Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 774 Let's see who is better

Chapter 774 Let's see who is better

Ermim broke out in a cold sweat. He originally came here with the goal of a win-win situation for everyone, but the buyers and sellers were at war with each other. If something happened to the Huaxia Dragon, how should he explain to Mr. Rondobe?

Beads of sweat began to trickle down Umem's forehead.

At this moment, how much he hopes that one of the two parties can admit defeat.


Regarding Sebastian's naked threat, Yang Tianlong didn't take it seriously at all. After seeing Sebastian's cold shout and asking him to stop, he was only a little stunned for a moment, and then he strode forward go down.

Sebastian's hand began to tremble, his index finger even started to touch the trigger, but after hesitating, he still didn't pull the trigger.

Emim's tense heart suddenly relaxed.

"This bastard..." Sebas yelled angrily.

"His Royal Highness, calm down, Huaxia Dragon is not so easy to mess with." Ermem said quickly.

"What's wrong with him?" Sebastian asked involuntarily.

"He is the son of a certain leader in China. Think about it. In this world, there are really very few people who can do business with you. If you offend him, who will dare to cooperate with us in the future?" Umem also knows Saiba Si is a brave and foolhardy person, he simply made up the identity of Yang Tianlong as a second-generation official to fool Sebastian.

As soon as he heard that the Huaxia man was a descendant of a high-ranking official, Sebastian felt discouraged. He knew that the Huaxia man was not easy to mess with.

"Call him up, I'll apologize to him." Sebastian let out a sigh of relief. Although he was a little reckless, he knew in his heart that this 40-acre primeval forest must be sold, otherwise...

"Okay, I'll tell him to come up now." Umem ran downstairs after finishing speaking.

"Huaxia Dragon, Huaxia Dragon..." Afraid that the guards here would embarrass Yang Tianlong, Ermem shouted while running.

Yang Tianlong looked back at Emim, only to see a smile on his face.

"Sebas has realized that he was wrong just now, he asked me to invite you up, and he apologized to you."

"Is this a courtesy? Invite me up to apologize?" Yang Tianlong chuckled. In his opinion, this Sebastian didn't even have the minimum etiquette.

"This?" It was only then that Ermim realized that Sebas's actions were also very inappropriate. Just now Ermim was completely dizzy, so that he didn't go through his own brain when thinking about the problem.

"I'm going to invite him now." After finishing speaking, Ermem strode up again.

Sebastian was also holding back his anger at first, but now seeing Ermem come up and ask him to go down to apologize to Yang Tianlong, the unknown anger in his heart broke out again.

But when he thought of his father's confession, he had no choice but to put down his figure and come to the first floor, and be humble to Yang Tianlong.

"Let me transport the 5000 mu of primeval forest first." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

"This?" Sebastian's inner anger rose again, and after thinking about it, he had no choice but to agree.

"When can my workers come over?" Yang Tianlong asked.

"As long as your check is transferred, they can come anytime later." The 5000-acre primeval forest is also worth more than 600 million US dollars. For Sebas, it can be regarded as a solution to some urgent needs.

"Transfer money to your public account, arrive tonight, and I will send someone over tomorrow." Yang Tianlong said.

"Okay." Sebas nodded.


Although the two parties were apparently friendly at the last moment, they were quite dissatisfied with each other, so after the negotiation ended, Yang Tianlong and the others did not stay in Sebastian's villa for too long.

"Huaxialong, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you about the situation here." On the way back, Ermim apologized.

"It's okay." Yang Tianlong said lightly, as if he didn't care.

"There are no flights now." Seeing that the driver was heading for the airport, Ermem said hastily.

"Then where are we?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"Why don't you just stay here tonight." Umem suggested.

Right now, there is no other way. He can't stay at the airport all night.

But since you can't go back, it's okay, and by the way, you can also experience the local customs.

"Okay, let's find a safer hotel." Yang Tianlong said.

"Hey, buddy, help find a safe hotel." Umem said as he handed some dollar bills to the black driver.

"No problem, let's go to the American guy, it's safe there." The black driver said as he turned the dilapidated Toyota sedan around, and drove quickly towards what he said was the American guy's hotel.

In fact, the city of Bourdain is not big, but because the road is full of potholes and there are too many construction wastes bombed by artillery fire, so the road is also bumpy and bumpy. for nearly an hour.

The driver threw them at the door of the hotel and walked away.

Yang Tianlong frowned when he saw the gray glass walls of the hotel, and he didn't know how long the hotel hadn't been cleaned.

Ermem has been following Rondobe. Although he is in Africa, he is used to living a pampered life, and he is quite critical of the environment here.

But when they thought that the American guy's hotel would definitely not be in any danger, their dissatisfied hearts were relieved.

Pushing open the glass door and walking into the hotel, I saw the hotel waiter dozing off.

In fact, it is not so much a waiter as a boss.

A chubby boss in his 50s.

"Stay?" The boss frowned.

"Yes, we will stay for one night." Umem said with a smile.

Their mood improved a lot as they walked into the hotel. Although the hotel looked dirty from the outside, the inside was relatively clean and tidy.

"My hotel's business is not good. It's rare that two guests come at once. I'll give you a discount, [-]% off." The chubby boss said with a smile.

"No way, I heard that your hotel is the safest place in the entire Bourdain area. Why is the business so deserted?"

"It's actually very simple. One is that my place is remote, and the other is that the country of Catalia has not long since ended the war. Except for those who dare to come, the rest of the people dare not come." The boss said with a smile. While speaking, he handed Yang Tianlong and Ermem each a business card.

"Johnson." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but said looking at the business card.

"There is a basketball superstar named Johnson, but unfortunately I am not him, and he is not me." Johnson said and handed them the price list.

"The price is above this, you can see which one you want to live in."

Suddenly at this moment, there was a roar of motorcycles outside.

"Oh oh oh, woo woo woo..." A burst of passionate shouts came along with the roar of the motorcycle.

(End of this chapter)

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