Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 769 The Powerful Stones

Chapter 769 The Powerful Stones
Stones' villa is also located on the banks of the Kinshasa River, and it is also a wealthy community, but it is not with Yang Tianlong.

On the way to Stones Villa, Siman once again told Yang Tianlong about Stones who came to Bunia to sell wood back then. In Siman's words, Stones at that time was completely a beggar like a village.

It was those guys with "no eyesight" who saw that Stones was "not bad" and gave him a lot of help. During the few years in Bunia, Stones also made a lot of money. What happened, this guy broke with them, and opened a scenic spot in the upper reaches of the lake, and competed with Raff in an open and honest manner. Since then, they have completely broken with Stones.

"Don't underestimate that guy. Maybe the few years he came to Bunia were when he was down." Wilmots felt that Stones must have been an extraordinary figure before, but it was just bad luck that made him go Luo Pingyang was bullied by dogs.

"I think Wilmots is right. Maybe Stones just came to Bunia to take refuge and make some money by the way. Think about it, if he came with a large sum of money, then he He must have been targeted a long time ago, and Bunia at that time should have been relatively chaotic, and Stones was extremely smart in doing this." Yang Tianlong analyzed.

As soon as he finished speaking, Siman slapped his thigh suddenly, "I'm rough, how could I forget that incident."

"What's the matter?" Wilmots frowned involuntarily.

"One day I saw his guy holding a gold watch in his hand. I looked over and it turned out to be a Rolex gold watch, but the guy told me it was a fake Rolex gold watch. Now that I think about it, my His IQ is too low, and according to Stones' personality, he would not allow deception around him." Siman's expression was remorseful.

"This shows that Stones is hiding very deeply, so we must be careful when we talk to him. Don't say a word, just follow the routine we designed last night." Wilmots said.

Yang Tianlong followed Siman and nodded, but did not speak.

Soon, they came to the entrance of Stones' villa. Unlike the villas in Yang Tianlong's community, the villas here are more magnificent. Wilmots told Yang Tianlong that most of the villa owners here have Powerful people, and the owners of the villas in Yang Tianlong Community are mostly business people. It has been a normal thing since ancient times that money does not suppress power.

There was a fence in front of Stones' villa. In front of the fence, Wilmots took out his mobile phone and called Stones.

The phone was connected quickly, and Wilmots hung up the phone quickly after saying a few words.

Soon, a burly man came out from the villa. This burly man looked very fierce, with his face full of flesh, he could tell at a glance that he was a killer or a bodyguard.

"Are you three guests, Wilmots, Huaxialong, and Siman?" The burly man asked with a blank expression.

"Yes." Wilmots nodded, "We are old friends with your boss, Mr. Stones."

"Come in." The burly man said as he pressed the door a few times, and the door opened automatically.

Walking into Stones' villa, Yang Tianlong realized that the difference between his wealth and Stones's was not many times, but several levels of quality. The decoration inside the villa was extremely magnificent, comparable to Rondob's villa.

"Hello, old man." Stones had a cigar in his mouth, wearing casual clothes and a laid-back look.

"Hello, old man." Wilmots greeted.

"This Huaxia person should be called Huaxia Dragon." After some greetings, Stones fixed his gaze on Yang Tianlong.

"Yes, I am Huaxia Dragon." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Hero, Huaxia Dragon is a real hero." Stones praised seriously.

Yang Tianlong and the others couldn't help but be surprised by these words, they didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the stone gourd.

"Just one mortal." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"No, you are amazing. I heard that you helped to quell the civil strife in Tutan, and you also supported the armed forces of the Nuertu people in South Sudan. Ah, no, you helped. In the face of the devastated war, you You can control the chaos very well, do you think you are a real hero." Stones said with a smile.

If you don't connect this guy with his dark past, Yang Tianlong will definitely think that Stones is a complete gentleman.

But now that Stones said these words, he undoubtedly pulled their coats violently.

Before the two sides started chatting, Stones had a clear understanding of his situation. This guy's ability is really not bad.

At the same time, a question is also lingering in Yang Tianlong's mind, that is why Stones knows so much.

Unexpectedly, he knew the following immediately. Stones smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Hua Xialong should feel very curious. In fact, my good friend Mr. Mateshaw told me all this."

Mateshaw is the Minister of National Defense of Tutan. Since Yang Tianlong and the others left Tutan, he has been in contact with Mateshaw.

The Secretary of Defense is the best friend of the arms dealer?Could it be that Tut wants to buy arms from Stones.

"No wonder you know me so well, I thought Mr. Stones would have a sharp eye." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Come on, come in and sit down. Our good friends haven't gathered together for a long time. I really miss our time in Bunia. Although everyone is not rich, they are very happy. Unlike now, Everyone is focused on making money."

"Everyone earns hard money, and many times they put their friendship on hold in order to support their families," Wilmots said.

"Hey, old man, your industry is huge." Stones said, looking at Wilmots.

"It looks big, but I actually owe a lot of debt to the bank. I bought two hotels in Bunia, and maybe I can't even buy a living room in your house." Wilmots said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"You are being humble. You have been in the service industry for so many years, and you are a leader in it. I hired you with a high salary, but you didn't come. Why do you say you are still humble in front of us?" Stonespi laughed. Rou said without a smile.

It sounds like they are very close to each other, but after thinking about it carefully, they are also targeted towards each other, but these guys are also authentic Tai Chi masters. When you come and go, they don’t give a damn. What loopholes are left by the opponent.

After some tentative contact, Wilmots simply went straight to the point.

 Thank you "panlifen" brother monthly ticket support
(End of this chapter)

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