Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 702 Take over the security work for the rainforest adventure

Chapter 702 Take over the security work for the rainforest adventure

When Yang Tianlong opened his eyes, he suddenly found that there was another head hanging above his head.

This head belonged to Johnny.

"Huaxialong, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Yang Tianlong sweating profusely, Jonny couldn't help asking.

"It's okay." Yang Tianlong let out a long breath, as if a thousand tons of burden had been unloaded from his heart.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Johnny asked involuntarily.

"Yes, I dreamed of being chased and bitten by a tiger on the grassland." Yang Tianlong patted his chest with lingering fear.

"You guy, the thoughts in your head are really whimsical. Where are there any tigers on the grassland?" Johnny laughed.

"Isn't this a dream?" Yang Tianlong laughed at himself, "The space of dreams is infinite, who knows what will happen in the next second."

Jonny nodded, "That's true, try to dream up dinosaurs next time."

Yang Tianlong looked at Johnny speechlessly.

I don't know how long the bus wandered on the bumpy dirt road, and finally at [-] o'clock in the evening, we all came to the hotel with exhaustion.

Maybe it's going to the Patrick Prairie tomorrow, so many people feel a lot cooler when they get out of the car and are blown by the cool wind, and their mental state is also lifted.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's go back to the room and have a rest, and then everyone can go to the restaurant for dinner." Liszt did not forget to remind loudly.

"Thank you..." Many guys said thank you to Liszt very politely.

Letti, on the other hand, walked towards the elevator of the hotel without looking back, covered in dust and looking a bit sloppy.

"Johnny." Letti said loudly after walking a few meters.

"What's the matter?" Jonny didn't dare to neglect at all, and trotted over quickly.

"Help me get my food into the room later, I want to take a bath." Ratty said as he quickened his pace.

Jonny was speechless, and said in his heart very upset, I am a photographer, and I am engaged in art work. After arriving in South Sudan, I was treated as a servant by you. What a fucking fuck.

However, Johnny was not willing to offend Latti for the sake of his future, he was just venting his unhappiness.

"Johnny, take good care of that girl." Yang Tianlong patted Johnny on the shoulder and said.

"Hey..." Johnny let out a sigh of relief, with a look of helplessness on his face.

In fact, Yang Tianlong also felt the hunger in his stomach, so he couldn't help speeding up his pace, ready to go back to the room, wash up and go to the restaurant for dinner.

But when he was waiting for him to return to the room, Siman called. On the phone, Siman told Yang Tianlong that they were going to take up that task.

"What task? Old man." Yang Tianlong was confused.

"It's the task of escorting the expedition team to the depths of the rainforest." Siman said in his heart, Hua Xialong is really forgetful, and he forgot all about it after a while.

"Probably where?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning.

"It's about 400 kilometers away from Jisangani." It took a while for Siman to answer him, as if looking for a location on a map.

"What about the distance from Bunia?" Yang Tianlong asked again.

"It's also 400 kilometers." Siman said loudly.

"Who is leading the team?" Yang Tianlong asked.

"I, Doc, and a dozen or so militiamen who are usually good." Siman just finished speaking, and then corrected himself, "To be precise, it should be the security team. It seems too low to call them militiamen." gone."

Seeing that Siman, who usually looks carefree, is so careful, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smiled and said, "Okay, you are now the general manager of the security company, just discuss it with Lufthansa, but old man, I have to remind you one thing, you have to bring everything, maybe you can meet the Skull Party this time."

"Don't worry, Huaxia Dragon, once I meet the Skeleton Party, I will definitely make them all happy." Siman said with a grim expression.

"Dude, have you forgotten the stories we told in your office last time? They are very powerful, maybe witchcraft and other crooked ways will hurt you or even kill you." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

"Then I will also take them to meet God, no, I will let them meet the devil Satan." Siman said with a hearty smile.

"Okay, be careful, buddy." Yang Tianlong said.

Just after finishing the call with Siman, Belen also called. During the phone call, Belen reported to him about the medical reform of the hospital, the lake sand and the pasture. Everything was carried out step by step according to the plan.

But what surprised Yang Tianlong was that the beef cattle on the ranch were growing well. In just two months, most of the beef cattle had already weighed about 300 kilograms. If they followed this growth rate, they might be ready for slaughter in a month or two.

Belen told Yang Tianlong with a look of surprise, and finally he said that even his father-in-law Kurtu didn't know what happened to this strange phenomenon.

"Is it because of the growth fluid?" Belen asked involuntarily.

"That's right, it's the growth liquid." Yang Tianlong didn't hide anything from Belen, and said directly.

"Oh my god, the boss' growth fluid is so amazing?" Belen said in disbelief.

"What do you think?" Yang Tianlong smiled slightly.

"Will that affect the quality of the beef?" Bei Lun couldn't help frowning when he said this, although Yang Tianlong couldn't see it.

"Don't worry, it won't. Last time, the beef cattle also took this black-tech growth liquid. Is it well received in the European market now?" Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Belen thought about it carefully, and it seems that this is really the case. According to the current feedback from customers, the quality of this beef is good, and it can completely compete with Moore beef.

The conversation with Bei Lun was quite long, more than 20 minutes. After waiting for the end, Yang Tianlong realized that his stomach was already singing empty plans.

Seeing this, he hurried to the bathroom to wash his face, and walked quickly towards the restaurant.

When he came to the restaurant, there were already very few people in the restaurant.

However, Officer Remandi is still there, and it seems that he should be waiting for him.

After grabbing some food casually, Yang Tianlong quickly walked towards Leimanti.

"Huaxialong, Miss Rosalia just chatted with me." Remanti couldn't help but smile.

"What are you talking about?" Yang Tianlong's interest was suddenly aroused.

"She asked me about you." Remandi said with a smile.

Now Yang Tianlong was even more surprised, and looked at Leimanti in disbelief.

 Thank you "Pure Man" for the reward, and thank you "Wolf Brother Xiao" and "I am a person who can't wake up" monthly ticket support, thank you old buddies

(End of this chapter)

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