Chapter 744

If he guessed correctly, in the Congo River Basin, which stretches for thousands of kilometers, there must be countless tributaries flowing into this turbulent river.

Sure enough, looking at it from a bird's-eye view, in that designated area, there are actually five large and small tributaries.

According to the method of exclusion, Yang Tianlong felt that it was more likely that Siman and the others would dock their ships at a relatively large tributary, because in his opinion, the scientific expedition team was also very interested in tributaries.

Sure enough, when he looked away and looked at the second tributary, he found several ships docked on the shore.

Constantly getting closer, Yang Tianlong found that there were not many people on board, and judging from their appearance, they looked like boatmen.

After simply measuring the distance, Yang Tianlong was surprised to find that they were not far away, only less than 200 kilometers away.

Traveling at a normal speed, they would arrive there at seven o'clock in the afternoon, and the weather here would not get dark until nine o'clock in the evening.

"I know where it is." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but excitedly said.

"Where is it?" After hearing that Yang Tianlong had discovered the location of Siman's ship, Albuquerque and Lion Head hurriedly asked.

"There is a tributary less than 200 kilometers away from us, and their boat is parked in 20 kilometers of water."

"So far?" Lion Head couldn't help frowning, and he began to calculate the time when they arrived at their destination in his mind.

"Yes, that's the distance." Yang Tianlong nodded.

"Normally, we'll get there around seven o'clock in the evening, and the night here comes at nine o'clock..." Lion Head said their estimated plan.

It is almost not as much as Yang Tianlong expected.

"Hey, buddy, how long does your boat need to rest?" Lionhead couldn't help asking at this moment.

"Soon, I'll just replace the cooling water." The driver said while speeding up the frequency of replacing the cooling water in his hand.

In less than 5 minute, everything is done.

"Let's go." The driver is also a romantic person. I saw him yelling at the two speedboats behind him, and then started the speedboat.

The speedboat idling on the water surface for quite a while, then rushed out like an arrow off the string.

It was also stop-and-go along the way, but in the next trip, the driver changed the cooling water significantly faster.

Finally, they reached the water at 06:30 pm.

When they saw a strange ship breaking in, the boatmen on the boat quickly became vigilant, and they held the shotguns in their hands tightly. As long as the other party did anything wrong, they would definitely shoot immediately.

"Hey man," Doc yelled at the guys in the boat, waving his hand to show they meant no harm.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" A black man led by the other party also hurriedly called out.

These boatmen have seen blacks, whites, and yellows, and they know that this should be a scientific expedition team, even if it is not, they will not come here with malice.

Of course, if all of them are black, this will not be guaranteed.

"We're Siman's friends, and they haven't come back yet?" Doc exclaimed.

"Who is Siman?" The other party shouted loudly.

Now Doc was taken aback, he couldn't help but look at Yang Tianlong beside him, and then whispered, "Boss, they actually asked me who is Siman, don't they?"

"No, they are just testing us further." At this time, Albuquer added.

"Doc, the old man is right. You tell them that Siman is the owner of the security company responsible for protecting them this time." Yang Tianlong said to Doc.

"Okay." Doc nodded, and then yelled out loudly according to the words Professor Yang Tianlong gave him just now.

"It really is Siman's friend." The bow of the other party also came out of the cabin at this time, and said with a determined face.

"Come here." The crew shouted at them.

"Go. Dude, let's go there." Yang Tianlong said loudly.


"Do they have no contact with you now?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

The bow of the boat shook his head, "There is no news at all. We have been waiting for them since they left the boat and landed at five o'clock yesterday afternoon."

"When did they plan to return?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"They plan to return at four o'clock this afternoon."

"If you look at it this way, they must be within a radius of less than 20 kilometers." Yang Tianlong came to such a conclusion after putting aside Siman's rest time.

"Old man, you are right. They should not be far away from us, but the reality is that they seem to be very close. We may not be able to advance 1 kilometer in an hour." Albuquer said.

"If there is a hunting dog at this time, the situation will be much better." Burzai, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke at this time.

The guys that Lionhead brought over from Belgium were very quiet all the way, and they looked like they were doing big things.

"Hound dog?" Bulzai's words woke Yang Tianlong up suddenly. If I remember correctly, Kubi is still in the warehouse of the plane.

In fact, not only Kubi, but also three hyenas are also inside. The terrain here basically has no effect on these four-legged animals, and they can drill around in the dense woods very calmly.

But how to get these guys out of the plane warehouse is a difficult problem for Yang Tianlong.

Right now in this place, the mobile phone has no signal at all, and can only rely on satellite phones or walkie-talkies for communication. However, for actual combat, walkie-talkies are useless at all, because the dense jungle inside is enough to block the signal tightly. Perhaps the coverage of the walkie-talkie can't even reach 100 meters.

"Do you have satellite phones?" Yang Tianlong looked at the bow and asked.

The bow nodded, "Yes."

"Give us the number." Yang Tianlong said.

The bow of the boat quickly reported the number of the satellite phone fluently.

"We are going in, and we will contact you once every four hours." Yang Tianlong said while looking at the bow of the ship.

"Okay, pay attention, since we saw several corpses yesterday afternoon, I feel that this place is a bit eerie." The bow said suddenly.

"What did you say?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help staring at the face of the bow again.

The bow had to repeat it again.

"Where is the corpse?" Yang Tianlong looked around the water area, but he didn't seem to see it.

 Thank you "Mengbuxuan" "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"hh

(End of this chapter)

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