Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 718 The Angry Father and Son

Chapter 718 The Furious Father and Son
The characters of the two fathers and sons are not like this. The two often fought cold wars when they disagreed. Just now, they were unhappy because of the so-called two companies. Now, Liu Shengli suddenly changed his face and scolded Liu Zhengyang. In an instant, the atmosphere in the car dropped to freezing point.

Liu Zhengyang was very upset, if it wasn't for the fact that Yang Tianlong was still in the car, he might have turned off the car and let Liu Shengli drive by himself.

Seeing Liu Zhengyang, Liu Shengli was a little upset, and the anger in his heart came up out of nowhere for no reason. He was able to clean up the others, but this bitch, who confronted him from time to time, often times, Liu Shengli would Doubting whether this turtle son is his own.

As a bystander, Yang Tianlong naturally couldn't let it go on. Suddenly, it occurred to his mind that Liu Shengli had introduced that this bridge could pass a thousand-ton or even ten thousand-ton ship. The height of the bridge deck will definitely increase a lot, and then the wind on the river will generate crosswinds on the vehicles on the bridge. If the speed is too fast at this time, the vehicles will definitely go off track and it is not easy to correct.

"Brother, is there a cross wind on the bridge?" Yang Tianlong asked with a serious face.

These words awakened the person in the dream like enlightenment. In fact, this was the reason why Liu Shengli didn't let Liu Zhengyang race on the bridge.

"Yes, there is a crosswind, so we must slow down." Liu Shengli quickly replied loudly.

When Liu Zhengyang heard this, most of the anger in his heart disappeared instantly.

"Zhengyang, slow down..." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly.

"Okay..." The anger in Liu Zhengyang's heart had completely disappeared, and he drove towards the opposite Congo-Braunco with a calm expression on his face.

Sure enough, at several places on the bridge deck, Liu Zhengyang, as the driver, felt the interference of a huge cross wind. Fortunately, he didn't drive fast, otherwise the consequences would be really dangerous.

The entire super bridge is 3 kilometers long. From the bridge, you can see the surging Congo River on both sides, and on the opposite side of the river is Brazzaville, the capital of Congo.

Perhaps it is because both countries want to show their economic strength, so there are some high-rise buildings on both sides of the Congo River.

"Shall we go to the city center? Dad." Suddenly Liu Zhengyang asked.

"Let's go to their company first. If you have time, you can go to the city center. In fact, Brazzaville is far inferior to Kinshasa." Liu Shengli has also been to Congo Brazzaville a lot. The bridge goes back and forth.

"Okay." Liu Zhengyang nodded, and then drove the car towards a small road.

Not long after, they came to the gate of Mr. Wu's company. Just like the security guards with live ammunition at the gate of Liu Shengli's company, there were also several security guards with live ammunition. When they saw this strange vehicle, several security guards frightened I had to hurry up and down for a while, and quickly picked up the gun.

"Put it down, put it down." A man in a shirt came over and signaled the security personnel to put down the thing in their hands.

Seeing that it was Mr. Wu's acquaintance, these security personnel quickly put down the AK in their hands.

"Fuck, I was almost taken as a target." Liu Zhengyang said involuntarily.

"Brother, that is Mr. Wu." Liu Shengli said involuntarily.

"Is he the boss of the company here?" Yang Tianlong nodded.

"Yes, I have a good relationship." Liu Shengli said as he opened the car door and jumped down.

Yang Tianlong also jumped down behind Liu Shengli.

"Brother." Mr. Wu looked much younger than Liu Shengli, with a gentle look on his face.

"Brother, you are here in person, my old Liu is flattered." Liu Shengli smiled heartily.

"Brother wants to come, how dare I not come out, or I will be scolded as a shrinking turtle." Mr. Wu said with a smile.

"Let me introduce, brother, this is my good friend, Yang Tianlong, who is also developing in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a good friend who gets along very well with me in all aspects." Liu Shengli introduced Yang Tianlong with a smile on his face. At that time, the pride on his face was of course that he was proud of having a good brother like Yang Tianlong.

"Hello, Mr. Wu." Yang Tianlong quickly extended his hand with a respectful expression.

"Hello, brother." Mr. Wu also said politely, "Come on, let's go to the office for a while."

"What good tea do you have today?" Liu Shengli asked jokingly.

"The Dahongpao from our hometown." President Wu smiled.

"That tastes good." Liu Shengli nodded.

In the office, with the help of the middleman Liu Shengli, everything went smoothly. Mr. Wu immediately decided to order 8 tons of lake sand, and the price was completely based on the market price.

"Thank you brother for taking care of me." Yang Tianlong was naturally very happy in his heart.

"Brother, when the time comes, don't enter your ship at the customs dock, go directly to the dock at our construction site." Mr. Wu did not forget to explain.

Yang Tianlong froze for a moment, not knowing what President Wu meant.

"Brother, when you enter the customs dock, you have to pay taxes. At our construction site dock, you can avoid those taxes." Mr. Wu explained.

"The hearts of these guys are darker than each other. We can't give them money for nothing." Liu Shengli said with an indignant expression.

Mr. Wu nodded, "That's right, we didn't make much profit here, and we risked our lives, oh, by the way, brother, do you know that the leaders of the Ministry of Construction will come to inspect next month? "

"Who? The leader of the Ministry of Construction?" Liu Shengli frowned involuntarily, with a look of surprise on his face.

President Wu nodded, "Yes, the Minister of Construction is coming."

"Why don't I know?" Liu Shengli frowned tightly again.

"No way." Mr. Wu was also surprised.

In the past, the leaders of the Ministry of Construction would inspect both the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. To Liu Shengli's surprise, this time their Kinshasa Engineering Department did not receive any news.

"Let me ask." Liu Shengli took out his mobile phone while talking, and quickly dialed the number of the Secretary's Office.

"The leaders of the Ministry of Construction are coming next month?" Liu Shengli said blankly.


"You don't tell me such a big thing? What are you doing?" Liu Shengli was very angry.


"I gave instructions?" Liu Shengli was surprised.


"Okay, if you are in a hurry, send it to my office at ten o'clock tonight. If you are not in a hurry, I will read it tomorrow morning." Liu Shengli said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Tianlong's voice rang softly in his ears.

"Brother, we're going to Bunia tomorrow."

"Oh, yes..." Liu Shengli nodded, and then hurriedly said to the phone: "Show it to me at ten o'clock tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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