Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 757 The Mysterious Swamp Filled With Death

Chapter 757 The Mysterious Swamp Filled With Death (2 More)
Albuquer hesitated for a moment, but Vasily's words made him nod involuntarily.

"Old man, time waits for no one. We are making a circle over here. If there is no one, we will fly downstream."

"Okay." Albuquer also knew that they were racing against time. If they ran too slowly, Huaxialong and the others would definitely die.

Flying a helicopter, they circled around the waterfall again, but still found no trace.

In desperation, Hank had to push the rudder again, and the helicopter flew low and quickly towards the downstream.


Yang Tianlong and the others have already walked 50 meters in the swamp. Don't look at this 50 meters, but it is their most thrilling 50 meters.

In this short 50 meters, they found at least several anacondas, and they even stepped on the anaconda's body when they stepped down. If it wasn't for that guy's timidity, he might have entangled himself all at once.

The anaconda slipped away quickly, it could slip past Yang Tianlong and the others, but it couldn't escape the eyes of the crocodile.

"Pfft..." A crocodile sprang out from nowhere, and the crocodile bit the anaconda to death.

The anaconda subconsciously entangled the crocodile with its own body, and the two beasts kept churning in the swamp...

Yang Tianlong and the others were a little stunned. They didn't expect to see such a thrilling scene after walking less than 50 meters.

Siman also grabbed Yang Tianlong.

"Old man, there may be something big in this swamp." Sman's eyes were tightly sized at the swamp.

"Why do you say that?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but frowned, and in an instant, he also felt the chill brought by the threat of death.

"We only walked less than 50 meters to see crocodiles and anacondas. Generally speaking, these beasts are in the deepest part of the swamp, and at worst they will not be so close to the edge, so I feel that this swamp There should be beasts in the ground that make crocodiles and anacondas afraid." Siman suppressed his voice, lest his voice startle the mysterious beast.

"Mr. Sman, maybe the crocodile and the anaconda came to the edge to look for food?" Doc couldn't help but said.

"Then have you ever thought about why they don't go to the center where food is more abundant to find food, but go to the edge?" Sman said.

"This?" When Doc heard this, after thinking about it carefully, he felt that there was some truth in his heart, so he also closed his mouth tightly and stopped talking.

"Then what should we do? Go or not?" Yang Tianlong looked at Siman and asked.

"Go...but we all have to be careful..." Sman said.

"Guys, turn on the safety of the guys. Once we find something, we can deal with it in time." Siman opened the safety while talking, and the bullet was loaded at the same time.

Unexpectedly, just after walking a few steps, Yang Tianlong and the others heard the roar of an airplane in the sky.

Looking around, they couldn't help being surprised, it was the familiar Mi-26 helicopter.

"Hey, guys, we're here." Everyone waved their arms with great excitement and greeted the plane.

However, because they happened to be under a tree, Albuquer and Vasily on the plane did not find them.

"Let's go, let's go back, they will definitely find us." Yang Tianlong is confident that Albuquer and the others will find themselves.

This time Siman didn't hesitate anymore, he nodded directly, "Okay, let's go back."

Yang Tianlong ran very fast, and after a while, he left Siman and the others far behind.

When Siman and the others turned around and ran towards the waterfall, they saw that the anaconda and crocodile behind them were suddenly pulled down by something.

"Gudong Gudong..." A series of bubbles rose from the surface of the swamp, and soon, everything became extremely calm, as if nothing had happened.


After Yang Tianlong arrived at the river beach, seeing that Siman and the others hadn't rushed over, he quickly opened the plane warehouse and found a flare gun inside. Without hesitation, Yang Tianlong fired in the direction of the Mi-26 helicopter. The gun passed.

With the help of the flare gun, it was impossible for Albuquer not to notice them.

"Hey, buddy, there are colored bullets behind you..." Albuquer looked excited.

"Really?" Vasily poked his head out quickly, and sure enough, several colored flares were fired at the waterfall just now.

"Come on, let's go back." Vasily said excitedly.

Hank also showed a look of excitement. He quickly turned the nose of the plane and flew towards where Yang Tianlong and the others were.

Not long after, the helicopter flew over their heads.

Sure enough, Yang Tianlong, Siman, Doc and the villagers were all there.

The engine power of the Mi 26 is very powerful, so the height of the descent is not very low, lest the airflow brought by the engine damage the blades of the propeller.

Albuquerque dropped them a rope from the plane, which was powered by an electric pump and required no effort from them.

Doc was the first to be pulled up, followed by Colm, and then the other militiamen. Yang Tianlong and Siman were the last to be pulled up.

"What's wrong with Colm?" Albuquer asked hurriedly, looking at Colm who was slightly angry.

"He was bitten by a cobra and must be sent to the hospital immediately," Yang Tianlong said.

"Give us the phone." Sman also said quickly.

Albuquer didn't dare to neglect, and quickly handed over the satellite phone.

"Who to contact?" Siman's head suddenly became dizzy.

"Talk to Dean Pete of the Red Cross Hospital," Albuquer said loudly.

"What's his number?" Suddenly, Siman also forgot all of a sudden.

"Contact Yom." Yang Tianlong said loudly, "I explained to Yom before I left."

"Okay..." Siman quickly dialed Yom's satellite phone.

Soon, Yom's voice came over.

However, he regretfully told Yang Tianlong that Bunia did not have the serum of cobra snake venom.

"Fack..." Siman yelled angrily.

"What's wrong?" Albuquerque asked quickly.

"Bunia doesn't have the serum of cobra snake venom." Siman said with a frustrated expression.

"Then hurry to Jisangani." Albuquer said loudly.

Soon, Vasily told them that with the current fuel capacity of the plane, they would definitely not be able to fly to Jisangani.

"What the hell? Why are you so fucking..." Siman's fist suddenly hit the bottom of the plane, startling Yang Tianlong and the others.

"Hurry back to Bunia, and fly Colm to Kinshasa at night. It's three o'clock in the afternoon, maybe there's still time." Yang Tianlong said loudly.

"Bring those guys up there." Siman didn't show too much panic in the emergency, and he didn't forget Mr. Medel of the scientific expedition team.

(End of this chapter)

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