Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 717 Two Congo Countries

Chapter 717 Two Congo Countries
"Brother, what's the matter?" Yang Tianlong thought that Liu Shengli was eager to go to Bunia.

"Brother, where are you now?" Liu Shengli's words sounded a little urgent.

"I'm at my security company." Yang Tianlong replied honestly.

"Are you free this afternoon? I'll take you to Congo." Liu Shengli said.

"What are you doing there?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback.

"The project there, don't you want to sell lake sand?" Liu Shengli said quickly.

"You mean to take me to meet the leader there?" Yang Tianlong suddenly understood. He thought Liu Shengli took him to Congo for a visit.

"Of course I took you to see the leader there. Although he has a good relationship with me, but after all, you are in business. I thought I should meet anyway." Liu Shengli said.

This has always been the habit of Chinese people in doing business. Before doing anything, they should deal with the relationship well, which means that the business is at least half successful.

Yang Tianlong nodded, and told Liu Shengli on the phone that it was no problem.

"That's good. I'll wait for you at the company. We just pass by the super bridge." After saying this, Liu Shengli hung up the phone in a hurry. There are still many things to do in his company. If he can't handle it well, he won't be in the mood to go to Brazzaville again, so he has to take advantage of Yang Tianlong's time here to deal with it.

"What's the matter? Tianlong." Li Weimin looked at Yang Tianlong and asked with a smile.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "I need to go to Brazzaville to discuss a business. Brother, why don't we go together?"

Li Weimin shook his head, "I won't go here, I often go there too, and I have an event with my buddies from the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce in the afternoon, so you should stay there well. Get to know the difference between the two different Congolese countries. different places."

The two exchanged a few simple greetings, Li Weimin got into his Mercedes-Benz, and Yang Tianlong quickly called Liu Zhengyang and asked him to drive the car to the gate of the office building.

After the phone call, Yang Tianlong called Hansa again and told Hansa concisely that he was leaving.

Hansa hurriedly asked the boss if there was anything else he wanted to explain. Yang Tianlong didn't have much to explain. He just told Hansa to keep in touch with Siman and the others every day.

In this regard, Hansa said that she will strictly follow the requirements.

Just after finishing the call with Lufthansa, Liu Zhengyang drove the Wrangler to the front of the office building.

"Zhengyang, let's go to your father's company." Yang Tianlong said.

"What are you doing at his place?" Liu Zhengyang couldn't help but frowned, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Let's go to Congo in the afternoon." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Congo cloth?" Liu Zhengyang didn't know much about geography, and when he heard the name Congo cloth, he became surprised again.

"Uncle Long, aren't we in Congo now?" Liu Zhengyang couldn't help asking.

"It's true that we are in Congo now, but do you know? In fact, Congo used to be a country. Later, because of the colonization of Belgium and France, the entire Congo country was divided into two, and it was ruled by the river. This side is now called Congo. It’s Kinshasa, the one across the river is called Congo Brazzaville, and the capital is Brazzaville.”

"Oh, the one whose capital is Kinshasa is called Congo Gold, and the one whose capital is Brazzaville is called Congo Cloth. Is that right, Uncle Long?" Liu Zhengyang's comprehension ability is quite good, and he quickly figured out the idea.

"Yes, that's it." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"Then which of these two countries is better?" Liu Zhengyang asked again.

This question stumped Yang Tianlong all of a sudden. After all, he had never been to Congo, so he couldn't say anything.

"We'll see when the time comes." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Okay." Liu Zhengyang is also full of curiosity and longing for the upcoming trip to Congo.


An hour later, Yang Tianlong and the others came to Liu Shengli's company, and Liu Shengli had just settled the matter. When he heard the familiar Wrangler's horn, the restlessness he had before disappeared immediately, and his heart was filled with joy. instead.

As for what the hell is going on, Liu Shengli doesn't know. Anyway, every time he sees Yang Tianlong, he feels comfortable in his heart. This little brother, he really didn't make friends in vain.

"Here we come, here we come." Liu Shengli walked out of the house with a grin like a child. After Yang Tianlong and Liu Zhengyang saw this appearance, they couldn't help but feel that Liu Shengli was like an old urchin.

With an uncontrollable smile on his face, he opened the car door, and Liu Shengli got in. "Brother, this is the first time we have passed this super bridge. Look at you, how lucky you are."

"It has nothing to do with my luck, it's not because of your luck." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Liu Shengli is not perfect, and when he heard Yang Tianlong's words, he felt extremely happy in his heart.

"Today I will bring you to meet Mr. Wu from Brazzaville. He and I both work in the same head office." Liu Shengli began to introduce on the car to Congo Brazzaville.

"Dad, I'm curious, why don't you use a company to manage, but have to set up a company in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, wouldn't it be a good coordination?" Liu Zhengyang couldn't help asking again.

"You know what a fart, it's like me and your second uncle's family use a bricklayer to work. Which one do you work first? Isn't this embarrassing for other bricklayers?" Liu Shengli couldn't help laughing and scolding.

"Then you can negotiate with the second uncle?" Liu Zhengyang said.

"This?" Liu Shengli was choked for a moment, and he couldn't help but feel aggrieved. This bastard is even more stubborn than I am.

"Is this frankly just an agreement? There are all kinds of crap in the future..." In order not to lose face, Liu Shengli couldn't help but said again.

"Cut..." Liu Zhengyang didn't bother to listen to his old man's sophistry, he snorted softly, and instead concentrated on driving.

After a short time, the Wrangler drove onto the deck of the extra-large bridge. Except for the final finishing touches, greening, and decoration, the rest of the construction of the bridge was in place. On the bridge, it seems to be the endless prairie.

Seeing this, Liu Zhengyang couldn't help changing gears, ready to wait a while to enjoy the feeling of speeding on the bridge.

Unexpectedly, Liu Shengli suddenly scolded Liu Zhengyang not to drive fast.

Liu Zhengyang's expression suddenly changed...

 Thanks for the support of the monthly ticket of "o black cat o under the moon night", thank you brother
(End of this chapter)

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