotel security department, saying that there is a boy who drives a domestic car worth more than [-] yuan and wants to book a presidential suite, and there are quite a few of them.

As soon as the security chief left, the manager of the lobby came in again and reported what happened just now.

"He's the only one?" The hotel owner couldn't help but narrowed his eyes with a questioning look on his face.

The lobby manager nodded, "Yes, he's the only one."

"The hotel guests are not something we can catch up with if we want. Tell him, there are only so many rooms in the hotel at present. If you want it, you can give it to him first. If you don't want it, we have nothing to do."

Upon hearing the leader's arrangement, the hotel manager couldn't help but nodded. She just turned around and was about to leave, but unexpectedly, she was stopped by the hotel manager.

"Try more to see if that guy is a liar. I just heard from the chief of the security department that he drives a broken domestic car worth more than [-] yuan."

Hearing this, the lobby manager couldn't help being surprised, and it took a while to realize, "No way."

"If you don't believe me, watch the surveillance later." The hotel manager said.

"Then I'll raise the deposit for him and see how he reacts?" After thinking for a while, the lobby manager said with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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