Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 722 The first time I drank too much

Chapter 722
Seeing Yang Tianlong's puzzled face, Chebi smiled embarrassedly, "Huaxialong, I've been waiting for you, I told Mr. Wilmots earlier, as soon as you come back, he will notify you immediately I."

Yang Tianlong nodded, he knew that Chebi must belong to the people who never go to the Three Treasures Hall, "What's the matter? Chebi."

"The funding of the pier is very difficult. I'm afraid it's not easy to repair it in our town." Chebi frowned and said.

"Repair in your town? You can apply for funds from the province." Yang Tianlong said after being surprised.

Unexpectedly, Chebi shook his head, "Huaxialong, you know about Kabika. Although Kabika has completely fallen, his backers are still there, so it is really difficult for me to apply for funds now. I’m afraid that after the golden waterway is fully connected, the funds will not be in place, I don’t think I should wait any longer, I think maybe I can give you the profits of the dock.”

To be honest, Yang Tianlong is not interested in the profit of the terminal. First of all, regardless of its profit, the main reason is that the lake port terminal is a public facility. If it is not in Africa, he must be very willing.

"I may not be able to do this." Yang Tianlong's words were not perfunctory, but real words. All expenses need money. The Phoenix Motorcycle Factory in China has an armed force of hundreds of people. Even he has been embarrassed to contact General Satin recently because he has no money.

"Then what should we do?" Chebi looked embarrassed, "Actually, Huaxialong, I don't want this Hugang wharf to fall into the hands of other people."

Yang Tianlong understands the meaning of Chebi's words. Once the Hugang Wharf falls into the hands of people with ulterior motives, it will be very difficult for them to obtain huge profits through the Hugang Wharf.

Yang Tianlong hesitated for a while, and then said slowly, "Don't you have nothing to do? Can't you come up with any funds?"

"The funding gap is huge. To build a lake port terminal, I made a preliminary estimate that it would cost at least 2000 million US dollars. At that time, I thought it would be very simple." Chebi shook his head helplessly.

"Brother, why don't you come in?" Suddenly at this moment, Liu Shengli's voice came over.

Hearing Liu Shengli's voice, Yang Tianlong couldn't help trembling all over, maybe Old Liu could help with this.

"Brother." Yang Tianlong smiled at Liu Shengli.

"I have friends." Liu Shengli also found Chebi at this time.

"Yes, this is Mr. Chebi, the mayor of Bunia Town." Yang Tianlong introduced Chebi.

This time with Chebi, Liu Shengli did not feel like he had found a true friend. He and Chebi just greeted each other like ordinary friends.

"Brother, I have something to discuss with you." Yang Tianlong said in Chinese, and he was not worried that Chebi was by his side, because Chebi couldn't understand Chinese at all.

"What's the matter?" Liu Shengli frowned, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart, wondering when did Brother Yang become so humble and out of touch?

"The town of Bunia plans to invest in the construction of a lake port terminal on Lake Albert, but their funds have problems. Do you think your company is interested in participating in this investment? In two or three months, this golden waterway will It will be completely connected, and countless cargo ships will use Bunia as an important place for trade..." Yang Tianlong drew a beautiful picture for Liu Shengli.

Liu Shengli nodded involuntarily while listening, and waited for Yang Tianlong to finish speaking, but he did not express his opinion.

"Brother, you know, I belong to a state-owned enterprise, so I can't have the final say on this matter alone. I also know what you said just now. In the future, the Hugang Wharf will definitely make money, so I also specially Do it specially, see if this works, you can come up with a feasibility report in the next two days, so that I can report to the head office." Liu Shengli said a little embarrassed.

Yang Tianlong also knew Liu Shengli's difficulty, he didn't make it difficult for him, but nodded directly, and then gave Chebi this task.

When Chebi heard that a Chinese state-owned enterprise might invest, he couldn't help being overjoyed. He quickly stretched out his hand and said a lot of words of gratitude to Liu Shengli.

Although Liu Shengli didn't understand, but from the expression on the black mayor's face, he could tell what he wanted to express.

Originally, Yang Tianlong planned to keep Chebi for dinner, but Chebi left because he had something to do in the evening, after a brief chat, he left.

"This black town mayor seems to be more shrewd." Looking at Chebi's back, Liu Shengli said.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "This guy is not bad, he can be regarded as making a difference compared to his predecessor."

"However, it's really hard to guess the hearts of these guys, so brother, you should be careful about everything." Liu Shengli urged sincerely.

Yang Tianlong glanced at Liu Shengli, this may be his many years of experience.

"I will pay attention." Yang Tianlong nodded.


As usual, the dinner was cooked by the Wilmots couple, and it was also very sumptuous. The dining place was placed on the roof. At this time, the evening wind was picking up. Drinking cold beer and eating barbecue in the cool night wind , this feeling is really great.

According to Liu Shengli later, this is the first time he has not drunk much in so many years.

As for the reason, he said he didn't know.

These rough old men were eating and chatting on the rooftop until after eleven o'clock in the evening.

As soon as it was over, there was a burst of gunshots in the air.

Liu Shengli panicked, and hurriedly asked where the gunshots came from.

Xiao Zhang's expression was also a little unnatural.

Wilmots laughed and told them that in a place like Bunia, it is very normal to hear gunshots at night, and if one day you don't hear gunshots, it is not normal.

"Damn it, I've been watching other people shoot since I arrived in Africa. I haven't played it myself. I'll have a chance another day. When I get back to the company, I'll take those black security guards' AKs and play them for you. Look at my marksmanship." Liu Shengli said angrily.

"Brother, if you really want to play with guns, come with me to the village tomorrow." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Which village?" Liu Shengli was stunned.

"Of course it's Bok Village." Liu Zhengyang on the side added in due course.

"What Bok Village?" Liu Shengli was confused.

Yang Tianlong told Liu Shengli about the situation in Bok Village with a smile on his face. When he heard that he could play with guns there, Liu Shengli couldn't help opening his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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