Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 709 After a hangover...

Chapter 709 After a hangover...

Like a dream, Yang Tianlong only felt that in his dream, he had presented all the memories from the moment he set foot on the African land. He first arrived in Bunia, met Wilmots, and rescued Eva...

"Huaxia Dragon, are you okay?" Suddenly, a voice with fragrance came from far and near, as if it came from a quiet valley, this voice with a little echo, went straight to my heart.

Yang Tianlong slowly opened his eyes, only to see a beautiful face appearing in front of him.

It was Miss Rosalia's face.

Did I drink too much last night?

Yang Tianlong's spirit instantly became a hundredfold, he never thought that he would drink too much last night.

Then after drinking too much?

I glanced at my body from the corner of my eye, and there was no nakedness in the movie plot, my clothes were still tightly worn on my body, but the location was changed, from the living room to the bedroom.

"It's okay." Yang Tianlong tried his best to get up from the bed, and the heart-piercing pain did not appear in his head, but became very clear.

Little bits of memory began to piece together into a whole piece of memory in his mind.

It turned out that I became extremely high-spirited at the end of last night, and Yi Lianna also changed from a lady-like supermodel into a manly woman, and he toasted with him very boldly, drinking and drinking, he Just lost consciousness...

"Sorry to trouble you." Yang Tianlong smiled sheepishly.

"It's okay." Rosalia smiled, "Hurry up and have some breakfast, it will be better for your health."

"Thank you..." Yang Tianlong sat up from the bed while speaking, he checked his body again, lest he would do something wrong to Rosalia after drinking.

After careful inspection, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

Following Rosalia's footsteps to the dining room, I saw milk, cheese, bread and other foods already on the table.

"Where's Yi Lianna?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"She's still sleeping, that girl is more drunk than you." Rosalia couldn't help but smiled.

"It's all my fault." Yang Tianlong smiled sheepishly.

"How can I blame you for this? Drinking is something you like, just be happy." Rosalia said while motioning him to sit down.

I was too busy drinking last night, so that when I saw the delicious food on the table, Yang Tianlong felt empty in his stomach. After Rosalia said softly, "Hurry up and eat", Yang Tianlong quickly picked up the cup, It feels great to take a gulp of milk into my stomach.

After breakfast, it was time for the servant to tidy up the room. Since he bought a plane ticket to Sicily in the afternoon, Yang Tianlong still had some time to go to London.

Rosalia offered to take him around.

This time, the driver named Bob did not come yesterday, but Rosalia drove the car and took him around London.

"Huaxialong, your time is limited, why don't I take you to Madame Tussaud's wax museum." Rosalia said.

"Okay." As for Madame Tussauds, in fact, Yang Tianlong only heard about it in news reports. The wax figures of celebrities produced by the wax museum are all made in strict accordance with the requirements. If you don't look carefully, you will definitely not be able to tell that it is fake. of.

"But I'm going to get something from a colleague's house, we may have to make a detour." Rosalia said with an apologetic expression.

"It's okay." Yang Tianlong smiled. To be honest, even if he didn't go to the wax museum, the beautiful street scene in London alone was enough to make him feel like he was visiting a scenic spot.

Although Rosalia is a woman, her style of doing things is extremely capable, so that when driving, the speed of the car is very fast.

After driving for about 20 minutes, Rosalia stopped in front of a beautiful villa.

"Hua Xialong, wait for me for a few minutes, I'll come back when I get it." Rosalia said as she opened the car door, and walked quickly towards the entrance of the villa.

This villa looks very luxurious and magnificent. It is much more imposing than the one I bought in Kinshasa, and its location is also very good. It is not in the suburbs, but in the downtown area of ​​London. There are dozens of villas connected to each other in the surrounding area. Judging from the surrounding environment, this is an out-and-out wealthy community.

Looking through the window, Yang Tianlong found that Rosalia was talking to a woman who was as tall as her figure but with a rather ordinary appearance. After a few simple intimate conversations, the woman handed a small box to Rosalia.

After the two embraced enthusiastically, Rosalia bid her farewell.

"Let's go." Rosalia didn't say much, just smiled slightly.

Immediately, the Chevrolet also made a low roar.

The model lives in a mansion, while Miss Rosalia just lives in an ordinary apartment...

Is it because she has no money?

No, Yang Tianlong immediately denied this idea in his heart. With the identity of a Victoria's Secret angel, Rosalia's annual minimum is calculated at tens of millions. It's not that she can't afford a mansion, but...

Just as she was thinking of this, Rosalia's cell phone rang suddenly. Seeing a call coming in, Rosalia quickly put on the earphones.



"OK, I have something to do today, and I will transfer 50 US dollars to you tomorrow. Yes, donate it to the Red Cross. Donetsk has been attacked by artillery fire. We must do something practical."


"If you need it, just mention it." Yang Tianlong noticed that when Rosalia said this, her expression was very relaxed, as if the $50 was just a piece of cake for her.

It's really just a piece of cake, Yang Tianlong quickly corrected it in his heart.

Suddenly, his admiration for this woman rose to another level.


A major attraction of Madame Tussauds is the House of Horror, a section of the exhibit that includes victims of the French Revolution and newly created images of various killers and criminals.The wax figure of Madame Tussaud, the protagonist of Madame Tussauds, is placed at the entrance of the wax museum. It is said that Madame Tussaud made it for herself.

"A very remarkable woman." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded.

"Yes, she is indeed a very remarkable woman. Madame Tussaud's life is actually full of legends..." Rosalia seemed to be very familiar with the wax museum, and she began to tell Yang Tianlong eloquently about The legendary story of Madame Tussaud's life.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket support of "Melancholy ぁ葑xin" "zh8104100017", thank you
(End of this chapter)

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