Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 710 He is not a policeman......

Chapter 710 He is not a policeman......

After visiting the wax museum and having lunch at a famous British restaurant in London, Rosalia drove Yang Tianlong back to her apartment.

After packing their things in the apartment, the two headed straight to the airport.

After sending Yang Tianlong to the airport terminal, Rosalia looked at Yang Tianlong and said with a smile, "Huaxialong, I wish you a smooth journey."

"Thank you, thank you very much for your warm hospitality in London. If you are free to go to Congo, I will receive you well."

"Really?" Rosalia couldn't help but smile, "Hua Xialong, do you know how I plan to adopt those 200 or so orphans?"

Yang Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, but then shook his head, "I'm not sure."

"In fact, the best way is to let them grow up in Africa. The racial discrimination in Europe is too serious, so I plan to go to South Sudan for a while to investigate and build an orphanage there to provide children who have lost their parents. The best education." Rosalia said seriously.

"Really?" Yang Tianlong didn't expect Rosalia's idea at all. He originally thought that Rosalia would bring these children to Europe, but who would have thought that she would propose that it would be better to live in Africa? .

Thinking about it carefully, what Rosalia said is actually very reasonable.

"No problem, welcome to Congo for inspection." Yang Tianlong said while extending his hand, "I have to go, there will be a period later, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Rosalia also stretched out her slender fingers and held them tightly together.

After waiting at the airport for less than two hours, it was the flight to Sicily.

In fact, Yang Tianlong didn't tell anyone about what happened in South Sudan except for Jonny. At the same time, he repeatedly told Jonny not to tell it.

Johnny also understood Yang Tianlong's thoughts, he nodded and agreed without hesitation.

On the plane, Yang Tianlong kept thinking about a problem, that is how to find Remanti's family.

But the old man gave him so little information that he didn't have any clues to find Remanti's family. In desperation, Yang Tianlong had no choice but to turn to the local police for help.

After staying in a hotel in Sicily for one night, Yang Tianlong went straight to the local police station with Remanti's urn and the death certificate issued by the local government.

"Who?" The policeman asked, frowning.

"Mr. Leimanti." Yang Tianlong said while handing Leimandi's passport to the police.

"He is a policeman just like you." Yang Tianlong said involuntarily.

"I'll check." The policeman said and entered Remanti's information into the computer.

"Are you sure he's a policeman?" The policeman couldn't help frowning.

"Yes." Yang Tianlong nodded.

"Take a good look for yourself, he is a former member of the Mafia." The policeman said while printing out Remanti's information.

Yang Tianlong couldn't understand the Italian at all, so he had no choice but to turn to the police for help.

"He has more than 20 years of prison experience. He used to be a member of the Zakaro family. After he was released from prison, he has become an honest man." The policeman pointed to the bottom row of red letters and said.

"Ah?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback. He had no idea that Remanti was not a police officer, but a veteran mafia member who had done murder, arson, and extortion.

He couldn't believe his eyes. In his memory, he was a very nice old man, but...

"How did he die?" the policeman asked curiously.

Yang Tianlong showed the certificate to the police with a calm face. The police took a look and couldn't help being a little surprised, "Bite to death by a crocodile?"

"Yes, there were two drowning people beside him at that time. If it wasn't for saving them, he might have escaped."

"Where are the two people who fell into the water?" The policeman was surprised again.

"They died too. At that time they were surrounded by dense crowds of crocodiles." Yang Tianlong said with a sad face.

"This is really a sad story. He was not a good person in the first half or most of his life, but he still lived like a human being in the last moments of his life." The middle-aged policeman said seriously.

Yang Tianlong didn't speak, just nodded slightly at the policeman, and then walked out of the police station with his urn.

After leaving the police station, he immediately stopped a taxi.

"Sir, where are you going?" the driver asked in broken English.

"The cemetery." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

"It's a bit far." The taxi driver said subconsciously.

"It's okay, I can afford the money." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

"Okay." The taxi driver said cheerfully, "Three hundred euros."

"Here's three hundred dollars."

"make a deal."

By the time Yang Tianlong arrived at the cemetery in the Palermo area, it was already eleven o'clock at noon.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" The staff of the cemetery hurried over to greet him, because they found that Yang Tianlong was a Chinese, and they probably regarded this place as a park.

"I want to find a cemetery for one of my friends." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

"Oh, yes, yes, our cemetery here..."

"Just choose the location where you can see the sun, the sea and flowers."

"Fifty thousand euros per cemetery."

"No problem." Yang Tianlong smiled bitterly.

"Then what should be written on the epitaph?" the staff couldn't help asking.

Looking at the urn in his hand, thinking about what the policeman said earlier, Yang Tianlong thought for a while and said, "A person's birth is kind, and it is possible to do a lot in the middle of life that violates personal ideas and morals. But in the end, he was able to bravely walk from darkness to sunlight, such a person is also worthy of respect."

After speaking slowly, the staff also became a little dazed. You must know that there have been various epitaphs in the past, but this is the first time I have seen such an epitaph.

It seems that the owner of this urn should have an unusual story, otherwise, this young man would not have said so.

After hesitating for a moment, the staff still couldn't help but nodded.

"When will it be finished?"

"Probably this afternoon."

"I'll watch you engrave." Yang Tianlong smiled softly.

"it is good."

The staff of the cemetery watched the whole process of engraving the epitaph on the tombstone. After seeing the urn of Police Officer Remandi being gently placed in the cemetery, and after bowing deeply to the old man, Yang Tianlong finally leave.

When he left, his steps were very slow. For some reason, he really hoped that someone behind him would suddenly call out his name.

And that person, preferably Officer Remandi.

(End of this chapter)

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