Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 753 Oops, the engine stalled )

Chapter 753 Oops, the engine stalled (3 more))

There were still two bullets left in Siman's rifle. They noticed all this when the group of men in green clothes went into the water. Originally, Siman planned to blow up the engine of the speedboat with one shot, thereby preventing the group of men in green clothes from He moved forward, but after thinking about it, he knew that Albuquer would definitely kill those guys with a big sniper, and this speedboat just provided an excellent tool for them to escape.

Immediately, Siman let all the guys lie on the rocks and pretended to be dead, and he also looked at the movements of the men in green from the corner of his eye.

Every time Albuquer killed a man in green with a big sniper, Siman couldn't help applauding in his heart.

However, due to the time constraints, when they waited for the speedboat of the man in green to run aground on the rock, there were three men in green left.

Medel couldn't help but tense up suddenly. This Siman obviously still had three bullets just now. According to his marksmanship, one bullet per person can just be dealt with, but he wasted one or two by this guy just now. Bullet, three people.

Siman looked calm and composed. There were many examples of killing three people with two bullets in his mercenary career. Even if he only had one bullet, Siman was confident that he could kill the man in green.

He was waiting for a suitable opportunity, an opportunity that could kill two enemies with one bullet. For him, this kind of opportunity was absolutely fleeting, and once he missed it, it would be gone.

The men in green didn't fully see Siman and the others. After all, this huge rock in the river has a relative drop height, and they need to step on the stone steps to see it.

When the opportunity came, Siman immediately saw the opportunity, and when it was too late, he raised the assault rifle in his hand with lightning speed.

"Bang bang..." It was two shots, and three people fell to the ground in response. Their bones fell on the moss-covered beach rocks. Caught off guard, all three fell into the river.

Before they could make any call, they were sucked in by the rolling river.

Mr. Medel, who was closest to Siman, saw it clearly. He had a look of disbelief that these two bullets could kill three people.

"Bang bang bang..." Just after the three guys fell into the water, the guys in Yang Tianlong's hands became angry at the same time, and the bullet hit the man in green on the other side, making them look embarrassed .

As the number of people in green gradually decreased, they quickly hid in the woods on the other side.

In the dense woods, although Yang Tianlong and the others did not have very good visibility, Albuquer followed Kapai and became extremely crazy in an instant. They took the Gatling helicopter in their hands and took turns facing the woods on the opposite bank The shooting was going on.

The thick tree trunks at the mouth of the bowl were swept away by the bullets of the Gatling heavy machine gun.

The man in green has no power to fight back.

"My old buddies cooperated so well." Siman opened his mouth and smiled, and the scar on his face became more ferocious.

Seeing that the man in green was powerless to fight back, Siman hurriedly beckoned his men to push the speedboat to the river.

Operating the speedboat is simply a piece of cake for Siman. When he was free, he often went to Laf’s scenic spot to fill up the speedboat, and at the same time he brought a large bucket of oil with him. Driving a speedboat and racing wildly on the wide surface of Lake Albert, the feeling is much better than that of a formula car.

Soon, the speedboat's engine started to chug.

"Mr. Medel, upload it quickly." Siman said loudly.

At this moment, Albuquer and Kapai's shooting became even more frenzied. The Gatling heavy machine guns and even the barrels in their hands were already glowing red, but these two rough men ignored it. These, in turn, are a hard work.

Their strong firepower made Desman feel almost no pressure. Because there were too many people trapped, they were only transported to the opposite bank in batches.

Soon, Mr. Medel took his scientific expedition team members on the speedboat.

"Boom..." Siman stepped up the accelerator, using the engine's maximum speed to compete with the turbulent river.

The horsepower of the speedboat's engine was not bad, and after the maximum throttle, the speedboat quickly flew to the other side like an arrow off the string.

In less than 3 minutes, Mr. Medel and the others went ashore safely.

"Hey, old man..." Yang Tianlong also ran to the shore, he waved at Doke, and Doke also took his stuff and jumped into the speedboat.

"Old man, I'm really glad to see you." The iron-blooded man Siman's eyes were wet when he said this. He was proud and proud of having these good brothers in his heart, and at the same time, he was also moved. .

"Old man, no matter the ends of the earth, we will always be by your side." Yang Tianlong smiled, and then gently patted the hull of the boat, indicating that Siman can sail.

Siman chuckled, and then slammed the engine throttle again.

The speedboat once again shot towards the big rock in the middle of the river like an arrow off the string.

This time they also had fire suppression, Yang Tianlong and Doc skillfully cooperated in shooting, Siman sailed safely to the bottom of the big rock.

"Hey, guys, come down," Sman said loudly.

This time Siman chose the back of the big rock, which is much safer than the front.

As soon as they heard that Siman and the others were coming, the black security team quickly tied the climbing ropes, and all of them slid down from the rock with extremely skillful movements.

Soon, all personnel were evacuated.

"Is there no one else?" Sman asked as he looked at the last black person who slid down.

"Boss, there is no one left." The guy quickly replied.

"Everyone is ready, we are going back." Sman said while controlling the speedboat.

The speedboat rushed towards the opposite bank at an extremely fast speed again.

100 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters... Seeing that they were about to reach the shore, unexpectedly, the speedboat floated backwards quickly.

What followed was the flameout of the speedboat engine.

"Fake..." Siman yelled, and quickly pulled up the accelerator.

"Boom..." The engine just turned slightly, but it didn't start successfully.

And they have been drifting downstream along the rolling river.

"What's going on?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"Fake, I'm out of gas." Siman cursed angrily.

"Ah..." Upon hearing that there was no fuel, the expressions of all the guys on the speedboat changed drastically.

According to their abilities right now, they can't stop the speedboat from drifting down quickly.

And they all knew that less than 100 meters away from them was a big waterfall with a drop of at least 50 meters.

In an instant, the god of death seemed to come to their heads all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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