Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 721 I will help you deal with the lake sand

Chapter 721 I will help you deal with the lake sand
Since Raff and his wife have already returned to China to give birth, Albom is in charge of the scenic spot.

Seeing that it was Yang Tianlong who came, Albom also had a look of joy, and immediately gave him a big hug.

After a brief introduction, Yang Tianlong took Liu Shengli and his son and Xiao Zhang onto the speedboat that had been prepared for them in the scenic spot.

Liu Shengli's personality determines that he is also an extremely adventurous guy. As soon as he got on the speedboat, he couldn't help asking what the fastest speed of the speedboat was on the lake. There was a hint of disappointment.

"Why so slow? I thought it was as fast as a missile." Liu Shengli said.

"Brother, you will know after a while." Yang Tianlong smiled, and then threw a life jacket to Liu Shengli.

After everyone was dressed, the motor of the speedboat soon chugs, forming two traces at the tail of the speedboat that are very different from the surrounding waters.

The engine of the speedboat ran at high speed for half a minute, and then it flew out like a missile. Liu Shengli was a little caught off guard, and almost fell off without grasping the handrail.

The humid lake wind blows on the face, surrounded by blue lake water, and beautiful water birds fly overhead from time to time. When the speedboat passed by the waters, groups of water birds that were cruising leisurely on the lake were also frightened. After using such kung fu as Lingbo Weibu on the ground, he flew up all of a sudden.

The speedboat first made a big circle around the wide lake, and then parked on a small island in the middle of the lake.

"Brother, let's go up and have a rest." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Seeing that the island was lined with green trees and clusters of villas, like an island in a fairyland, Liu Shengli couldn't help being amazed, and repeatedly praised that this small island is really good.

On the small island, after enjoying the local papaya juice, Yang Tianlong and Liu Shengli put on their swimming trunks and jumped into the swimming pool with great interest.

After staying on the entire island for an hour, they decided to turn their next destination into Yang Tianlong's lake sand excavation site.

There is still about an hour's boat ride from this small island to the lake sand excavation site, and the speedboat has always maintained a high-speed operation mode, driving fast and fast towards the destination along the way.

Li Tao and the others had already known that Yang Tianlong and the others were coming, so they waited at the pier early.

Since the last time the lake sand was transported to Uganda, the business of the lake sand has not been very good, and it has been sold to surrounding countries sporadically locally. It is the first time that Liu Shengli and others have needed lake sand on a large scale.

Liu Shengli's eyesight is not bad. When he was five or six kilometers away from the destination, he noticed the lake sand that was piled up like a hill.

"Brother, is there the lake sand you mentioned?" Liu Shengli couldn't help asking hastily.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Yes, there it is."

"How long will it take to sell so much lake sand?" Liu Shengli couldn't help sighing.

"That's why we need big customers like you guys." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"I'll check the quality. If possible, I will help you sell more." Liu Shengli nodded and said.

The distance on the water seems to be five or six kilometers, but under the speed of the speedboat, it only takes a few minutes to arrive at the pier.

"Cousin." Li Tao looked excited when he saw Yang Tianlong, as if he had found a mountain to rely on.

"How much is the current lake sand?" Yang Tianlong did not introduce Liu Shengli and the others to Li Tao in the first sentence, but asked about the amount of lake sand.

"About 150 million tons." Li Tao said.

"So much?" Liu Shengli frowned, "Brother, under normal circumstances, it may take you several years to sell your 150 million tons."

Yang Tianlong didn't hide anything, and nodded directly, "Yes, it will indeed take several years."

"I suggest you stop digging first." Liu Shengli expressed his heartfelt words.

"Brother, I can't stop." Yang Tianlong shook his head.

"Why?" Liu Shengli was taken aback.

"Actually, I didn't think of this place at first. Later, the local government found me and said that they need to open a golden waterway from Lake Albert. At that time, the materials transported from China will not need to go around the Cape of Good Hope in Lanfei. Alright, let’s go directly to the golden waterway, I took over here for this purpose, and later the other countries along the golden waterway moved too slowly, so I joined in again as a last resort.” Yang Tianlong said in a serious manner Details are out.

"What is the reward they give?" Liu Shengli knew that these black people could not take advantage of them.

"Without money, all the lake sand belongs to me, plus a three-year ship tax exemption policy." Yang Tianlong said.

After hearing this, Liu Shengli did not immediately publish his high opinion, but was silent for a while. After a long while, Liu Shengli nodded involuntarily, "This condition is not bad."

"It's okay." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"Cousin, who is this gentleman?" Li Tao interjected at the right time.

"This is my good friend Liu Shengli. You can call him Brother Shengli. Brother Shengli is very enthusiastic and righteous..." Yang Tianlong began to introduce Liu Shengli.


When Liu Shengli walked from the foot of Husha Mountain to the top of the mountain, he called Xiao Zhang to his side.

"Xiao Zhang, how do you see the quality of the lake sand?"

Xiao Zhang was originally from a technical background, so he still has some research on these lake sands.

"It's not bad. It seems that the adhesion of this lake sand is much better than that sold in Kinshasa." Xiao Zhang affirmed.

Liu Shengli also nodded involuntarily, "I think the quality of this lake sand is really good, and the price is the same as that sold in Kinshasa. Our company has no problem using this."

Xiao Zhang also nodded, expressing his great agreement with Mr. Liu's words.

"Brother, I want your lake sand, according to the previous quantity. After returning to Kinshasa, I will give you a good publicity." Liu Shengli said boldly.

Yang Tianlong said with a grateful face, "Then thank you brother."

"Hey, you and I said something like thank you." Liu Shengli waved his hand hurriedly. In his opinion, helping his brother is the right thing to do.

After wandering around the Husha Wharf for a while, seeing that it was getting late, Yang Tianlong and the others returned to the scenic spot by boat, stayed in the scenic spot for another half an hour, and then drove back to the small town of Bunia.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in the small town of Bunia, the mayor of Chebi came to him on his own initiative.

This made Yang Tianlong very surprised. When did Chebi know that he was back?

(End of this chapter)

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