Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 726 Play a game on the built stadium

Chapter 726 Let’s Play a Game on the Built Stadium
The lunch at noon was relatively simple, but it was all fresh food picked from the field, and the villagers were reluctant to eat the dried meat that had been left for Yang Tianlong.

When he lived in the small wooden house before, Yang Tianlong also left some condiments there, using the condiments made in China to cook happily, and a simple and delicious lunch is ready.

The sunshine in Bunia at this moment is very venomous, so after lunch, Yang Tianlong and the others drank tea in the room for more than an hour, and then went to the swimming pool with a calm face.

According to Yom, the swimming pool is guarded daily, so the water inside is quite clean.

Walking into the indoor swimming pool, everyone can't help but feel that it is really a double sky of ice and fire. The sun outside is scorching hot, but the temperature inside is quite refreshing and pleasant.

"Brother, you have a pretty good figure." Both Liu Shengli and Xiao Zhang have beer bellies, especially Xiao Zhang, although he is not very old, but the long-term neglect of exercise has caused his body fat to grow suddenly.

"It's okay, mainly because I have to exercise every day." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Liu Shengli turned his gaze to Xiao Zhang, "Xiao Zhang, I have to criticize you on this matter. You are young, and your beer belly is bigger than mine. In the future, you can't just play with your mobile phone except for work." Computer, you have to exercise regularly, otherwise, you won’t be able to work hard in bed.”

When Xiao Zhang was told by Liu Shengli, his fair face flushed immediately, "Mr. Liu, I also like to play football. Our company only has a basketball court. Where do you think I can go to exercise?"

"This?" Liu Shengli was choked by Xiao Zhang's words all of a sudden. After thinking for a while, he said, "Xiao Zhang, how many people in our company like to play football?"

"Maybe twenty or thirty." Xiao Zhang told him after thinking about it.

"There are so many?" Liu Shengli couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He never thought that those who like to play football in the company could actually form two football teams.

"Of course." Xiao Zhang nodded, "You just can't find a place to play football in Kinshasa."

"I've solved this problem for you. Next time, we will directly use the local stadium and organize a ball game once or twice a week, so that you can all sweat and exercise, but don't look like little old men. It seems." Liu Shengli said while moving his body, then dipped his hand in the water in the swimming pool, and splashed it lightly on his body.

"Brother, let's play football together after lunch. I heard that Brother Chen also likes it. I don't know how many fighters he brought over this time. Maybe our Huaxia Football Team can play a game with those from Bok Village." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Yes, Tianlong, your suggestion is good. To be honest, I used to be a good guy in the army. I was almost selected for the Bayi men's football team. I will guard the goal at night." Liu Shengli laughed.

"Okay, let's make a deal like this, I'll contact him." Yang Tianlong called Yom over while talking.

Yom didn't go swimming, so he kept the phone.

After finding his mobile phone, Yang Tianlong called Chen Liyan.

At this time they also arrived at the airport, and they were about to board the plane in more than ten minutes. Chen Liyan was also very happy when he heard that they could play football at night. He told Yang Tianlong that he had brought five fighters with him.

There are six on Chen Liyan's side, and four on their side, which is one short of the official competition.

In this area of ​​Bunia, it is really not easy to know a Chinese person. In desperation, Yang Tianlong had no choice but to call Wilmots and ask the little old man to participate in their evening meeting as a foreign aid. Contest.

When Wilmots received this call, he was naturally very happy. He is also an avid football fan, and he also likes to play football with his good friends on weekdays. For example, the football level of guys like Ralph and Albuquer That's pretty good too, they are basically invincible in the Bunia region.

"Old man, do you need me to prepare the jersey and sneakers?" Wilmots couldn't help asking.

"Need, need." Yang Tianlong said quickly, he even patted his thigh involuntarily, feeling extremely regretful in his heart, why didn't he think of this.

"What color jersey to choose? What do you think of the blue one? Because blue represents peace." Wilmots proposed again.

"Okay, old man, I'll send you the size of our sneakers later." Yang Tianlong hung up the phone hastily after speaking, he had to get everything done before Chen Liyan and the others boarded the plane.

It took nearly ten minutes, and finally got all the jersey numbers for everyone. Yang Tianlong not only called Wilmots, but also called Belen and Dr. Peter, the director of the Bunia Red Cross Hospital. Come here, looking at it this way, their coalition football team, which is mainly Chinese, is also fully staffed.

'How's it going, Jom?Are you ready for the evening? "Yang Tianlong looked at Yom with a smile and said.

Yom nodded with confidence. He even patted his chest and said boldly, "Huaxialong, there are more than 40 people playing football in our village. We are sure to win tonight's game."

"Then see you on the court." Yang Tianlong didn't pour cold water on Yom, but said with a smile on his face.


Perhaps it was to preserve the energy for playing football at night. Yang Tianlong, Liu Shengli, Liu Zhengyang, and Xiao Zhang all made a silent agreement. They didn't consume too much energy in the swimming pool, and more often they just relied on the cool water. The pool water comes to cool down the heat on the body.

After staying in the swimming pool for more than an hour, everyone changed their clothes and set off quickly.

This time Yang Tianlong found two more cars from Boke Village, plus the previous Wrangler, there are three cars in total, except for Xiao Zhang who didn't drive, the three of them each have one car, and the convoy is heading towards the airport in a mighty manner drive away.

Not long after arriving at the airport, the flight that Chen Liyan and the others were on also landed. After picking up Chen Liyan and the others, everyone went straight to Wilmots' hotel in a mighty manner. At the hotel, Wilmots took his own Son, he drove his own pickup truck, took the equipment for playing football at night, followed Yang Tianlong and his team, and drove towards Bok Village with an extremely excited expression on his face.

After arriving at Bok Village, it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, the sun was still hanging above the head, but it was not as scorching as at noon.

"Tianlong, should we eat first or play football first?" Chen Liyan couldn't help asking after arriving at the destination.

 Thank you "Flower Rabbit" brother monthly ticket support, thank you brother
(End of this chapter)

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