Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 768 Fly to Kinshasa to negotiate with Stones

Chapter 768 Fly to Kinshasa to negotiate with Stones
Last time, Rosalia helped him go to Yingguo to discuss the sales of beef cattle. This time, the beef cattle are about to be slaughtered. It is impossible for Rosalia to help him every time.

However, the quality of the beef last time was well received, so Belen is not worried about finding a market when he goes to London this time.

"Okay, let's go." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

After arranging all this, these guys soon got busy with their own work.

Wilmots also happened to be on the first floor at this time.

"Old man, we have an appointment. I will meet Stones at the International Fortune Center in Kinshasa tomorrow morning." Wilmots said seriously.

"Then we have to fly to Kinshasa today." Yang Tianlong said.

"Yes, Siman, I also told him that he is accompanying Mr. Medel and the others to visit Lake Albert at this time. We must not be able to catch the flight this morning. Let's buy the flight tonight. ,what do you think?"

"Yes, it just so happens that you have time to deal with family matters, but after meeting Stones tomorrow morning, you can take the afternoon flight back." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"It depends on the situation. In short, this matter still needs to be handled properly." Wilmots said.

"Okay, then let's meet at the airport."

"OK, see you at the airport." Wilmots walked out quickly after speaking.

In an instant, he was the only one left in the huge lobby of the hotel.

Thinking of going back to Kinshasa at night, Yang Tianlong quickly called the property management of the community and asked them to help find a Filipino maid to clean up the others.

For the next whole day, Yang Tianlong was busy in the village. Although there were not many things to do, he had to go and see in all aspects.

Liu Zhengyang was left in Boke Village by him, because the construction of the peacekeeping force camp had already started, and he needed to stay for coordination.

After eating lunch, he took a nap, and then went for a swim in the swimming pool. It wasn't until after five o'clock in the afternoon that Yang Tianlong asked Liu Zhengyang to drive him to Wilmots' hotel.

Just arrived at the hotel, it happened that Siman and the others also arrived.

After looking at each other and smiling, they understood.

"Aren't you waiting for us to go back to Kinshasa together tomorrow morning?" Medel asked quickly.

"Sorry, we have something to do, so we have to go back today." Siman apologized.

"Okay then, when we get to Kinshasa, we'll have a chance to meet again." Medel said as he held out his hand.

"No problem, I will treat you to dinner then." Sman said with a smile.

Medel and the others still stayed at the hotel in Bok Village at night, so they were not together when they had dinner.

Mrs. Wilmots also knew that her husband was going to Kinshasa tonight, but she didn't know what he was doing there.

And Wilmots told his wife that he was going to do some errands and would be back tomorrow at the earliest.

Before going out, Mrs. Wilmots carefully arranged the clothes for her husband who was about to go away.

Looking at the scene in front of him, for some reason, Yang Tianlong only felt that his nose was sore. In the past, when he was separated from his wife Elena, his wife would always arrange his clothes so carefully, and repeatedly told him impatiently, I am afraid that my husband will be wronged or work too hard outside.

He stopped looking, but quickly moved his gaze outside the hotel, because he knew that if he continued to look, his eyes might get wet.

After the madam gave some simple instructions, she watched her husband, following Huaxialong and Siman stride towards the airport with a reluctant expression on her face.

Everything went well, and their flight was ready to land at the airport in Kinshasa after nine o'clock in the evening.

This time, Lufthansa drove over to pick them up.

Originally thought that the boss and the others would live in the training base, but Yang Tianlong told Hansa that everyone would live in his villa at night.

This is Wilmots' first visit to Yang Tianlong's villa. As soon as he entered the villa, he couldn't help but exclaimed for a while, and then praised, "Huaxialong, your villa is indeed great."

"There is also a helicopter landing pad above." Sman is a frequent visitor and knows everything here.

"Really? Then can your Mi-26 helicopter be parked on it?" Wilmots said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"That thing is too big, Bell helicopter is fine." Yang Tianlong said with a smile, and then said, "Guys, what do you want to drink?"

"Huaxia tea." Wilmots said with a smile.

"You guy, you are completely obsessed with Huaxia tea now." Yang Tianlong said while taking out a lot of high-quality tea from the cabinet, many of which were given to him by Liu Shengli.

As the boss of a state-owned enterprise, Liu Shengli naturally has no shortage of subordinates to give him some gifts during the New Years and holidays. His character is also bold, he accepts what should be received, and firmly refuses to accept what should not be received, but he accepts it. After the gift, Liu Shengli would not say that he was indifferent, at least he invited the next meal.

Sometimes when it comes to Chinese festivals, Liu Shengli receives too many gifts, so he simply asks Liu Zhengyang to send them to Yang Tianlong.

For this favor, Yang Tianlong happily accepted it every time.

After brewing tea, Sman and Wilmots lit cigarettes, and everyone's chatterbox started again.

But this time they didn't mention anything about the rainforest. Siman told them on the plane, and he just told Lufthansa that the satellite phone was broken.

This time they were talking about Stones.

Regarding how to chat with Stones, the three of Yang Tianlong and the others began to discuss. After all, this guy is also of the kind that is extremely old and cunning, so he can't show any flaws in front of Stones.

"Who has Claire's photo?" Suddenly, Wilmots couldn't help asking.

"It's in my phone." Yang Tianlong said quickly.

"You send me his photo, I put the virus in that photo, and when I see Stones later, I just send him the photo, so he will download it." Wilmots said.

This method is really not bad, it is much more reliable than sending business cards and the like.

Yang Tianlong quickly sent Claire's photo, and Wilmots also quickly implanted the virus into the photo.

After a heated discussion among everyone, it was determined how to communicate with Stones the next day.

At least in their opinion, the feasibility of the results they discussed is still very high.

"Guys, come on, maybe we will know Claire's whereabouts soon." Wilmots said.

 Thank you brother "Night Falling Flowers" for your reward, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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