Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 758 He Will Die Without Serum

Chapter 758 He Will Die Without Serum (3 More)
After successfully receiving Mr. Medel and Kapai at the upper reaches of the waterfall, Vasily and Hank quickly flew towards Bunia in a helicopter.

The maximum level flight speed of the Mi-26 helicopter is 250 kilometers per hour. At this moment, their straight-line distance from Bunia is about 500 kilometers, so they will land in Bunia in two hours.

Right now, everything is a race against time. Colm's wound has become more purple and black, and his breathing has also begun to speed up. Mr. Medel, an experienced zoologist and botanist, briefly checked Colm After the wound, his face became extremely gloomy.

"Is it possible to get to Kinshasa in four hours?" Medel said.

"4 hours?" Everyone gasped.

The departure time of the flight from Bunia to Kinshasa at night is about eight o’clock, and it is at least ten o’clock when it arrives in Kinshasa, and the current time is only 03:30 in the afternoon, and there are at least six hours before Kinshasa. half an hour.

"I can't get there." Yang Tianlong said truthfully.

"If Colm can't be injected with serum before eight o'clock in the evening, he will be very dangerous." Medel said with a serious face.

"You mean that the possibility of danger will be very high?" Yang Tianlong was still trying his best to find a glimmer of hope.

"Almost, anyway, even if he can be rescued, he probably won't be a normal person anymore." Medel said.

After Medel finished speaking, the cabin fell into a deathly silence.

"Hey, buddy, hurry up." Siman was a little anxious, and he slammed on the door of the cab and said.

"What's wrong?" Vasily took off the wireless headset and looked at Siman blankly.

"It's okay...be careful." Siman said with a smile.

Siman was a little impulsive just now. He originally wanted Vasily to hurry up, but when he saw the pointer on the instrument panel, he gave up the idea.

Vasily has already flown to the limit, but the level flight speed of the Mi 26 helicopter is not fast.

"Dude, you must stay until ten o'clock in the evening." Sman looked at Colm in his arms and said softly.

At this moment, Colm has completely closed his eyes, and only by putting his fingers on his nose can he feel more or less a trace of the remaining breath.

"Guys, you don't have to feel guilty. You guys have done a good enough job. If you didn't deal with it correctly and in a timely manner, this young man would definitely be gone now." Medel comforted him.

"No, I killed him." Siman shook his head, his face showed an extremely helpless expression, gradually, this extremely helpless expression turned into a desperate expression...

The cabin fell into deathly silence again, and everyone seemed to feel extremely tired, and they began to fall asleep.

Only Siman and Yang Tianlong kept their eyes wide open. From the bottom of their hearts, they didn't want their buddy to be bitten to death by an insignificant cobra.

But right now they have no other choice.


I don't know how long it took to fly, but the helicopter's flight altitude began to drop slowly.

"Let's land directly at the airport." Yang Tianlong said to Vasily.

"Boss, will it be dangerous to do this?" Vasily knew that the airspace where he was flying was already being monitored by the radar of the Air Force.

"It doesn't matter, just land here." Yang Tianlong said.

"Okay, I'll try, maybe they want to radio with me." Vasily had to do it.

Sure enough, when there were more than 20 kilometers away from Bunia Airport, the Air Force's air traffic control room sent a radio.

"This is 019, your code name?"

"We don't have a code name, it's a temporary landing..." Vasily replied truthfully.

"What? Dude, what are you kidding, how could there be no code name?" The other party obviously didn't believe it at all.

"Really, no kidding, we need to send a patient," Vasily replied.

"Ask you again, your code name?" The other party obviously became a little rude.


"Boss, maybe they have anti-aircraft artillery?" Vasily turned his head to look at Yang Tianlong, and said helplessly.

"I'll talk to them." Yang Tianlong said as he took off the wireless headset from Vasily's head.

"We are friends of Wilmots, we know your squadron leader Kyle, and now we request to land." Yang Tianlong said loudly.

"What? Do you know Captain Kyle?" The other party was obviously taken aback.

However, before Yang Tianlong could answer, another guy's voice came through his headset.

"Hey, man, are you Huaxia Dragon?" There was a little excitement in the other party's voice.

"Yes, I am Huaxia Dragon." Yang Tianlong said.

"Land down, buddy, we are all good friends." The other party laughed and said, "Follow our ground guide to land, and don't land on the civil aviation."

"I promise there is no problem, thank you, buddy." Yang Tianlong said as he handed the wireless headset to Vasily.

"Follow their pilot position for landing."

"Okay." Vasily nodded, and then cooperated with Hank to drive the helicopter towards the airport quickly.

In the air above the airport, we found the guide wearing fluorescent clothes. After circling in the sky, the huge Mi-26 helicopter landed steadily at Bunia Airport.

Captain Kyle came to them in an old pickup truck.

When he saw the appearance of this Mi-26, he couldn't help but feel a little thumping in his heart. If he remembered correctly, this Mi-26 helicopter was given to them by the Russians.

But how could this helicopter be in Huaxialong's hands?
After thinking about it carefully, Kyle soon understood what was going on, it must have been bought by Huaxialong.

It seems that there are senior officials behind this guy to back him up.

Kyle immediately smiled, and he stood below, waiting for Yang Tianlong and the others to appear.


When the plane landed, someone suddenly yelled, "Where are the Lion Heads?"

Xie Te...Yang Tianlong and Albuquer couldn't help but suddenly realized that they just paid attention to Colm's injury and ignored the lion head and the others behind.

"Mr. Medel, while you were waiting there, didn't you notice someone coming from behind?" Albuquer asked hastily.

Medel was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, "I didn't see anyone coming over."

In an instant, an ominous premonition flooded the hearts of Yang Tianlong and Albuquer.

Lion Head and the others haven't caught up for so long, could something have happened?
(End of this chapter)

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