Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 743 Departure

Chapter 743 Departure
This time everything was done at 11:30 noon. Yang Tianlong looked at the guys prepared by Albuquer again. A strong porter, responsible for their logistics supply.

Before Yang Tianlong could speak, Yom immediately agreed.

Unexpectedly, Yang Tianlong shook his head, saying that he didn't need a porter.

"Old man, with so many of us, there must be someone to carry it." Albuquer said with a puzzled expression.

"Old man, we are just saving Sman this time, not a protracted battle with the Skull Party. If we bring too many things, it will easily make us fall in love with the battle. We are completely unfamiliar with the situation in the rainforest, so we don't need to There are too many guys." Yang Tianlong analyzed to Al Booker seriously.

After Albuquer listened, he remained silent. In his opinion, Yang Tianlong was right.

"Okay, let's eat quickly." Lion Head reminded everyone at this time.

After a simple meal in the restaurant of the hotel, everyone boarded the train quickly.

Yang Tianlong roughly counted, plus Duoke and his well-trained militiamen on weekdays, there are 18 people in total.

"Hey, guys, take your guys, we are going into the rainforest, this time our main purpose is to rescue Siman, yes, that is the self-righteous guy who usually reprimands you severely, they are now being killed in the rainforest A group of men in green clothes are surrounded, we need to rescue them, here are a few points that must be emphasized to everyone..." Yang Tianlong winked at Albuquer after finishing speaking.

Albuquer nodded, then stood up and said loudly.

"The first point is that everyone must observe discipline and not bring their own personality into the team."

"Second point, don't be obsessed with fighting. Our mission is to rescue Sman and the others, not to engage in a long-term travel war with the enemy. Therefore, each of us has extremely limited weapons and ammunition. If you run out, you can wait to use a chopper. .”

"The third point is that it is absolutely not allowed to fight alone. We are a team, and the strength of a team is always greater than that of an individual soldier."


After explaining a lot to everyone, Albuquer cast his eyes on Yang Tianlong again.

Yang Tianlong nodded, he didn't have much to say.

"Get in the car." Albuquerque yelled.

Soon, all the people were well trained and boarded the car.

"Brother." Liu Shengli couldn't help but say it at this moment.

"Brother, let Zhengyang accompany you well. By the way, my pier needs more help from you."

Liu Shengli nodded, "No problem, you all pay attention to safety, I will buy you a drink when you come back."

"Haha, no problem." Yang Tianlong smiled heartily.


After waiting for everyone to arrive at the pier, it was already one o'clock at noon, and Albom was already waiting there with the convoy, speedboat and driver.

"Sorry, old man, I have too many things over there." Albom said apologetically.

"It's okay, it's just a small task for you to help Laf take care of the scenic spot." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Call me if you need anything, and I will do your logistical support," Albom said.

"OK..." Yang Tianlong nodded gratefully at him.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Yang Tianlong, Albuquer and Lion Head came to the river, and now, except for the three of them, everyone has boarded the boat.

"How fast can the speedboat be?" Although Yang Tianlong had been on the speedboat countless times, he still had no idea how fast the speedboat was.

"Straight water is about 70-80 kilometers per hour." Albom quickly answered.

"The river here is tortuous, and it must not be able to run so fast." Yang Tianlong frowned involuntarily.

"Yes, but 30-40 kilometers per hour is still inevitable."

"Where is our destination?" At this moment, the lion head who was silent for a long time couldn't help asking.

"I don't know yet." Yang Tianlong said after glancing at him.

"What? Don't know yet?" Lion Head was a little surprised, but then he quickly withdrew his suspicious gaze, because he knew that Yang Tianlong must have something to do.

What Yang Tianlong said is not false, because Meng Diao was also sent out by him shortly after he received the news of Siman's disappearance. Now Meng Diao is flying along the Congo River, looking for Siman and the others. Ship left before logging in.

Because there are many trees in the Congo River Basin, many places are covered by the river, so Yang Tianlong also specially ordered the fierce eagle to fly close to the river.

"I'll know soon." Yang Tianlong smiled, and then took a big stride across the river.

"Old man, I wish you all the best." Albom stood on the shore and waved to them.

"Thank you." Yang Tianlong smiled at Albom, and then ordered the driver to start the speedboat.

The speedboat shot out like an arrow off the string.

Due to the loud sound of the speedboat engine and the river wind blowing in front of them, Yang Tianlong and the others basically didn't speak much along the way. Even when they spoke, they gestured in sign language that everyone is familiar with.

The boat sailed for two hours, and there was a backwater bay in front of it. Compared with the speed of the river, the backwater bay was basically calm.

"Boss, let the engine of the speedboat take a break." The black driver said seriously.

Yang Tianlong nodded at him, and saw that the speedboat under him was slowly sailing into Huishui Bay.

At this moment, it has been more than 4 hours since I left Mengdiao.

However, Meng Diao did not send any news to him.

This made Yang Tianlong's heart anxious.

He quickly injected his own consciousness into Meng Diao's consciousness. He didn't know it, but he was startled when he saw that Meng Diao had already flown out of that area.

Immediately, Yang Tianlong called Meng Diao back with his consciousness.

But this time Meng Diao's speed is obviously a bit slower, it seems that its body is in a state of fatigue.

"I have already flown out of this area, but I haven't found the ship. What's the matter?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but fell into endless contemplation.

Suddenly, he smiled suddenly, as if he realized something.

Falk, how could he be so stupid and ignore an important question.

Thinking of this, Yang Tianlong quickly withdrew his consciousness from Meng Diao, and then quickly opened the high-definition electronic map.

(End of this chapter)

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