Chapter 773
The flight distance from Kinshasa to Bourdain, the capital of Catalia, is not far, only 500 kilometers away. Since there are not many exchanges between the two countries, the plane carrying out the flight is an old-fashioned Fox propeller plane.

An hour and a half later, the plane landed steadily at Bourdain Airport.

The airport is quite large, but there are only 2 or 3 planes parked on the apron, and they are all old planes.

On the plane just now, Yang Tianlong also opened the high-definition electronic map, and once again looked at the topography of the country of Catalia. There are plains, hills, mountains, and several rushing rivers that flow into the sea from central Africa.

Logically speaking, this country's geographical location and terrain are also good, and the population is not large. As long as the rulers don't mess around, it will definitely develop rapidly in the years after the war.

"Is this your first time here? Old buddy." Perhaps because of familiarity, Yang Tianlong called Emim as "old buddy" after a while.

"I've been here many times." Umem said, "Let's wait a bit, the car Sebas sent may not have arrived yet."

"Okay." Yang Tianlong nodded, and then looked around the airport again.

Not long after, a dilapidated Toyota sedan drove up to them.

"Let's go, this is the car." Umem said quickly.

"Where are we going now?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking quickly.

"Go to Sebastian's mansion," Umem said.

When passing through the urban area of ​​the city of Bourdain along the way, Yang Tianlong found that it was full of ruins, and there were very few intact buildings. Many local residents even lived in those houses that were destroyed by the war. Judging from the scene of the city However, post-war reconstruction still requires a lot of funds.

There were quite a few heavily armed patrolling soldiers on the street, which immediately caught Yang Tianlong's attention.

"There is also a group of rebels in the mountains," Omeem explained.

"A supporter of the former president?" Yang Tianlong said.

"No..." Umem shook his head, "It's an opponent of the current president."

"It's only been a while since he came to power, and there are actually opponents." Yang Tianlong smiled incredulously.

"No way, this is the market in Africa." Umem said seriously, "Everyone wants to have power and wealth, so if someone comes to power, there must be someone who opposes it."

After hearing this sentence, Yang Tianlong nodded without saying a word.

Half an hour later, the dilapidated Toyota sedan drove to a magnificent villa. The trees around the villa were still being transplanted, and it seemed that the villa had not been built for a long time.

However, this does not prevent Sebastian, who is the president of a country, from living here.

Because there are too many guards here, it is more appropriate to describe it as one guard at five steps and one sentry at ten steps.

"Go in, the prince will be waiting for you inside." The black driver said with a blank expression on his face.

"Prince?" Ermem and Yang Tianlong couldn't help being stunned for a while. You must know that the whole process of Catalia has to add the word "Republic", and now they call Sebas a prince. This...

However, Yang Tianlong and Ermim are also people who have experienced big scenes. This Sebastian is a very happy person. Since he wants others to call himself a prince, he should go with him. Anyway, this thing is just It's just a title.

The gate of the villa is half-closed, but there are guards with live ammunition at the door.

The guards also looked unusually tough, looking like a ruthless character.

When they walked into the villa, Yang Tianlong and Ermim were almost frightened to death. They actually had a majestic lion standing on a marble table.

"Roar..." Seeing a stranger breaking in, the male lion roared unceremoniously.

"Who?" Sebastian's voice came over with an unusual sternness.

"Mr. Sebastian, it's me." Ermem smiled awkwardly.

"Oh oh oh, it's Mr. Ermem, come on, come on." Sebastian smiled and stood up from the crocodile leather chair with his shiny bald head.

Triangular eyes, big bald head, pointed chin... In Yang Tianlong's view, Sebastian looks like a villain.

"Who's that gentleman?" Sebastian said while touching his big shiny bald head with his big hand, the big shiny golden diamond rings on his fingers were very conspicuous.

"Mr. Sebastian, this is my partner Huaxia Dragon. The sales of wood are mainly for Huaxia Kingdom." Umem said.

After hearing that this was the case, Sebas couldn't help but nodded.

Then he waved his hand and said, "Well, you come upstairs with me."

Not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in the Sebastian gourd, Yang Tianlong had to follow Emim to a room upstairs full of crocodile skins, lion skins, python skins, ivory, and rhinoceros skins.

"We are all sensible people, and we don't speak dark words. There are 40 mu of primeval forest in the eastern mountainous area. I will give it all to you. You will give 5 million US dollars and take it away." Sebastian cut to the point.

"5 million US dollars?" Ermem and Yang Tianlong couldn't help being surprised.

To be honest, Yang Tianlong can't afford the 5 million US dollars right now, and Rondobu can't even afford it. Rondobu is just a middleman, and Yang Tianlong needs to pay the 5 million US dollars himself.

This project is too risky. Yang Tianlong didn't know that there was so much woodland in advance. He originally thought it was only a few hundred mu, but unexpectedly it turned out to be 40 mu, which greatly exceeded his expectations.

"To be honest, Mr. Sebastian, I estimate that it will take at least 40 years to sell all the 20 mu of forest land, and this is the most conservative estimate." Yang Tianlong said truthfully.

"What? You mean you don't want to pick it up?" Sebastian became a little angry all of a sudden, he felt that Yang Tianlong was wasting his time.

"I definitely can't eat it. Thousands of acres can be considered, and I don't know what kind of wood is in the virgin forest there. If I encounter those good and bad wood, I will be in a bad situation."

"You're fucking playing with me, aren't you? Why come here if you don't have the appetite?" Sebastian said, looking at Yang Tianlong coldly.

"Mr. Sebastian, calm down, this is my negligence, I forgot to tell Huaxialong." Umem said quickly.

At this moment, Sebastian's complexion improved slightly.

"Doing business can't tolerate forced buying and selling, so what if it's the president's son?" Yang Tianlong didn't accept this kind of affection, only to see him snort coldly, and then he wanted to leave.

"Stop..." Seeing the Chinese man sweeping away his dignity, Sebas's head became hot, and he pulled out a pistol from his waist.

The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the back of Yang Tianlong's head.

 Thank you "Lonely Bird" brother monthly ticket support, thank you brother
(End of this chapter)

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