Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 727 A Group of Football Fans

Chapter 727 A Group of Football Fans

Regarding Chen Liyan's question, Yang Tianlong smiled slightly and said, "Brother Chen, look at your physical condition, the stadium here also has lights, which can be used during the day or at night."

"To be honest, Tianlong, our feet were already itchy. On the flight, we all started discussing tactics." Chen Liyan said excitedly.

"Then you see what tactic we should use later." Yang Tianlong asked with a smile.

Chen Liyan thought for a while, "It's better to use the 343 tactic."

"Offensive tactics?" Liu Shengli frowned involuntarily.

Chen Liyan nodded, "Yes, Brother Liu, we use offensive tactics."

"You mean we will always score one more goal than our opponent?" Liu Shengli joked.

"That's right, we are going to attack." Chen Liyan said.

"You know the size of Xiao Zhang and I. Our physical strength is not very good." Liu Shengli said. Goalkeeper, so there must be a lot of running distance on the field."

"I try my best to persevere. If it doesn't work, I will replace it with a substitute." Xiao Zhang said.

"We still have substitutes?" Chen Liyan asked in surprise.

Yang Tianlong nodded and said with a smile, "Of course we have a substitute, and it's foreign aid."

"Really? A black guy from Africa?" Chen Liyan asked with a smile.

"No, it's the uncle level in Europe." Yang Tianlong joked.

"This kind of uncle level, although their physical fitness is not as good as young lads, but they are incomparable to young lads in terms of technology and reading comprehension of the game. It just so happens that the five lads I brought are all football players. Enthusiasts, people say they can’t run to death, we have a good match between the old and the new, and complement each other, this game is interesting.” Chen Liyan said.

"Okay, then it depends on the tactics you design later." Yang Tianlong nodded.

Everyone chatted very enthusiastically in the room. They have already made a plan. The game will be played at 06:30 in the evening. After the game, everyone will have dinner formally. However, in order to ensure that the physical strength can keep up, everyone eats before the game. I bought some bread and cakes to replenish my strength.

At six o'clock in the evening, Dean Pete of the Red Cross Hospital also rushed over with several doctors. These guys were also white, and they were all tall. Judging from the football equipment they carried with them, it was clear that All of them are technically extraordinary.

After changing their uniforms, everyone came to the stadium talking and laughing. Before they got to the stadium, they could already hear the lively shouts inside.

"Why do I feel like I am playing a formal football match?" Liu Shengli said excitedly, wearing thick goalkeeper gloves.

"I also feel the same way. To be honest, I'm a little nervous." Xiao Zhang couldn't help but take a deep breath while talking.

"This kind of atmosphere can stimulate our fighting spirit." Chen Liyan said loudly.

"Hey, Huaxia Dragon." As soon as he walked to the gate of the stadium, Hank suddenly came out from nowhere.

"Hey, old man, is your training over?" Yang Tianlong was surprised when he saw Hank.

Hank nodded, "We heard that you have a ball game, so we ended the training early today, hey, old man Wilmots, did my guy prepare for me?" Hank then cast his gaze to the side Wilmots.

Wilmots nodded, and raised a bag in his hand high, "How could our team be without you? Hurry up and replace it, you will be a substitute today."

"No problem, let me take another breath. I stayed in the tank all afternoon this afternoon, and I was suffocated to death." Hank said with a smile on his face as he took the bag thrown by Wilmots.

After walking into the stadium, I saw a dark crowd in the stands of the stadium, not only the villagers from Boke Village, but also the villagers from the nearby Yake Village.

"Who is the referee?" Yom spread his hands at Yang Tianlong.

"I'll be the referee." Doctor Pete stood up with a smile.

"You look familiar, sir." Yom frowned and said.

"Really? Yom, he is the director of the Red Cross Hospital in the town." Yang Tianlong joked.

Hearing that this tall and thin guy is the director of the Red Cross Hospital in the town, Yom suddenly realized, "I'll just say, why is this gentleman so familiar? The doctor is the referee, so we can rest assured."

"Then take your guys and prepare to fight." Yang Tianlong also looked at the players on the field in Bok Village just now, all of them looked extremely strong. Although their football equipment is a little crude, but these guys His physical fitness is quite good, and Doc is among them.

"Let's warm up and see you on the court in 10 minutes." Chen Liyan said with a smile.

"OK..." Yom made an OK-like gesture with a cheerful face.

First jogging, then stretching the muscles of the body...

At about the same time, Chen Liyan called everyone to the front and arranged tactics.

Let’s talk about the 343 tactics first. In fact, after arriving at the actual playing field, the Huaxia team still has some changes. After all, the opponent’s body is not inferior to them. To some extent, their physical fitness is better than the Huaxia team. This may be the so-called racial advantage.

Of course, Yang Tianlong and his side also have advantages, that is, they have an advantage in small skills. After all, the opponent's players are playing by feeling, and many of them have been coached since they were students.

"Brother, didn't you say 343 offensive just now? Why is it now 352?" Liu Shengli felt that his 352 defensive counterattack formation was unavoidable.

"Brother, what Brother Chen said is right. In my opinion, they must have relied on their physical strength to attack us at the beginning, so we must hold our ground and not fight against them at the beginning." Yang Tianlong analyzed each word with reasonable reason.

"Well, I hope you are right." Liu Shengli slapped himself, "I have a lot of problems on the court. I like to yell. If I offend you, please forgive me."

"Who has no character on the court." A peacekeeper with a crew cut said.

"Okay, let's work hard." Liu Shengli spat viciously on the glove while speaking.

"My dad is pretending again, did you see him spitting?" Liu Zhengyang teased with a snickering face.

"I see." Yang Tianlong nodded.

"I asked him when I was young, and he said that the goalkeeper on TV likes to spit, so he spit too." Before he finished speaking, Liu Zhengyang covered his mouth and laughed secretly.

"Zhengyang, how is your father's technique?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

 Thanks to "aa3785210" "Liu Ge" and "Lang Ge Xiao" for their monthly support, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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