Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 711 Forming a New Peacekeeping Infantry Battalion

Chapter 711 Forming a New Peacekeeping Infantry Battalion

Yang Tianlong returned to Kinshasa at 07:30 p.m. local time. From Sicily to Addis Ababa and then to Kinshasa, he was basically flying all day.

Liu Shengli and his son went to the airport to greet him, and now it is estimated that Siman also led the security team into the depths of the rainforest. The only person in charge of the security company in Kinshasa is Lufthansa, and Lufthansa is also too busy to smoke. He had time to receive him, so when he was in Addis Ababa, Yang Tianlong just called Liu Shengli.

Liu Shengli has plenty of time, and he is also very enthusiastic about Yang Tianlong. Ever since this series of incidents, Liu Shengli has completely treated Yang Tianlong as his own brother.

"Brother, you are finally back, I miss you so much." Liu Shengli smiled and couldn't help but want to hug Yang Tianlong.

"Brother, how are you doing recently? Have you been appointed?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"It's been pretty good recently, but the appointment hasn't come down yet." Liu Shengli had everything written on his face.

Hearing this, Yang Tianlong was taken aback, "Why hasn't the appointment been made yet? Hasn't Li Zhengqing left yet?"

Liu Shengli shook his head, "Li Zhengqing is gone, and the head office has also changed personnel recently, and it is estimated that the appointment will not be made for a while."

Seeing such a thing, Yang Tianlong didn't say anything anymore, but he always felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and he always felt that there seemed to be something that was bothering him.

Liu Shengli did not see some turmoil in Yang Tianlong's heart, he patted Yang Tianlong's shoulder very readily, "Go, brother, let's go to the peacekeeping force."

It has been a long time since Liu Shengli said about going to the peacekeeping force, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but thumped in his heart, "Brother, are Captain Zhang and Captain Chen still in Kinshasa?"

Liu Shengli nodded, "Of course it's still there. Team Zhang just came back from his vacation. Doesn't he invite me to dinner? You are lucky, you just happened to meet such a good thing, and the evening is full of Chinese dishes."

"Okay, then I'll take a bite." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Of course, Liu Zhengyang drove the car. Yang Tianlong and Liu Shengli sat in the back row, and the two of them chatted one after another, from the horrible scene they encountered last time to the current situation in central Africa, and to the entire international community. Situation, listening to the chat between the two, Liu Zhengyang couldn't help shaking his head, this is really a match for chess, two people who are bragging together can complain and brag about their bragging.

About half an hour later, they came to the camp of the peacekeeping force. Compared with the strict security last time, Yang Tianlong found that the security of the peacekeeping force was even stricter this time. There were even several armored vehicles guarding the camp outside. The area ten meters around the camp is surrounded by sharp hob stabs to prevent attacks from enemies or unidentified terrorists.

This time it was Chen Liyan who came out to receive them. Compared to the heroic Chen Liyan a few months ago, when Yang Tianlong saw him this time, he seemed a little tired.

The dinner is still very rich, and they are all Chinese specialties. The dishes are very rich, but there is no wine, and everyone uses tea instead of wine.

During the meal, Yang Tianlong and the others knew something about it. It turned out that some militants had recently attacked the UN camp, causing injuries or deaths to peacekeepers from several countries. Therefore, they had no choice but to strengthen their vigilance.

For those who have never experienced war, there is no doubt that there is some fear in the face of war or armed attack.

"Brother, how long will our peacekeeping mission in Kinshasa be over?" Liu Shengli asked Zhang Weidong involuntarily.

"It depends on the war in South Sudan." Zhang Weidong said seriously.

"What is the connection between the situation in Congo and South Sudan?" Liu Shengli was taken aback and asked curiously.

"Of course it has an impact." After Zhang Weidong took a sip of tea, he immediately said.

It turns out that there are two main purposes and reasons for the existence of their peacekeeping force. One is to help the Congo region maintain stability and infrastructure after the war; , It is because of the conflict of the war that tens of thousands of refugees flooded into the territory of Congo, and the refugees need the control of the United Nations peacekeeping force.

"It seems that there are very few conflicts there recently, right?" Yang Tianlong suddenly remembered that General Sardin had spoken to him earlier and told him that there is now a lot less fighting there, so the Nuertu people are fighting steadily to control their own territory. Build up slowly.

As for the oil field, although it is not in his own hands, Musala's people dare not act rashly. General Satin also said that as long as Musala dares to exploit the oil field, he will definitely concentrate his superior forces on the oil field. No one can imagine destruction.

"Yes, there have been less wars there recently. The main reason is that Musala's Light of Liberty has been attacked by enemies. Previously, his army was able to exercise absolute control over the government forces and Nuertu people, but as the war progressed, Both the government army and the Nuertu army have been strengthened in terms of weapons and equipment, and Musala has been listed as an anti-humanist criminal by the United Nations, so he is very cautious now."

"Since they are all listed as criminals, shouldn't it be enough to send someone to arrest Musala?" Liu Shengli also raised his own doubts.

"Old Liu, it's not as easy as you think. You can arrest whoever you want?" Zhang Weidong couldn't help shaking his head and said, "It's a weather vane that Lao Mi's army doesn't want to get involved."

"What vane?" Liu Shengli had no idea what Zhang Weidong meant.

"What is the principle of Lao Mi's war? Isn't it for profit? The Middle East, North Africa, and Afghanistan are either strategically important or oil-rich. You said that in addition to grasslands and wild animals in South Sudan, it also has What can there be? Americans are not stupid. They don’t need to send troops to capture Musala for some natural resources. In recent days, Musala has mostly hidden in virgin forests, where there are many caves. The guy casually leads people into a cave, as long as there is a source of water, maybe there will be no problem for a few months."

Seeing how complicated the problems were, Liu Shengli couldn't help but sighed softly.

"Tianlong, next month we will set up an infantry peacekeeping battalion in the Bunia area, and it will inevitably trouble you." Chen Liyan finally spoke.

"Set up a peacekeeping infantry battalion?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback, this was something he hadn't thought of at all.

 Thank you "Life is like a dream" brother monthly ticket support, thank you brother
(End of this chapter)

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