Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 775 Huaxia Dragon, this profit is really leveraged

Chapter 775 Huaxia Dragon, this profit is really leveraged
Hearing the carnival sound, both Yang Tianlong and Johnson could not help but frown.

Soon, a group of young people on motorcycles drove past Johnson's hotel.

These young people sat in the back row of their motorcycles with coquettishly dressed modern girls, all of them looked like playboys.

"How can there be such a fanatical thing in this poor country?" Umem couldn't help but ask.

Johnson nodded, "Of course, they are all relatives of the president."

"President's relatives?" Yang Tianlong and Ermem couldn't help being taken aback.

"Yes, after the new President Cohen came to power, his relatives also became officials and made a fortune, so they showed off their power very much. In fact, these guys are just little witches. The real players are President Cohen's son and him. Those nephews of my family, those guys drive Ferraris and Porsches rampant on the street all day long, and they are not afraid of anyone when they see them, especially his son Sebastian, that guy is simply a little tyrant. Punching and kicking can even cost your life, as long as this guy goes out on the street, everyone will be afraid to avoid him."

"Is he really that cruel?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning.

"Man, what I said is true. If you stay here for a few more days, you will see Sebastian's mischievous behavior." Johnson said seriously.

"This guy..." Thinking of Sebass pointing a gun at the back of his head earlier, Yang Tianlong felt extremely upset. Although Sebas apologized to himself later, even a fool could see that this person It's just doing superficial work.

"Okay, buddy, let's quickly choose two suitable rooms." Ermem said quickly, perhaps to appease Yang Tianlong.

Their status was not bad, so Ermim's eyes went straight to the most expensive room.

“We want $800 ocean view rooms each.”

"Okay, it's $640 after the discount, give it in cash." Johnson said with a smile.

"Dude, can I swipe my card?"

"Sorry, no support, we only support cash here."

"This..." Sebastian was suddenly embarrassed, he didn't bring any cash at all when he came out.

"Let me give it." Yang Tianlong said as he took out dozens of dollars from his body and handed them to Johnson.

"The remaining more than 100 dollars will be our breakfast tonight and tomorrow morning." Yang Tianlong said with a straight face.

"That's a good thing," Johnson said. "What do you need for dinner?"

"You decide, Mr. Ermim." Yang Tianlong looked at Ermim with a smile on his face. Although Ermim forgot to tell him the price of the virgin forest, he did not blame Ermim. It is as important to see as Bazar, the energy in this guy's hands is definitely not small, and he must be useful to him.

"Whatever, it's best to use local seafood." Umem said with a smile.


The room is spacious and bright, but the network signal here is extremely poor, and there is no wireless network for them to use. Turn on the TV, and there are very few TV stations to watch.

This made Yang Tianlong a little bored, seeing that it would take a few minutes to send a message on the phone, Yang Tianlong didn't bother to care about it, and threw the phone on the bed.

"Dong dong dong..." A crisp sound came from the door.

"Which one?" Yang Tianlong said as he got up and came to the door.

"It's me, Ermim." Ermim's familiar voice came over.

It just so happened that Yang Tianlong had something to say to Emim.

"Hello, Mr. Emim." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Huaxia Dragon, dinner may have to wait a while. Are you hungry?" Ermem was honest. Although he was someone close to Rondobu, he didn't have much airs.

"I'm not hungry. I was looking at your scenery just now. The sea water is very beautiful, but the environment behind us is very bad."

"Yes, but I feel that your investment here is a little shaken." Umem cut to the point.

"Why do you say that?" Yang Tianlong smiled. To be honest, he was a little shaken by the investment here. Maybe this so-called republic is more like a kingdom.

He doesn't like such politics.

"But you can't give up." Umem became serious.

"Why?" Yang Tianlong looked at Ermem closely and said.

"Because this opportunity is one that cannot be missed."

"Analyze, buddy." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"The reason is very simple. President Cohen came to power after launching a military coup. After he came to power, his policies were not much different from those of his predecessor. He just changed the word "kingdom" into the word "republic". The society is still very suspicious of this new president, they are worried that this guy will become another tyrant..."

"I don't think there is any need to worry, but a definite fact." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

Umim hesitated, then nodded.

"Yes, it is true."

"So our risk is really great." Yang Tianlong also said bluntly.

"But Huaxia Dragon, have you ever thought about it, our income is also very considerable." Ermem said seriously.

Yang Tianlong didn't speak, he just glanced at Ermim, he knew that Ermim hadn't finished speaking.

"Those timbers are not expensive, but they have a history of hundreds of years. They can't find a buyer right now, so they can only sell them cheaply. Once they find a buyer, they won't do that anymore. They will definitely be like The price is set like a rocket, and it may even be auctioned, so this is our only chance, if we really miss it, the chance will never come again.”

Yang Tianlong hesitated for a moment. He didn't carefully look at the virgin forest that Sebas said before, but now after Ermem said it, he immediately opened the electronic map and looked at the divided virgin forest. Hao Sheng took a closer look, and the trees there were indeed growing well. From the appearance, it was obvious that they were at least several decades old, and there were not a few trees that were hundreds of years old.

Let's be honest, they're really going to make a fortune.

In fact, Yang Tianlong also hesitated in his heart, after all, this kind of large-scale destruction of ecology.

But even if you don't destroy it yourself, someone will still destroy it in the future.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Yang Tianlong nodded lightly.

Emmim looked excited, "We can continue to cooperate with them in the future. Whether they rule tyranny or not is their business. As businessmen, making money is the most important thing. Some money will be earned against conscience. But no one is perfect, and that kind of person doesn't even exist in the game."

"Happy cooperation." Yang Tianlong said with a smile to Ermim.

"Happy cooperation." Umem smiled slightly.

 Thank you "Book Friends 20180209172520933" for your monthly ticket support, thank you brother
(End of this chapter)

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