Chapter 785
"Sorry, he's not in Bunia now." Yang Tianlong said quickly after thinking about it.

"He's not in Bunia?" Krisna was taken aback.

"Yes, he is now in the rainforest of Uganda, where the signal is not very good."

"What are you doing there?" Krisna's words became a little urgent.

"It is said that the ore was found there, and he went there for business. I haven't contacted him for several days. In this way, I will look up his mobile phone number for you later and send it to you."

"Not for the time being." Krisna's expression suddenly became a little downcast.

"Is it really unnecessary?"

"It's really unnecessary." Krisna said again.

"If you need it, you can tell me anytime, I think..., ahem..." Yang Tianlong didn't finish the rest of the words, because everyone understood.

After finishing the call with Krisna, Yang Tianlong hurriedly called Lion Head, and when Lion Head learned that Krisna was asking for his cell phone number, he couldn't help being surprised.

"What if she still asks me?" Yang Tianlong asked.

"This?" Lion Head also hesitated, and after thinking for a while, he still said, "Well, I happen to have two mobile phone numbers, and one of them will be shut down immediately for arrears. Give her my number."

Hearing the method of the lion head, Yang Tianlong couldn't help grinning, this f*cking method is a bit extreme.

But he quickly realized, "Then what if she pays for you?"

This question immediately stumped Lion Head, not to mention, there is really a possibility in this regard.

"Forget it for now, just take one step at a time and just give her the mobile phone number." Lion Head said quickly.

"Okay, I know your mobile phone number." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone, there was an unread text message.

When I opened the text message, I saw that it was sent by Krisna.

She still needs Yang Tianlong to give her Lion Head's cell phone number.

Without hesitation, Yang Tianlong sent Lion Head's cell phone number.

Fortunately, Krisna didn't bother him later, which made Yang Tianlong feel a little relieved.

The matter between men and women is the most delicate, and it is better to participate less.

It was already night now, and they originally planned to leave tomorrow night, so he only had one day left tonight, and he had to get the ammunition Jiang Zhaocheng and the others needed from the plane warehouse tonight.

Only the cabin is the most suitable place.

Yang Tianlong decided to go to the cabin now.

Unexpectedly, just as he walked out of the room, Jiang Zhaocheng also pushed open the door, and they happened to meet each other.

"Brother Yang." Jiang Zhaocheng said with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Jiang." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Are you going to take a long trip?" Jiang Zhaocheng asked.

Regarding this point, Yang Tianlong couldn't hide it, "Yes, we need to travel a long way."

"You can use my private jet, Bombardier, which can seat 30 people." Jiang Zhaocheng said calmly.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback, he didn't expect Jiang Zhaocheng to be so generous, and he lent his private jet to himself all of a sudden.

"I personally estimate that the destination of your trip will be far away, so after thinking about it, I decided to lend you a private jet. I now have routes in many countries around the world, so you can also reduce the next step as much as possible. action distance."

Yang Tianlong didn't hesitate this time, he needed to save Claire immediately, they were really racing against time right now, looking at the whole world, there are really very few flights that can fly directly to the capital of Afghanistan.

"When will the route be approved? Mr. Jiang." Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"Tomorrow night is the fastest, noon the day after tomorrow is the slowest, but you can rest assured that I can transfer the private jet to Bunia early tomorrow morning."

"Transfer the private jet over at noon tomorrow, we need it." Yang Tianlong said.

Jiang Zhaocheng nodded, "No problem, from now on the private jet is yours."

"Thank you, when we come back, let's discuss big plans together." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Jiang Zhaocheng nodded...

When they walked out of the hotel, everything around them was quiet, only the two black guards at the door were still full of energy. When they saw the boss, the two black guards immediately became respectful.

"Hi, boss." They said and gave a military salute.

"Hello." Yang Tianlong nodded with a smile.

"Does the boss need to go out?" A black guard who looked a little shrewd said quickly.

"I walk around." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Then shall we follow you?"

"No, I want to be quiet, you just need to perform your duties well." Yang Tianlong said as he stepped out of the door with his right foot.

When passing the apartment building, I saw that the inside was brightly lit, and countless laughter and laughter floated out of the apartment building.

The current living environment and living conditions of these black people are much better than before. Yang Tianlong remembers that when he first arrived in Bok Village, the environment here was quite bad, with low grass huts, muddy roads, everywhere. Visible trash...

At least for now, all of this no longer exists.

In order to help these black people get rid of their bad habits, Yang Tianlong and the others also thought of many ways. In the end, these guys became a lot more honest under the constraints of various rules and regulations.

In the square in the village, a large group of young men and women are singing and dancing, very happy.

Seeing the boss coming, a girl ran over quickly.

"Boss, can you dance with us?" the girl said with a begging look on her face.

Yang Tianlong smiled and couldn't help asking, "What kind of dance are you dancing?"

"It's the war dance in our village. It's a dance to send off warriors when they go out to battle." The girl said seriously.

"Yes, but I won't. Don't laugh at me." Yang Tianlong nodded without hesitation. He decided to have fun with these young men and women for a while before going to the cabin.

"We won't laugh at you, it's too late to thank you." The girl smiled.

"Okay, let's play with you for a while." Yang Tianlong said as he followed the girl to the square.

"Oh..." Seeing the benefactor approaching, these young people couldn't help bursting into cheers.

Many guys even took out their phones and took photos with Yang Tianlong.

After the group photo was finished, the young people in the village began to teach Yang Tianlong to dance this cheerful dance.

Dancing happily, Yang Tianlong only felt that all the troubles in his body disappeared.

 Thanks to "Small Bookworm", "Ming Yin", "Book Friends 20180405004323224" for the reward, and thanks to "139911" for the old man's monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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