Chapter 701

When Rosalia asked Su Meibol if he was talking about the army of Huaxia Kingdom, Yang Tianlong nodded without hesitation. Regarding the war that happened more than 60 years ago, it was often mentioned in the textbooks of Huaxia Kingdom. and.

"Yes, it's our Huaxia army." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Your soldiers are really amazing, Huaxia Dragon." Rosalia said with a smile.

"Actually, our people are also amazing." Yang Tianlong joked.

"That's, alas, by the way, Huaxia Dragon, I heard that you Huaxia people are all enlisted in the army." Rosalia once again showed some curiosity.

"No, we are voluntary." Yang Tianlong explained.

"I saw your physique and movement, and I really thought you were a soldier." Rosalia smiled a little embarrassedly.

"That's because every Chinese person had a dream of saving the world and maintaining world peace when he was young." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"I had this dream when I was young, but do I still have it when I grow up?" Rosalia asked.

"It's hard to say when you grow up, because everyone's growth environment is different, because dreams will always be defeated by reality." Yang Tianlong said.

"That's true." Rosalia nodded approvingly, "Actually, my dream is completely different from the profession I'm doing now."

"Then what is your dream? Could it be that you are also a soldier?" Yang Tianlong was suddenly interested in the dream that Rosalia said.

Rosalia smiled a little embarrassedly, "That's not true, my dream is to be a scientist, just like Mr. Remandi."

"The old man is a zoologist." Yang Tianlong said.

"I like it too. Zoologists are also scientists. Do you know why I like being a scientist?" Rosalia smiled and left him with a series of question marks.

Yang Tianlong shook his head, "I don't know."

"Because that way you can go around the world." Rosalia couldn't help but covered her mouth and laughed.

"Isn't it good for you to be a model now?" Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Being a model can travel around the world, but a lot of time is not at the disposal of individuals. I think that if you want to understand a place, you must calm down and see more, walk more, just like getting to know a person. Similarly, it is impossible to tell what kind of person he is just from his appearance, you say I am right." Rosalia stroked her curly hair and said with a smile.

Yang Tianlong nodded in agreement, "You said a lot, Miss Rosalia, it's true."

"It's just a little personal opinion." Rosalia said with some embarrassment.


Visiting the front line is not only to listen to General Sumeibol's bragging, these stars naturally also have to go to the front line to see.

As soon as they arrived at the battlefield, all the black soldiers cheered and jumped for joy. You must know that in the past, they could only know about these stars through TV or news, and most of them couldn't name them.

Naturally, beautiful women are the center of their attention.

And Rosalia is undoubtedly the center of attention. Her body has attracted the attention of many black soldiers. For such a perfect woman, they want to have eyelids.

Latti was naturally extremely upset. Judging from the composition of the entire celebrity consolation group, Latty was undoubtedly the most expensive star among them, but every time her brilliance was ruthlessly ostentatious by a guy who could only wear underwear and bikinis The woman was taken away.

Latti naturally looked down on Rosalia, and looked down on her at all.

At this time, Ratty's female assistant suddenly noticed that the boss's demeanor was not right.

Seeing this, she couldn't help lowering her voice, "Honey, I've heard people say that Rosalia is a plastic surgery monster."

"The face-lifting monster?" Ratti was taken aback.

The female assistant nodded, "Yes, she is a plastic surgery monster. She used to have buck teeth and single eyelids, but she underwent plastic surgery later, so she looks better."

Contrary to the expectations of the female assistant, Ratty didn't speak after hearing what she said, but became silent.

This seemed very out of character for Lettie.

An ugly woman can have plastic surgery to become an internationally famous supermodel, then she...

Latti actually had some ideas in his mind.

'Biaozi, it's not just a moment of success for you. 'Latty snorted coldly in his heart.


Perhaps it was to protect the safety of the stars, so they didn't spend much time on the battlefield, only half an hour. At 02:30 in the afternoon, the bus returned.

On the way back, everyone soon fell asleep in the car. After all, they got up so early in the morning and were bumped by the bus along the way, so their bodies must be extremely uncomfortable.

Yang Tianlong was no exception, in the car, he soon fell asleep.

This time he had a dream, dreaming that in the depths of the Congo rainforest, Miss Ratty in a white robe was tightly surrounded by a large group of guys in black robes, and all of them obeyed her orders.

The saint of the Holy Spirit Skull Cult?

Yang Tianlong hid in a tree and peeked.

I saw Miss Ratty talking endlessly, and the subordinates kept cheering after she finished speaking.

Then several piles of raging fires seemed to be ignited with gasoline, and the flames shot out tens of meters high. With the help of the raging fires, Yang Tianlong couldn't help being surprised. It turned out that there was a pillar next to each pile of fires, and those pillars There are people there to help.

Love, Wilmots, Lionhead, Albuquerque, Vasily, Hank, Sman, Andre, Alexander... and even Liu Shengli and his son.

All of them had despairing eyes on their faces, feeling the approach of death.

"Haha..." Latti couldn't help laughing out loud, pointing her hands towards the dark and boundless sky, her face became even paler, as white as a paper doll.

Ratti waved his hand, and saw dozens of executioners took their positions one by one, standing beside the big stone pillar, holding various instruments of torture in their hands.

"If you didn't catch the Huaxia Dragon, you're just scapegoats." Latti said with a gloomy face.

Yang Tianlong, who was nestled in the tree, was extremely angry when he heard that, and he was about to launch a fatal blow to Latti.

Slowly raised the sniper rifle and aimed at Latti's head.

Just when Latty waved his arm again, Yang Tianlong pulled the trigger decisively, and the bullet suddenly shot at Latty.

"Bang..." Latty's head exploded like blood.

However, before he had time to laugh, he felt that the blood flower instantly turned into several extremely ferocious king cobras, rushing towards him swiftly.

"Ah..." Yang Tianlong suddenly woke up from his sleep.

 Thank you "Yun Zhi" brother monthly ticket support, thank you brother
(End of this chapter)

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