Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 784 Claire in Afghanistan

Chapter 784 Claire in Afghanistan

Soon, Vasily brought Durul to Yang Tianlong's room.

Durul didn't come empty-handed, but with his laptop.

"Boss, Stones finally showed his feet." Durul said excitedly.

"Where is Mr. Claire now?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"In Afghanistan," Durul said.

"Affordable man?" Yang Tianlong and the others were a little dazed when they heard this place name.

How could this Mr. Clare go to Afghanistan?

"Listen to the recording." Seeing that these guys seemed a little disbelieving, Durul quickly turned on Stones' phone recording.

"Hello, Mr. Stones." A male voice rang.

"This is Zakyev's voice." Vasily jumped up suddenly.

However, he soon realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly sat down with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Zakyev."

"That Claire's mouth is still very hard, let him write something for us, but he just doesn't write." Zakyev said angrily.

"The instruments of torture don't work for him now?" Stones said.

"It doesn't work, this guy is too stubborn." Zakyev sighed, "Why don't you kill him."

"No, not yet, we need him." Stones said firmly.

"But he didn't say anything," Zakyev said.

"Wait for me another ten days, when my potion arrives, I guarantee that Claire will be as obedient as a watchdog." Stones said proudly.

"Is your potion really that effective?" Zakyev couldn't help but said.

"What do you think? This is clinically tested. You know Coulson. That guy used to take drugs. Drugs made him dare to do anything. This potion is a hundred times stronger than drugs. He will completely surrender you."

"Then what should he do if he resists?" Zakyev asked.

"This is done by injection. Could it be that you can't do this?" Stones said.

"I thought it was oral, so hurry up, my guys can't wait."

"Understood, are they still in Kandahar?"

"No, they've moved to Kafark now."


"Located in the mountains 150 kilometers west of Kandahar."

"How did you get there?"

"No way, the Mi Army has been active recently, so they can only move there."

"Old man, I have to criticize you for your suggestion. What do you say you took that bastard Claire to Afghanistan? It would be better to get it to your old lair, the Caucasus."

"Stones, this is your IQ problem. They will definitely think of the Caucasus Mountains. I know Vasily, he is as sensitive as a pug. In the Chechen War, if I hadn't run fast, I would have He got caught."

"After so many years, are you still afraid of him?" Stones' voice sounded a little mocking.

"No, it's not that I'm afraid of him, but that he's such a fucking beast." Zakyev said extremely angrily.

"Okay, Claire can torture him, but he must never let him die."

"I know." Zakyev said.


Listening to the recordings of Stones and Zakyev, they were sure that Claire was in Afghanistan, and in a small town called Kahak, which is 150 kilometers away from Kandahar, the second largest city in Afghanistan. road away.

"Who knows about the situation of Afghans?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but looked at everyone and asked.

This time no one made a sound.

Yang Tianlong himself doesn't know much about Afghanistan, he only knows that the country is still in war.

"The former Soviet company invaded Afghanistan in the 80s. According to the boss of my recruit company, they were dealt with badly by the local guerrilla organization at that time." Vasily said seriously.

Albuquer suddenly couldn't help but patted his thigh, "Old man, I know a guy who used to be a mercenary in Afghanistan, and he is very familiar with it."

"Where is he from?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"The ones in Kazakhstan, like Akinfeev, are nomads," Albuquer said.

"Can you make contact?"

"Let me try and see," Albuquer said.

"Okay, guys, now that the route is confirmed, let's prepare quickly. We don't need to carry any guns. After arriving in Afghanistan, I will take care of everything. What we have to do now is to gather people and apply for visas. Fly to Kandahar in three days."

"No problem, Hank and I are here to gather people and make plans. Some guys are not here, are we?"

"They are not far away. Let's gather at the airport on time tomorrow afternoon and stay overnight in Addis Ababa." Yang Tianlong said.

"Passport so fast?" Albuquerque was taken aback.

"I have a way." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"Okay, then let's hurry up and prepare." Soon, everyone was ready to leave.

"Vassili." Yang Tianlong stopped Vasily suddenly.

"What's the matter? Boss." Vasily asked involuntarily.

"The plan must be drawn up in detail, and the blacks will bring Doc along." Yang Tianlong urged.

Vasily nodded, "Understood, boss, don't worry, we will make a good plan for this time."

After Vasily left, the lively room just now became a little quieter. Yang Tianlong sat there for a while, and then took out his mobile phone.

Right now he needs Krisna's help.

In the past, he also gave Krisna a lot of gifts, and now is the time to see her performance.

She told Krisna about her needs, but unexpectedly, she readily agreed, and she said that all she needed was a photo, and she could even find someone to send them to Bunia for their passports.

"Thank you, I will thank you later." Yang Tianlong said gratefully.

"Hua Xialong, you are being polite to me, but I also need your help." Krisna suddenly lowered her voice.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help being startled, and said repeatedly, "What's the matter?"

"Ahem..." Krisna didn't know if she was really coughing or if she was a little embarrassed, she coughed gently for a while, and then said, "Can you give me the phone number of Lion Head?"

"This?" Yang Tianlong was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Krisna to ask him for the phone number of Lion Head, which surprised him very much.

"What's wrong?" Krisna's tone suddenly changed.

Yang Tianlong's mind was running fast, and he needed to give Krisna a satisfactory answer.

(End of this chapter)

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