Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 752 The Power of the Great Sniper

Chapter 752 The Power of the Great Sniper (2 more)
Seeing that the man in green was unaware, Albuquer couldn't help but grimaced, and couldn't help shouting angrily, "These bastards, give me a good taste of my firepower."

After Albuquerque finished speaking, he picked up the Gatling heavy machine gun in his hand.

Kapai also used the Gatling heavy machine gun, and after seeing Albuquer picked up the thing, he also picked it up with an extremely ferocious expression.

The Gatling heavy machine gun is especially suitable for close-range combat, and the distance between Yang Tianlong and the others is only 200 meters from the group of green-clothed men, so the killing power of this heavy machine gun can be imagined.

In an instant, long flames erupted from the muzzles of the two heavy-duty Gatling machine guns. The unprepared people in green clothes were beaten into a bewilderment, and they all fell to the ground and died.

Yang Tianlong also picked up his automatic rifle and fired a burst. The men in green clothes on both sides of the river were equal in number. After this frenzied shooting, the men in green clothes on their side had completely lost their combat effectiveness, and all fell to the ground and died.

Albuquer and Kapai's ammunition had just been finished, Yang Tianlong and the others quickly took cover and shot at the man in green on the opposite bank.

The men in green clothes on the other side also noticed the intrusion of strangers and enemies, and they also started to shoot at Yang Tianlong and the others frequently, but the shooting accuracy of these guys is really not flattering, plus Yang Tianlong and the others There are rocks and big trees on the river bank as shelters, so the threat they face is not very great.

Siman and the others hid on the rocks in the middle of the river. When Yang Tianlong and the others arrived, they also quickly felt that the threat on the left bank of the river was much smaller. After a while, they felt the threat on the right bank of the river again. Quite a lot.

Taking advantage of the fact that the enemy's firepower was not very threatening at the moment, Siman couldn't help showing his head.

When he saw Yang Tianlong, Albuquer, and Doc on the shore, he couldn't help opening his mouth and laughing.

"Mr. Sman, what are you laughing at?" Mr. Medel, the leader of the expedition team, said tremblingly.

"Old man, I said that my guys will come to rescue us, here, they have come." Siman laughed.

Medel also felt that the enemy's threat was getting smaller and smaller, and he quickly raised his head, only to see a few guys on the shore who looked extremely brave shooting at the guys on the other side.

"That's your brother?" Medel frowned.

Siman nodded, "Yes, our Bunia brothers."

"Their fighting strength seems to be pretty good." Medel said as he lay down tightly again.

"They are all well-trained soldiers." Sman said as he raised his gun.

"Hey, buddy, we only have two or three bullets." Seeing that Siman was about to shoot, Medel quickly reminded.

"I know, don't worry, I won't shoot casually." Sman said while raising the rifle in his hand.

Medel didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said in his heart, this guy said he wouldn't shoot casually, but he shot immediately as soon as he finished speaking.

"Bang..." Siman's gun rang out.

A guy on the other side fell to the ground.

"Fuck your mother." Siman let out a deep breath, with a look of relief.

To be honest, being surrounded by the men in green this time can be regarded as the most unlucky time in his life. According to his ability, it is impossible for him to be made like this by the men in green, but...

He knew that the crux of the problem was these helpless members of the scientific expedition team, who asked them to pay a high price to protect their safety.

"Old man, how can we get by?" Looking at the rushing river, Albuquer also found himself in trouble.

"Don't worry about this, let's fight back the man in green." Yang Tianlong raised his gun and shot while speaking.

Albuquer nodded. He had already loaded the bullet and rested for a while, and now his strength has fully recovered.

"Okay, let me fuck it." After finishing speaking, Albuquer raised the Gatling heavy machine gun in his hand with a vicious expression.

To be honest, those who dare to use the Gatling heavy machine gun are really not the courage that ordinary people dare to have, at least they must have a whole body of tendons.

"Hey, boss, it's not good, they have a speedboat." At this moment, Doc couldn't help but shouted loudly.

"Where is it?" Due to the problem of perspective, Yang Tianlong and the others didn't see it at all.

"It's right there." Doc was some distance away from them, so he could see clearly from his position.

He moved towards where Doc was, and sure enough, he saw the man in green pushing a speedboat off from there.

Seven or eight men in green clothes have all jumped onto the speedboat.

"Let me kill them." Albuquer said while replacing the Gatling heavy machine gun in his hand with a bazooka.

"Hey, buddy, wait." Yang Tianlong said loudly suddenly.

Albuquer was taken aback, and looked at Yang Tianlong with a puzzled look on his face, "Old man, what's the matter?"

"Leave the speedboat to Siman and the others." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

"Can't stay." Albuquerque shook the bazooka on his shoulder.

"Use your sniper rifle." Yang Tianlong said.

Upon hearing this, Albuquer also understood a little bit, and he hurriedly asked the black man to bring his big sniper over.

The river is several hundred meters wide, so it is not realistic for a speedboat to reach the rock smoothly.

"Fack, they still have a bazooka." Albuquer accurately spotted a guy sitting on the speedboat through the scope, and that guy was also carrying a bazooka on his shoulders.

"Get rid of him." Yang Tianlong said bluntly.

"Fak..." Albuquer yelled, and the sniper's bullet suddenly shot at that guy.

Because the power of the bullet was so great, the guy didn't even have time to snort before falling straight into the rushing river.

"Beautiful job." Yang Tianlong praised.

Because the distance was too far, Yang Tianlong and the others could only shoot towards the opposite bank, while the people on the speedboat were completely left to Albuquer.

Picking up the bazooka beside him, the rockets swayed and smoked and scattered among the men in green.

When the rocket went down, the man in green was completely helpless to fight back.

And Albuquer also used a sniper rifle to kill those guys one after another. He thought that those guys would turn around quickly, but unexpectedly they seemed to have been beaten to death.

While Albuquer was reloading the bullets again, the opponent's speedboat had already landed.

The remaining three guys with guns jumped out of the boat with grim faces.

They raised their guns, ready to shoot Siman on the rock as if they were cute little white rabbits.

(End of this chapter)

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