Chapter 712
Seeing Yang Tianlong being taken aback, Chen Liyan nodded with a smile, "Yes, we are going to set up a peacekeeping infantry battalion in Bunia."

"Xiao Chen is the battalion commander there this time." Zhang Weidong interrupted at this moment.

"That's good, Brother Chen, we will be neighbors from now on." Seeing the truth of this, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but excitedly said.

"So at that time, it is inevitable that there will be many places where you will be unavoidable." Chen Liyan smiled and said.

"There is no embarrassment or embarrassment, as long as you open your mouth, I will do my best." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"Thank you, Tianlong." Chen Liyan became grateful.


However, a sudden burst of shelling ruined the mood of this delicious meal.

When Zhang Weidong and Chen Liyan heard the sudden sound of the cannon, Zhang Weidong was the first to stand up. His sudden movement startled both Yang Tianlong and Liu Shengli.

"Xiao Chen, what's going on?"

"Captain Zhang, I'll ask right away." Chen Liyan said as he opened the door and walked out.

In less than a minute, he walked in, and Chen Liyan said solemnly, "Captain Zhang, there is a group of unknown guys outside shelling my peacekeeping camp."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a "boom". This time, Yang Tianlong and the others felt a shock, and the strength of the shock was not small.

"Woo..." At this moment, the air defense alarm of the entire camp was sounded, and all the people in the camp rushed over with their guys.

At this time, Zhang Weidong and Chen Liyan obviously didn't care about them at all. When they heard the siren, they rushed out like flying.

Yang Tianlong, Liu Shengli and his son were also very curious, and walked out quickly together.

I saw that hundreds of soldiers were fully dressed, and all of them were carrying something in their hands. Zhang Weidong had a lot of experience in dealing with such emergencies. His orders were short, but he clearly gave the task every word.

In less than half a minute, all the people rushed to their posts in strict accordance with the division of labor in the emergency response plan, and Chen Liyan also drove out of the camp quickly with a team of armored vehicles.

Less than a minute after the team disbanded, a lieutenant ran over quickly, and after saluting Zhang Weidong, Zhang Weidong quickly followed the lieutenant into the room.

"It's so messy here?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but looked at Liu Shengli and asked.

Liu Shengli nodded, "Yes, it's better in the urban area of ​​Kinshasa, but in the suburbs, there are still many illegal armed elements."

"These guys are so courageous that they dared to open fire on the peacekeeping troops' barracks." Yang Tianlong said.

"These guys have problems with their brains. They are often single-minded. They guess that the higher-ups are not doing enough to solve the problem. They want to threaten the government through actions against the peacekeeping barracks." Liu Shengli said, the expression on his face was very serious when he said this. Naturally, there was no sign of fear at all, and it seemed that he should be an old Jianghu.

"I guess Chen Liyan and the others will come back soon." Liu Shengli said with confidence.

"I hope." Yang Tianlong nodded gently.


Sure enough, Liu Shengli could be called Liu Banxian. In less than 10 minutes, Chen Liyan led the armored convoy back to the camp.

There was a look of calm on his face.

"Xiao Chen, are black people casually having sex?" Liu Shengli said with a chuckle.

Chen Liyan nodded, "The local tribal issue has not been handled well, and I want to report it to the government through us."

Hearing that it was indeed what he said, Liu Shengli couldn't help turning his head towards Yang Tianlong's position, "Brother, I think so."

"Brother, your African knowledge is not in vain." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"Hey, in fact, this matter is not only here in their peacekeeping barracks, but also in our project department. Damn, I'm here to do engineering, not to be judges for them." Liu Shengli sighed and booed.

At this moment, Zhang Weidong also walked out quickly, seeing Chen Liyan's calm face, he couldn't help smiling, "Xiao Chen, is it a problem between the tribes?"

Chen Liyan nodded, "Yes, we have already shot them to warn them, these guys are really looking for something to do for us all day long."

"Xiao Li." Zhang Weidong suddenly yelled into the room.

"To..." A voice sounded, and then a person rushed out of it quickly, Yang Tianlong and the others took a closer look, it was still the lieutenant just now.

"Hurry up and report this situation to the United Nations Military Headquarters. This kind of thing can't happen often, and they must be taken seriously." Zhang Weidong said seriously.

"Yes." Xiao Li nodded.

"Let's go, let's eat later." Zhang Weidong said to Chen Liyan.

This time in the room, Chen Liyan didn't even take off his body armor, but put it on tightly. In his words, maybe that group of people will come to make trouble again soon.

"It seems that it's not easy for you in Africa. Not only do you have to protect your safety, you also have to be a mediator." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Chen Liyan smiled slightly, "Actually, just get used to it."


After dinner in the barracks, everyone went to Zhang Weidong's room to drink tea and brag for a while, and they didn't leave until after ten o'clock in the evening.

At the door, Zhang Weidong told them to pay attention to safety on the road.

Liu Shengli held Zhang Weidong's big hand tightly and said, "Brother, don't worry, my old Liu doesn't drink now, so you don't have to worry at all."

"That's good, it's good not to drink, your old Liu is about to change from a green forest hero to a sour scholar."

After saying this, both Zhang Weidong and Liu Shengli couldn't help laughing.

After more than an hour's drive, they finally returned to Yang Tianlong's villa on the Congo River.

Since it was too late, Yang Tianlong also persuaded them to stay and let everyone be a companion together.

For Yang Tianlong's idea, Liu Shengli agreed without saying a word.

"Is there any good tea, let's drink some more." Liu Shengli smiled and said, "I haven't drunk for a long time, and I don't bother to think about what the wine tastes like. Now I only drink tea."

"Zhengyang, go get some good tea." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

Liu Zhengyang nodded, and then walked into the storage room.

The top-quality Mengding Shanjian has just been soaked, and before I have time to enter the entrance to taste it, unexpectedly, the door of the villa rang.

"Who else will come so late?" Yang Tianlong frowned involuntarily.

When he came to the gate and looked through the cat's eyes, he couldn't help being surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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